mercredi 28 février 2018

Handmade from Germany

Dear Sir / Madam,

we are a small German manufacturer of different handmade products made of felt and leather.

The items that we offer are not only handmade but also of high quality.

Moreover, we offer attractive purchase prices so our potential business partner could certainly generate his own profits.
We design and develop our products entirely by ourselves and we do our best to launch novelties constatntly. We bring the new products into the market almost every month.

We have been successful on the German market so we would like now to expand and export our products to the United States. In order to achieve this aim we are looking for one ore more American partners / distributors. We are aware of the fact, that this step will not be so easy for us, as a small business based in Germany, mostly due to the geographic distance and the lack of knowledge on the Amrican market.

We expect to cooperate with the companies selling our products via online platforms such as and other. We have already started placing our items on so that the potential business partner could only "attach himself" on the finished products.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you are interested in such kind of cooperation.

Yours sincerely,

Venetto Team

Attaining further education for an own business

Hello there,
i want to attain further education which could help me as business owner.
In germany there are several institutions for that like : ,but i want it on an international base. So i can network internationally at the same time.
So basically what im looking for is an international version of the german institutions that are listed above.

Kind regards


dimanche 25 février 2018

Role of existing shareholder loan when buying a business

Hi, I am looking at buying a business through a share purchase. On the last balance sheet there was a shareholder loan (due to shareholders) of...

samedi 24 février 2018

"French from 974" introducing himself

My post has disappeared after editing !

Here it is again :

Hi to everybody !

As my pseudonym tells you, I am french (from a very distant and remote location whose code is 974).
Sorry for all the english mistakes I'll do. That's the reason why I use this pseudo. People can see at once I am foreigner who is not fluent in english.

I have discovered your country in 2015 (Florida). I decided to settle here as soon as possible because I feel better in the USA than in France (which is now a decadent country). Unfortunately it is not possible for the moment due to family problems.

So I take much informations possible in order to be able to work when i'll be here.

I would like to register a sole proprietorship as to make a product I intend to sell to a network of partners that would buy it to sell and install it. As it is a new process and product without competitors, I suppose they will be happy to do the rate they want.

Of course, I will have to get answers to several questions, because I know nothing about the laws and rules of the USA. That's the reason why I've registered in this forum.

The first question I'm going to ask (I do not know where yet*) is: Can a foreigner, so someone who does not have US citizenship neither a green card can register a sole proprietorship? Is a work visa enough ?

Before the moment I will settle in the USA, I will have to do or make do some market studies as to determine the best retail tariff in comparison with the costs. People who will agree to do so, will probably be my first business partners.

vendredi 23 février 2018

Working with Developers to "Make a Buck" and for Hosting Marketing?

Hello, I just thought of an idea and it of course it "looks good on paper" but I would like to understand if it *practical and such*. My idea...

jeudi 22 février 2018

FREE social media marketing & management from my established agency for YOUR business

Hi there,

Long-time lurker, making a separate account here from my normal social one for this – some of you may or may not know that over the past few months, I've used this wonderful resource and pool of knowledge that is small business forums to gain not only invaluable advice, but even long-term clients, and since my social media marketing & management agency has now grown to 15 employees strong, I wanted to give something back to the community.

My agency, Social Gainer, was born out of the vision to provide an affordable, quality service – the average social media marketing and management agency will charge $3,000 - $4,000 a month; we provide exactly the same as them, and more on top, for a literally **negligible price** that any business could afford – obviously I can't disclose the exact figure, but to even the smallest or newest of businesses, it's an insignificant cost (that doesn't sacrifice on quality!) – and anyway, unlike most, we aim to provide our clients a return on investment through social media, so it's more like we're paying you, to work for you, if that makes sense? 😉

At this point, we've taken on a wide variety of clients, from one of the largest home brewing suppliers in North America, to a $2mil funded Silicon Valley self-driving start-up, several small local businesses and a completely new online blog.

Anyway – here's what we're willing to offer your business, regardless of whether you're a fresh start-up, local independent business, or corporate empire – for free, for two weeks:

A guarantee to grow your social media profiles by 1000% in at least two areas.

Two Twitter posts a day, and a Facebook and Instagram post every Monday, Thursday and Saturday (such are the best days for viewership and engagement) – with the whole schedule of posts across all platforms approved by you 100% beforehand, so you know exactly what's going out.

