samedi 29 avril 2017

Web Development Services that Teach You

Hello, My name is Autif. I'm a web developer and I'm trying to offer something a little bit different. I've been to a few conventions looking for...

vendredi 28 avril 2017

Hello Everyone I'm Hayden Walkom

My name is Hayden Walkom and I am from Australia. Intending to start a little company at Greater area soon. I need lot of help and guidance from you, see ya around.

jeudi 27 avril 2017

Hello everyone

My name is Lopez and I am from Canada. Planning to start a small business at Toronto area soon. I need lot of advice and help from you guys, see ya around.

Real Estate Investing

Investing in real estate is as advantageous I would say it has three times more prospects of making money than any other business

Hi Everyone

We Sell any type of real estate whether it be commercial or residential in any state or condition only within the Australia

Business managing

Business administrating consist of having all the positions filled and knowing them as the boss and/or owner. As soon as there filled; you need to...

Coming up with the down payment proving difficult

I am wanting to become a new franchisee but in an established area. Judging from my screen name, you know in what service industry. The sale of the business is $305,000 but after franchise fees, closing costs, etc. we are looking at a total project cost of around $342,000. I am looking at getting an SBA loan and after having discussions with the bank, it has been determined that the best way to go is that we put 20% down, the seller does a 10% seller hold-back which I would pay over 5 years plus interest, then have the rest be financed. The plan actually sounds good to me other than one thing, the 20% is proving elusive. My question is this... Can I get a private investor that can serve as a lender to give me that 20% down without giving them equity but rather treating them as a lender? Or would that be looked upon as me incurring more debt and it would not count as assets? Is there a way around that? We have worked tirelessly on getting this business and we HAVE to find a way to do this. Please help as my family's financial future is depending on this working out.

mercredi 26 avril 2017

How good is my business name?

I'm a college student starting up a little business for some side money, first I'll start with the name. PC Vitality. What do we do? Tell me...

Hello Everyone I'm AndrewCato

Hello guys,i'm come from doing small business Real Estate I hope I can learn much here.. Thanks for letting me. :p:D

mardi 25 avril 2017


Financing should be considered before at the beginning; during and after your business venture. A tip is to make sure you have a good economical informative scale and a good economical presence; before and during.

Rafael Garcia; Pidio

lundi 24 avril 2017

Software Recommendations (payroll, accounting, Credit Card processing)

Currently starting a business and need some software recommendations. The business will at most have 2 employees in addition to the owner. It's a LLC...

New Here..

Hi Everyone, I joint new here. My Name is rehan shaikh from Dubai. I am writer. :)

dimanche 23 avril 2017

Website Creation

I'm in the process of starting a business. I need a simple website that looks great in both a desktop and mobile browser. I'd prefer to have it built. Please recommend me some companies and feel free to share any of their work.

I Need A Call Center With Live SMS - Solutions?

This is new to me, I'm not familiar with the terminology and was hoping for some help here, some links perhaps, etc. Many of my customers like to...

samedi 22 avril 2017

Success Is Yours Coach

My name is Lavina and I speak about mindset, confidence, and action.

I am 30 years old, I teach Certificate IV in Marketing, Diploma in Leadership and Management and Advanced Diploma in Marketing and Communication, I am the CEO of $999 Wedding Dresses, Aussie Bride Online and Lavina Quilliam Success is Yours Coach. My passion is to help as many people as I can. Changing people’s lives for the better makes me so happy, nothing feels better than giving. Just smiling at a random stranger makes me happy knowing that I made their day just a little brighter.

You can visit my website at LAVINA QUILLIAM – SUCCESS IS YOURS COACH, or check out my Lavina Quilliam Success is Yours Coach - Home | Facebook . I am committed to inspiring and empowering other women and entrepreneurs to go all in on the business and to step up as the leader that they are so they can have unstoppable confidence and have all that they desire.

jeudi 20 avril 2017

C-Corp start-up without payroll for a couple of years?

The day a business starts paying wages, there is a huge jump in tax, compliance, and accounting complexity. So .... how long could a freshly minted C-Corp start-up with one shareholder-director-officer do without, assuming the shareholder-director-officer has other sources of income?

