dimanche 30 septembre 2018

Licenses, permits, zoning clearance to do direct sales at people homes and in firm?

Hi all!

Sory for the mistakes I do, I am not an English-speaking person.

Is it necessary to obtain licenses, permits, and zoning clearance to do direct sales at people homes and in firm premises?
I would like to do advertising campaigns in targeted locations. People will be offered an appointment for me to come around.


Bank account with business name of sole proprietorship?

Hi all!

Sorry for the mistakes I do, I am not an English-speaking person.

When a Sole Proprietorship uses a business name which is different from one's family name, is it possible to open bank account with the business name ?


jeudi 27 septembre 2018

Zen Cart

Does anybody have any recent experience with Zen Cart or comparable? I'm looking for an open source install in its own directory site. I mention zen cart because I used to be quite familiar with it. I'm not interested in something that integrates with WordPress right now or a site maker sort of solution.


Google Analytics

I could figure this out myself if I ever get a few free minutes but it has been a little quiet here lately so I will post this. Has anyone ever had Google analytics stop working just all of a sudden. I just happened to look at my stats on a few sites and one is working fine but two others show zero visitors in the last month. Now I guess it is possible that no one visited those two web sites or the other option is that out of the blue Google stopped tracking them. Both are WordPress sites by the way.

I am so swamped right now I don't have much time to see what is happening but at some point in the next few days I will try to visit both sites using both my home and my office computers then see if it shows my visit. That should at least pin down if it is no traffic or if Google tanked out on me.

Don't overlook the little things that may add up.

We all have very different businesses and what I am going to talk about in this post may not apply to some businesses.

I think we all know there are cash back credit cards out there. We started a few years ago to try to maximize our cash back and started to pay our vendors that would accept credit card payments with a credit card instead of a check. Of course we pay off the credit card in full each month. I was surprised when they sent a rep out to see if she could help us find things that we missed and could pay with a credit card and the big one she did find was our health insurance bill.

We do have more than one cash back card but I happened to get a statement in today's emails that gave me the total of our cash back from the start of the program It is:

$ 32,293.00

Sometimes we look for big ways to cut costs and those little ones can add up.

lundi 24 septembre 2018

Online businesses in Kenya

E-commerce or online business has encountered remarkable development following the creation of the web. The formation of new plans of action, for example, online organizations whereby the organization leads the greater part of its business on the web. The e-commerce sector is still in the formative stages in Kenya. In Kenya or much traditional business jumps in online business. The SM kollectionz is also one of the best online business sites. Here all the varieties of men and baby clothes are available.

lundi 10 septembre 2018

Facebook for business is dead to me now

I've about had it with Facebook and have decided to delete my Facebook business page.

Years ago Facebook conned us into creating business pages to engage with our customers and target audience who are already there. But that is not the case anymore. Mike Elgan's article in Computer World pretty much sums it up for me:


With Facebook’s “monopoly on everybody” — which is to say that Facebook has long been the social network with the most users and therefore the strongest network effects — companies were told that they had to be on Facebook because that’s where the customers were, and also because, on social media, messages can go viral, resulting in what is essentially free advertising.

After convincing companies to set up business pages on Facebook and encourage customers to show up on Facebook and “like” the pages, Facebook then proceeded to deliver only a small fraction of posts to only a small fraction of a company’s customers and fans.

A recent Ogilvy study shows that just 1% or 2% of a company’s fans actually see brand posts.

If you want to reach a few more of your own customers on Facebook, you have to pay Facebook.
It's not that I mind paying every now and then to boost a post. It's that now you have to pay to boost EVERY post if you want your followers to actually see it.
This has been an ongoing complaint by pretty much everyone with a business or "fan" page for a couple of years now.

The final straw for me was when I had to ask permission to change the name of my page, only to be denied and told I would have to start a new page and could not bring my followers with me. I appealed, won the appeal and then they changed my page name for me, to the wrong name. At that point it all culminated into "This is way too much trouble" for what I actually get out of it.

I know Facebook works for those who are running ads and are willing to boost every post, and brands who already have huge followings through various forms on marketing across the web, and other media. I also have clients, like bar owners who do well on Facebook to keep engaged with their local audience and customers.

I still beleive in Facebook ads and their ad technology for many kinds of businesses with appropriate budgets.

It's just not worth it for me and my type of business.

I'm still good with Twitter. Twitter is still what it promised. I post, people who follow me see the post. Also, I see the posts of people I follow, not the posts that Twitter thinks I'd rather see. Twitter works well for me to compartmentalize and see and engage with exactly what i asked to see and engage with.

As I've always said for years, don't put more effort into driving people to your social media profiles than you do your own website. Your website (and your mailing list) should always be the main focus of your online marketing efforts. It's yours, you own it, and you don't have to worry about someone else changing the rules of who can and can't see your content.

Am I the only one who's had it with Facebook business pages?

mardi 4 septembre 2018

What to look when buying baby clothes

Many parents enjoy when they have bought cloth for a newborn baby, especially new parents at first time. Newborn babies are always a gift for any parents.
The parents have no idea sometimes when first-time purchase baby cloth, the little sizes that won't fit for long. Parents should not buy more clothes the first time. Make your baby comfortable, buying limited cloth and escape waste of money. Just be sure to everything first.
1.Choose the perfect clothes size of your baby's age
2. Think about clothes is comfort or not
3.Keep Away From Designer Baby Clothes
4. Be selective when buying clothes