A fully comprehensive report at the end of the two weeks, detailing in precise terms the progress of all your social media platforms, such as followers and likes gained, alongside extensive research into your potential future growth, return on investment and indeed your online demographic and market (this being how to identify and attract your core customer base – and more still, grow it!)

24/7 General support and advice on any matters pertaining to online presence coupled with consultancy advice on online marketing and presence

Let me be clear: this is a free, two week, no strings attached offer from us to you; quite simply, if you think we're worth the investment at the end of it, then feel free to take us on full time – we pride ourselves in being highly affordable. But, if you didn't want to stay on with us, that would be fine and we'd wish you all the best.

If you'd like to take up on this unique, free opportunity then please get back to me at, I can only take on so many people, so if in doubt, get in contact - as soon as possible! If you'd like, it would be wonderful, as part of our offer, to sit down and have a face to face meeting via Skype so we can get acquainted and go through the finer details, although if just going between E-Mail is more your style, then that's great too.

We look forward to hearing from you soon,

Sebastian, Founder of Social Gainer;

P.S. - It doesn't matter if you haven't got social media accounts for your business, we'd be glad to help with that!


> "Sebastian has been working on accounts for me and really is a tremendous help. I would recommend him to anyone who needs some help in the social media area. My account has really grown in following and interaction in just over a few weeks"

> "I don't think I'd have it as big as I do now if it wasn't for your help"

Brian Meiggs, founder and current owner of Millennial Money Guide


> After only a few weeks of Social Gainer running GT Hair's social profiles, over $300 in sales was attracted verifiably and directly from social media – this was a firm which had under 100 followers when we took them on.

Basic manual for a Dropship company

Hello guys,
i am pretty new here in this community and im thinking of starting an minimum risk business..
first thing that came to my mind was some kind of dropship business, but I dont really know much about it.
Id be very thankful if someone could teach me the fundamentals.

kind regards


[Question / Opinion] -> Member of the Game Industry

Hello Community:).

I'm new here.

I would like to introduce myself:

I'm from Germany, near Munich.
I would call myself a private businessman. In the field: Advising companies, Ideas suggestions Analyst, Marketing, Support.

Would like to become a member of Games Industry (Puplisher & Game Developer).

More details below:

I am looking for a partnership in the gaming industry, either purely private or on business. Since I live in Germany, this is an external contact, which is not a problem.

I would do all this as a freelancer and also invest money in the company like: marketing, support, community, everything you can do externally.
(from my own salary). As an employee or member of the company.

Since I wanted to ask you, if that is even possible and what you mean?

Would be nice for your opinion.


Sssymyprom store offer 80% off their product

Sassymyprom has a lot of occation and wedding dresses in their store.

mercredi 21 février 2018

Sole Proprietorship vs. LLC or corp for tax purposes

Hi all :)

I run my own business out of my home in the USA. It is just me - no partners and no employees. Thus far, I have been doing business as a Sole Proprietorship. All of the income comes directly to me, under my name. My understanding is that it would have made no difference when it came to paying taxes; the rate would have been the same.

Now I am being told, that with Trump's tax plan, I would benefit from having a business; the business would take the income and pay the taxes instead of me personally, and therefore, I would pay a lower tax rate. I think the idea is that the tax plan has lowered the business rate, and not the personal income rate (at least for the tax bracket I am in).

So, I am hoping that there are those out there who can tell me if all of this is true, and if I should have the income directed (for lack of a better word) to the business.

If so, can it be an LLC, or does it need to be a Corp?

And what of my personal "salary"? If it's just me, all of the income is technically mine anyway, but if the income goes to the business, and than I pay myself, do I pay "extra" tax on that? Or would that be double taxation?

Finally, would this alleviate the self-employment tax?

Thank you in advance.

mardi 20 février 2018

website designing institute in gurgaon

Bis is provide to best training of website designing and it give to chance that you improve your knowledge in web designing and other skill.

LLC Partnership and splitting profits

Hello, My partner and I just established ourselves as an LLC doing consulting in education. We agreed that profits and work load would be 50/50....

lundi 19 février 2018

For home sellers or agents out there - here's a fun meme to review

Yuuup. ;)

How to make your own coupons website on different CMS?

Why don’t you planning to create your own coupons/discount voucher website?

It’s really wise idea if you have planned to create a business model which includes coupons then surely your business will become the most famous in this e-commerce business platform.

Confusing you? Where & how to create a coupon business website?

Don't get confused!

