lundi 12 février 2018

Help or advice to re-configure or re-purpose my website

I created website on May 10, 2015 with the idea of creating a different type of niche in the travel/tourist business. I am using SocialEngine version 4.8.12 as the platform, and installed several hundred dollars of plugins. According to statistics (February 12 2018) there were 445-page views with a total of 2,170,147 to date. However, I’m not sure how relevant those numbers are.

I became seriously ill for quite awhile, and was unable to maintain or further develop the site. But, I always thought I would get around to working on it at some point in time. Given the blistering speed that the internet moves at today, I have probably missed the opportunity I had in mind.

So, I’m looking for creative and helpful ideas how I might re-purpose the current php program for a different use. As a matter of interest there is no physical address or telephone number because the site is in limbo. Have a look around the site, and if you have questions please pm me.

Thank you for your interest.


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