At which point does the C-Corp have to start paying wages, and at which point should the C-Corp really start filing Form 941 in the following scenario:

1) At the first meeting of the Board of Directors, an Officer is elected and told that until the business starts making profits, wages shall remain zero.

- IRS Pub 15a says that Directors and Officers who perform "no or minor services" and "receiver no pay" are not employees for tax purposes.
- DOL Regulation 69 FR 22121 states that Employee-officers holding 20% or more equity ownership are exempt from FLSA (minimum wage, etc.) as Executive Employees, so no need for minimum wages.
- Some states do have their own rules for minimum wage, but let's assume we are in a state where that is not the case, for instance Texas.
- As long as the C-Corp does not pay out dividends to the shareholder-director-employee-officer, and no non-cash benefits that could be considered wages are provided, there are no wages being paid.

2) The C-Corp issues shares to the director-employee-officer in return for cash and a completed software product.

3) At some point the business can be considered "a going concern"; the business is ready and open for business. Business is slow but losses start to narrow.

4) The board decides that no wages should be paid until the C-Corp has accumulated enough for a big marketing campaign.

- A C-Corp is allowed to retain earnings (within limits) to re-invest and grow the business.

5) The C-Corp. contracts an external vendor to do the campaign, the business really takes off and the business starts paying wages, and files Form 941 for the first time

6) Happy ending (or not?)

Wage Subsidies

So, my employee received a government "award" for $4500 which goes towards to her wages. I pay it out of pocket, as an employer, and at the end of her contract, the government reimburses me for that award.

Is that considered income and should be accounted as such? I feel like it should be as it is a benefit to me as an employer, but at the same time the award is under my employee's name, not mine.

mercredi 19 avril 2017

Starting online retail business need advice!!!

I'm trying to start my own online retail business working from home. I currently live in Jacksonville, FL. I will be buying from wholesale distributors and reselling the items. I was going to file for an LLC but I'm sure if I need a sellers permit also on top of the license. Any ideas?


Hello ,friends here :)

Hello,everyone , my name is Alisa , a international sales from China .
I am new , hope to know more friends here and learning from each other :P

mardi 18 avril 2017

New to the forum

Hi Everyone. I joined this forum in hopes of being a resource to any SMB that may be struggling with decisions to hire sales managers or a sales team. I can help with training, coaching and implementing processess that will ensure success for your new manager and team. I hope to help and learn!

How to increase Shelf Life Of Aloe ver Gel

Need help with this. Can any tell me that How can I increase Shelf Life Of Aloe ver Gel for upto 12 months?

Introducing Argive: A Yelp for Regulations!

Hi all, we’re Argive - a new Silicon Valley non-profit that's working to make it easier for entrepreneurs to start and run their own business. Our mission is to make regulations (permitting, legal compliance, etc.) simpler for small businesses, which requires us to identify which rules to focus on first!

We’d love to get your feedback on any rule or regulation that comes to mind at The survey should take no more than about 5-10 minutes to complete. We're interested in hearing about both unnecessary red tape as well as beneficial rules that should be kept and improved upon.

By collecting feedback from businesses across the country, we'll be able to make a real difference in how we communicate with government agencies. We’ll also share what we learn with you so that you can better navigate some common regulatory hurdles when it comes to starting a business in your state or industry.

We're still in our early stages, so we'd appreciate any comments or feedback you have for us - and please don’t hesitate to reply here if you have any questions!

What is Bulk WhatsApp Marketing ?

