lundi 6 août 2018

Would you pay a monthly free to use Windows 10?

A few tech reporters including Mary Jo Foley of ZDNet's All About Microsoft are saying that Microsoft may start charging a monthly fee for Windows 10. This has kind of been rumoured for a while with Microsoft calling Windows a service.


In a new report, CNet’s well connected Microsoft specialist Mary Jo Foley reports the company will soon launch ‘Microsoft Managed Desktop’ which will charge a monthly fee to configure computers running Windows 10 and keep them running smoothly as new updates are released.

It appears that this will be rolled out to businesses first. Not sure if this will mean consumers too.

Like most everyone else I've used Windows for years. Decades. But I've become pretty comfortable with various Linux distros recently and my new favorite laptop is a Chromebook. Earlier this year I even stopped using Office 365. I doubt I would pay monthly for Windows now that I'm comfortable with other options and don't even use MS services much anymore, but I know millions of people are pretty much stuck.

Would you pay a monthly fee for Windows if it meant worry free updates, and maintenance?
If so, how much do you think is fair?

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