samedi 23 juin 2018

Suffolk County Home Improvement License Application

Hello all. Looking for a little guidance as to whether we should incorporate or do a sole proprietorship or LLC. Also not sure exactly what they are asking for in A or B in the license app below. Any advice would be great. Thanks so much.
We are opening a masonary company.

Attach the following to the application:
A) If incorporated, please provide a copy of New York State filing receipt.
B) If you are a d/b/a, please provide a d/b/a Certificate (Available from the Suffolk County Clerk’s
Office in Riverhead at (631) 852-2000.

lundi 18 juin 2018

question for people selling on Amazon or Ebay

I decided that I would try selling my highest margin item on Amazon, so I signed up to be a seller. Then discovered that all products have to have an EAN, UPC, ASIN, or one of another product identifier codes. My product doesn't have those so I would have to get one. Someone on Reddit Small Business told me to buy them from a reseller on Ebay, and to look for registered re-sellers to avoid fraudulent codes. I took a look and there are some on there who will email the codes to you, so that's easy enough.

Too easy, my red alert siren is going off. I asked one of the vendors how the number gets assigned to the particular item, and he said either the retailer or Amazon does it. I'm not dumb, I also checked out, one of the places where those numbers originate. It's not at all cheap there. Am I correct in thinking that even if I bought a number from an Ebay reseller, I'd still have to pay to register it to my product by paying or similar site?

jeudi 14 juin 2018

Anyone running into an issue with TLS1.2?

I was wondering if anyone else is running into an issue with TLS 1.2? Every year we have to do a PCI compliance to continue to accept credit cards. We always passed until this year. From what they are saying all credit card companies are no longer accepting SSL or TLS1 beginning at the end of this month. We are trying to wade through what we need to do to not have our credit card processing ability turned off. We were all in a fog about TLS 1.2 and had never heard of it until today. The info pack they gave us runs 69 pages and is way over our head. So I am curious if anyone on the forum knows anything about it?

samedi 9 juin 2018

Forum backlinks are worthless for SEO and here's why

As a forum admin I can obviously see every new user registration and every detail about where they come from. It's normal for a forum to get a ton of registrations for accounts that are never used, but the restant has taken the time to create backlinks to whatever their thing is.

Some of these are individuals who are still running on 2005 strategies, some are SEO "professionals" who think that is a successful strategy for their clients, and in rare cases its an automated script.

The reason these are futile SEO tactics is because all the tricks are old and I or the other admins are going to delete your account, block your IP, and put you in a blacklist database and a few other things :). Hardly worth the effort to keep changing IP addresses, identities, and emails to keep employing a strategy that does not work.

Also, Google doesn't give forum backlinks the weight they used to. Actually, they pretty much don't give them any. The old days of self manipulation are over.
Forum signatures are helpful for letting members get to know each other, promote their businesses, and maybe reach out for contact when you want to investigate doing business with someone.

But as an SEO strategy, that was over 5 years ago.

mardi 5 juin 2018

need a advice for my Animation Business

hello friends,
I am new to the forum. I need your advice to expand my animation business named as Animation Zoom. We provide high quality yet affordable animation services. There are hundreds of satisfied clients of Animation Zoom. Help me to which business strategy I should focus on for expansion?