samedi 24 février 2018

"French from 974" introducing himself

My post has disappeared after editing !

Here it is again :

Hi to everybody !

As my pseudonym tells you, I am french (from a very distant and remote location whose code is 974).
Sorry for all the english mistakes I'll do. That's the reason why I use this pseudo. People can see at once I am foreigner who is not fluent in english.

I have discovered your country in 2015 (Florida). I decided to settle here as soon as possible because I feel better in the USA than in France (which is now a decadent country). Unfortunately it is not possible for the moment due to family problems.

So I take much informations possible in order to be able to work when i'll be here.

I would like to register a sole proprietorship as to make a product I intend to sell to a network of partners that would buy it to sell and install it. As it is a new process and product without competitors, I suppose they will be happy to do the rate they want.

Of course, I will have to get answers to several questions, because I know nothing about the laws and rules of the USA. That's the reason why I've registered in this forum.

The first question I'm going to ask (I do not know where yet*) is: Can a foreigner, so someone who does not have US citizenship neither a green card can register a sole proprietorship? Is a work visa enough ?

Before the moment I will settle in the USA, I will have to do or make do some market studies as to determine the best retail tariff in comparison with the costs. People who will agree to do so, will probably be my first business partners.

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