Before building your coupon business website you must know about how people are travelling in this digital business world and especially what they are expecting while they purchase via online business websites like Paytm, Groupon etc. Yes,
In the United Kingdom, people love to purchase only on offer giving websites. So discount voucher business website always offering the best coupons to the audience which improves the traffic steadily.

So now you are on the perfect path to start a coupon business website which makes you richest entrepreneur! But with a great winning strategy! Here one of the best coupon website solutions which are serving the current trending coupon business with 5000+ UK stores! To learn how you can make your own coupons website within 10 minutes. Click the link below and read the article: How to make your own coupons website?

Bonus: Try to use .coupon domain, it will help you in ranking your keywords.

How to prevent workplace harassment

Regardless of how big or small your business is, surroundings where harassment is tolerated leads to miserable employees, high turnover, and an...

5 Tips to Prevent Workplace Harassment

Avoid workplace distress and prevent sexual misconducts in your organisations before they turn into those million dollar lawsuits with a few simple...

jeudi 15 février 2018

Looking for co-founders in tech startup

Hi folks - I am looking into forming a startup company for electronic industry products and more specifically products that address power integrity...

mercredi 14 février 2018

Help or advice to re-configure or re-purpose my website

I created website on May 10, 2015 with the idea of creating a different type of niche in the travel/tourist business. I am using SocialEngine version 4.8.12 as the platform, and installed several hundred dollars of plugins. According to statistics (February 12 2018) there were 445-page views with a total of 2,170,147 to date. However, I’m not sure how relevant those numbers are.

I became seriously ill for quite awhile, and was unable to maintain or further develop the site. But, I always thought I would get around to working on it at some point in time. Given the blistering speed that the internet moves at today, I have probably missed the opportunity I had in mind.

So, I’m looking for creative and helpful ideas how I might re-purpose the current php program for a different use. As a matter of interest there is no physical address or telephone number because the site is in limbo. Have a look around the site, and if you have questions please pm me.

Thank you for your interest.


lundi 12 février 2018

Anybody to help with user testing? I can offer advertising credit

Hi, I would really appreciate your help. We need a few people to give their opinion about what they think about our app. Anybody would help us...

Help or advice to re-configure or re-purpose my website

I created website on May 10, 2015 with the idea of creating a different type of niche in the travel/tourist business. I am using SocialEngine version 4.8.12 as the platform, and installed several hundred dollars of plugins. According to statistics (February 12 2018) there were 445-page views with a total of 2,170,147 to date. However, I’m not sure how relevant those numbers are.

I became seriously ill for quite awhile, and was unable to maintain or further develop the site. But, I always thought I would get around to working on it at some point in time. Given the blistering speed that the internet moves at today, I have probably missed the opportunity I had in mind.

So, I’m looking for creative and helpful ideas how I might re-purpose the current php program for a different use. As a matter of interest there is no physical address or telephone number because the site is in limbo. Have a look around the site, and if you have questions please pm me.

Thank you for your interest.


dimanche 11 février 2018

Finding potential employees?

The thread about background checks made me think about another topic that I will post here. I know we have a lot of one man businesses but for those...

samedi 10 février 2018

Convert BTC currency on peypal

Say please, you pals had experience with X-Crypto selling BTC currency with having funds with Ppal record? This web page offers attractive deal: €11697 for Bitcoin! If anybody deal with the web portal?

vendredi 9 février 2018

new business

HI Follow business people My name is phaladi new in this forum, I have just stated a cleaning services company based is South Africa, have 50...

Blog Post: Travel Goals meets Career Goals

Hi everyone. I'm a starting Virtual Assistant. Please help me through reading my blog post. Thanks. Ever wonder how to earn a living while having...

mercredi 7 février 2018

Logo Design

I am looking at options for a logo, I have visited fiverr, 99Designs, etc. There appears to be some talented artists out there. What I don't know is...


Hey, offrs here. Looking forward to learning and sharing with the community! Have a lot of start-up, entrepreneurial, online and offline tech...

samedi 3 février 2018

Lottery tips advertising

I run a website that give tips for the California and Texas lotteries.Does anyone know of a good advertising firm who can promote my website?

Lottery tips advertising

I run a website that give tips for the California and Texas lotteries.Does anyone know of a good advertising firm who can promote my website?

jeudi 1 février 2018

How i financed my business

I was working on a Restaurant small factory Project but unfortunately the bank rejects to finance project due to the new policy until a friend...

How i financed my business

I have been unable to get loan due to my bad credit score until i a friend introduced me to a private lender... I got a loan of $150,000 from the...