mardi 18 avril 2017

Introducing Argive: A Yelp for Regulations!

Hi all, we’re Argive - a new Silicon Valley non-profit that's working to make it easier for entrepreneurs to start and run their own business. Our mission is to make regulations (permitting, legal compliance, etc.) simpler for small businesses, which requires us to identify which rules to focus on first!

We’d love to get your feedback on any rule or regulation that comes to mind at The survey should take no more than about 5-10 minutes to complete. We're interested in hearing about both unnecessary red tape as well as beneficial rules that should be kept and improved upon.

By collecting feedback from businesses across the country, we'll be able to make a real difference in how we communicate with government agencies. We’ll also share what we learn with you so that you can better navigate some common regulatory hurdles when it comes to starting a business in your state or industry.

We're still in our early stages, so we'd appreciate any comments or feedback you have for us - and please don’t hesitate to reply here if you have any questions!

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