WhatsApp, the social messaging service acquired by Facebook in 2014, is the world’s fastest-growing communication app. As on January 2015, half a billion people around the world were regular, active WhatsApp users. These users are sharing more than 700 million photos and 100 million videos every single day. In India, its more popular than Facebook and even our maids are on WhatsApp now. It has already replaced SMS and fast becoming our primary mode of communication.
Tejarat provides you the Whatsapp marketer tool which does everything for you! This software has helped hundreds of marketers to generate new sales leads and promotions, product awareness & increased brand image, this also can help you to generate a new social media marketing strategy to maintain a presence in the target market. Using WhatsApp marketing you can easily send massive amount of WhatsApp messages to your targeted customers. As we all know WhatsApp is really a great tool for messaging.
With WHATSAPP TURBO - You can send message to users individually only and very fast. Also, you can create and delete end number of groups, create broadcast list and also send message individually. In Single license of Group Turbo you can open multiple applications in the same system for sending the different message or fast sending but system must has the RAM size according to opened application for smooth running. You need to purchase software license and Channels separately. Software has 1 year validity where channel has no validity after purchase.
The features of this software include sending individual message, Group Message and Broadcasting, creatingWhatsApp channels from your end, adding Unlimited WhatsApp channels, checking channel's current status, exporting blocked or unblocked channels, deleting blocked or unblocked channels, sending 1000 messages per hour, seeing personalized inbox messages which are sent by customers.
Other important features include sending messages in text, image, video, audio, PDF & vCard files, easily uploading contact list in the software, saving message sent report, saving message delivered report, saving message failed report, Whatsapp message forwarding option, Google location sharing and Pause or Resume sending WhatsApp message.
It’s a desktop based bulk WhatsApp marketing software and it is connected with NOX player (a desktop based android platform) and the messages are being sent by every individual channels. This software has one of the most advanced and WhatsApp lookalike features that you can expect out of an automation tool for sending bulk WhatsApp messages.
For more info. Connect us on:
Skype ID- anam_250 & &
Email - &

lundi 17 avril 2017

Greetings from Latvia. Alvils speaking.

Good morning, afternoon, evening.
Want to greet everyone reading this. I want to share my life position with you right now. My name is Alvils Laganovskis. I'm 21 years young, currently running through last year of Bechelor's degree in Public Relations, and I have worked in that area for 1 year. I live in Latvia, Riga. I'm proud of my country and my origin.
Me and my friends, I would love to call them colleagues, are watching into the brighter financial future for ourselves, and hopefully for someone who need job, so we could provide them with this opportunity, and open our own business, our own deal. Economical situation in Latvia is not the best one, but so I said, i'm real patriot of my beloved country and I believe with all my hearth, that my homeland is able to give me chance to make my own thing, so I can give something back.
Even i'm studying social sciences, i'm not looking forward into starting business in that field. (not now for sure). I think I need to mention that one of my good and trustful friends is ending his Bechelor's degree in economics, and he also had some experience with helping and being part of few business deals and is able to make proper business plan.
Thank you for your time reading this, I will post my ideas in other threads, so keep in touch and have a nice day.

dimanche 16 avril 2017

Review my site

Hi everyone,
I`ve started new blog in Home & Garden niche, Need feedback from experts review for my website, ( design, targeting, everything).

samedi 15 avril 2017

Maximum LTV - Restaurant financing

What is the maximum LTV I can get for a franchised restaurant acquisition? I would be a first time owner and this deal would not involve real estate.


jeudi 13 avril 2017

Buying web traffic

Hello fellow internet marketers,

I wanted to make a post about this for a while but I've been really busy. I have some comments and some questions and I would love to hear all of your views my friends. Now for my current offers, I usually us the following methods to advertise: free social media posts, ppc, and Solo Ads. I am not going to lie and say that these methods are the best becase sometimes I make sales and sometimes I barely breakeven and sometimes I have terrible bad runs. I've noticed recently a major increase in cheap web traffic/visitors sellers where they sell you bulk web traffic and they claim to send you targeted traffic, fresh leads, high conversions, etc. I personally tried one just out of curiousity and then when I tracked the was extremely not I asked for a refund and blocked it within a day of starting the campaign. I know someone who actually purchased for really cheap guaranteed sign ups...and he got tons of those REAL HUMANS sign ups (since the form that they had to fill out was really complicated) but after making a couple of grands out of this, his affiliate network claimed that his traffic was fake and they terminated his account. So these are the only two experiences I had about buying bulk web traffic. Now, after mentioning all of the above, I am wondering why these bulk sellers still exist and have alot of customers? Are most of these customers new internet marketes who are not tracking the fake traffic they are ceiving or is there a little secret behind this which maybe I am not aware of? Does any of you buy bulk packages...why do you do that (is it just to increase your domain ranking?) and which reliable sources do you recommend if any even exist? Please all share your thoughts....I would love to hear your opinion about this matter.

