lundi 20 août 2018

Small-business cybersecurity bill becomes law

Finally some good news and some help from the government. It's not a magic button, but at least it's some assistance and resources to help small businesses.
According to Symantec and The National Cyber Alliance

  1. Almost 50 percent of small businesses have experienced a cyber attack.
  2. More than 70 percent of attacks target small businesses.
  3. As much as 60 percent of hacked small and medium-sized businesses go out of business after six months.

For small business owners this is a critical issue.


[The President] recently signed into law the NIST Small Business Cybersecurity Act, which requires the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to develop and provide resources to protect small businesses’ digital assets from cybersecurity threats.
According to the bill, the resources must be implemented using technologies that are commercial and off-the-shelf, be based on international standards to the extent possible, include case studies of practical applications, and must include elements that promote awareness of simple, basic controls, a workplace cybersecurity culture, and third-party stakeholder relationships.

For those of you who are concerned about your businesses security, do you think this well help?

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