lundi 18 juin 2018

question for people selling on Amazon or Ebay

I decided that I would try selling my highest margin item on Amazon, so I signed up to be a seller. Then discovered that all products have to have an EAN, UPC, ASIN, or one of another product identifier codes. My product doesn't have those so I would have to get one. Someone on Reddit Small Business told me to buy them from a reseller on Ebay, and to look for registered re-sellers to avoid fraudulent codes. I took a look and there are some on there who will email the codes to you, so that's easy enough.

Too easy, my red alert siren is going off. I asked one of the vendors how the number gets assigned to the particular item, and he said either the retailer or Amazon does it. I'm not dumb, I also checked out, one of the places where those numbers originate. It's not at all cheap there. Am I correct in thinking that even if I bought a number from an Ebay reseller, I'd still have to pay to register it to my product by paying or similar site?

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