Restaurant POS Systems

Hello Friends,

I want to suggest to you if you are looking for Restaurant POS Systems in Ambawadi (Ahmedabad). you can go with

mardi 11 avril 2017

Help! Questions regarding online business (FDA regulations)

I have a tough question for everyone!

I'm located in California and want to sell within the United States. If I'm selling a product online that is made from something edible (think brownies), but is not intended to be eaten would I still have to get a permit or go through FDA? I'm using it to mold into something, but its not meant to be eaten. We will be labeling the packaging with DO NOT CONSUME as well as stating explicitly on our website. Any ideas?

Good free alternative to Gmail Boomerang?

Hello everyone. I'm not sure this is the right topic to answer this question, but I'll give it a shot.
I'm looking for good Gmail extension like Boomerang to schedule emails and make reminders, preferably for free. I need to schedule a lot of work related emails, but can't afford Boomerang because there are other more important things I need to pay for. Thank you in advance.

lundi 10 avril 2017

Do you use a 3-2-1 backup plan?

I know I talk a lot about security, but with this being a small business forum and the rash of attacks on small businesses these days I feel it's something we all need to talk about.

Ransomware is an epidemic that is killing businesses. Basically it's a spear phishing attack, meaning you or your employees mistakenly let it in by clicking spoofed emails, (or bring it in via another device on the network like your infected phone) and it takes over your computer or network, locking you out of it and your files until you pay the ransom to get the unlock key.

Sounds like it's too obvious not to get clipped by it, but it's about 60% of all hacks these days, and small businesses are the the most frequent target because they are the easiest targets.

A 3-2-1 backup plan is simple to execute and can save you from disaster.

1. Keep at least three copies of your data
That includes the original copy and at least two backups.

2. Keep the backed-up data on two different storage types
The chances of having two failures of the same storage type are much better than for two completely different types of storage. Therefore, if you have data stored on an internal hard drive, make sure you have a secondary storage type, such as external or removable storage, or the cloud.

3. Keep at least one copy of the data offsite
Even if you have two copies on two separate storage types but both are stored onsite, a local disaster could wipe out both of them. Keep a third copy in an offsite location, like the cloud.

Feasibly if disaster strikes you could literally snatch the drives out of all of your computers, apply your back ups and never skip a beat. No back ups, or outdated backups, or worse only 1 backup and it gets corrupted too, and you are SOL. No way to turn back time.

My own back up system is a secondary HDD drive on my computer that is nothing but storage. No programs or the OS. 2 External drives. NAS ( network attacked storage), and a cloud back up account. I started doing this when I experienced a drive failure years ago that almost destroyed me.

Do you all back up? If so how many?

Good free alternative to Boomerange Gmaail?

Hello everyone. I'm not sure this is the right topic to answer this question, but I'll give it a shot.
I'm looking for good Gmail extension like Boomerang to schedule emails and make reminders, preferably for free. I need to schedule a lot of work related emails, but can't afford Boomerang because there are other more important things I need to pay for. Thank you in advance.

affiliate, dropshipping to make money by use Facebook ads

Right now run affiliate are quite hard. The accounts to do that often be ban very quickly if you don’t have great cloaking skill.
But if you run good and need an account can spend huge budget per day, let pm me.
We offer provide Google and Facebook premium ad accounts for rent.
My skype : duytung211

dimanche 9 avril 2017

Business License Question

Myself & a friend are looking to get a business license to start selling clothing. We are going to use his house as our business headquarters. The issue I am running into is that his house is in a county that isn't where we will doing a vast majority of our sales. To start, every transaction will be person to person. So the question is do we have to have a business license in both counties?

vendredi 7 avril 2017

Building Business Credit

We show business owners how to build business credit fast. Our free business credit program is easy to use and our online credit coach is available to answer questions. Find out how to get the money you need for your business.

jeudi 6 avril 2017

Please Review

Hello Folks! I'm launching a new side business in the very niche market of Flight Simulation. Essentially, I act as a marketplace for all flight simulation software and hardware(coming soon). Here is my site: Flight Sim Software & Hardware Shop - Flightdeckshop

I would appreciate some feedback. The shop is based on WooCommerce for Wordpress.

mercredi 5 avril 2017

Do you use Skype?

I keep trying to like it, and I just can't. I hate logging in because I immediately get spam messages. I still don't feel like it's user friendly, and it's just not as smooth as Go To Meeting.

I know a lot of business people use it, especially when working in teams, but it just makes me sad to use.

Am I alone?

Need help/advice selling stuffs online

Howdy from Houston,TX :)

I'd like to start selling everyday items online via Ebay Amazon or thru a website im working on. There are a few things i'd to ask before i start my business.

Who has the cheapest shipping rates?
How much per year for unlimited shipping under 2 lbs?
Whats ebay/ Amazon commission?
Does anyone know of a reputable wholesaler in Houston?


lundi 3 avril 2017

60% of hacked small businesses are closed in 6 months

Ran across this Oct, 2016 article over the weekend.


The U.S’ National Cyber Security Alliance found that 60 percent of small companies are unable to sustain their businesses over six months after a cyber attack. According to the Ponemon Institute, the average price for small businesses to clean up after their businesses have been hacked stands at $690,000; and, for middle market companies, it’s over $1 million.
60% of small companies that suffer a cyber attack are out of business within six months. – The Denver Post

It coincides with other articles and reports that I've been reading over the last couple of months that hackers are targeting small businesses more than ever because they are easy targets.

From my own observations, the average small business has the attitude that they have nothing a hacker would want, so it's not important enough to worry about.
This line if thinking is flawed because of

1. Lack of education about who hackers are. Most think they're all state sponsored organized groups who create elaborate programs to force their way into a network with DDOS attacks, and only go after big targets. That is not true. Most hackers are small time individuals who have learned how to use basic software to make your life a living hell to make some money. Most exploitation software is open source and free to download. You just need to learn how to use it...which anyone can do on You Tube.

Anyone within reach of your wifi can hack you. But most attacks happen because people unwittingly let them in via phishing, spear phishing or other social engineering tricks.

2. No understanding about what is valuable.

I talked to one of my clients about their security last week. They're developing proprietary software and hardware for virtual reality. They assured me that all of their designs and proprietary info is properly secured. Awesome. I asked what about their employee records, contact lists and information, investor info and accounting?

They asked why would anyone be interested in that?

A few weeks ago it was reported that a small business in Cincinnati, a medical office was hacked. You know how they discovered it? Employees started filing their taxes and getting denial letters stating that their taxes had already been filed and paid out.

Small businesses are easy targets because most have no security, aren't concerned about it, and a decent hacker can make a good score just by stealing the info of 10 people, and 10 people they know and so on.

Bottom line, if you're in business and use computers to run that business, it's not just about your personal security, you have an obligation to everyone who's information you have on your system including clients and employees.

I know it feels like I'm always sounding this alarm, but small businesses are now the majority or reported hacks to an estimated tune of 4k attacks a day. It's a blood bath out there and hackers are picking people off left and right. Do you think ANY law enforcement agency has the manpower to investigate 4k hacks a day? Even if they did, they can't catch every perpetrator in countries from all over the world.

It's going to be up to you to learn, and protect yourself. The government or Google is not coming to the rescue with an easy button to solve this.

Is anyone concerned? Has anyone started learning more about protecting themselves?
Just curious where everyone is on this, and why they think it is or isn't that important?

dimanche 2 avril 2017

Quarterly taxes


It is my favorite time of the year - paying taxes :cool::cool:

Seriously tho, are you gals/guys in the process of sending your quarterly taxes to the IRS? And also, is it for January, February & March or is April included as well when you have to send it in April?
Also, you only pay based on your net income, not gross, correct? And is it OK to send the check now before April 18th?


Removing limits of PayPal

Hi fellow business ladies/gentlemen,

For those in the US, you know that there is a 1k withdraw limit of your PayPal account. To remove it, you need to provide your social. I am a little on the fence since I do not like giving my social number to anyone who isn't the government, have you done it and was everything OK?

samedi 1 avril 2017

New business

Starting a new business consist of a plan and immediate action. First thing you should do is find out all aspects of the plan before starting; Legal and non-legal. Second thing is; finish off the plan and get things started. Financial stability is essential; plus the ability to do numbers. When every aspect; Financial is met, then things should be inputed, processed and outputed. Making sure everything goes right takes alot of effort and reading, so don't assume positive results unless you "know what your doing". After this business is manifested you'll realize your further steps.