mardi 29 mai 2018

Book Cheap Flights Tickets, Discounted Airline Ticket & Airfares deals @USCheapTicket

Looking for Book Cheap Flights Tickets or Discounted Airfare Deals? UsCheapTicket offers cheap airline tickets for Book Cheap Flight Tickets Online at Lowest Airfares.Get Discounted Airline Tickets & Book Flight Tickets on Low Cost Airline Tickets with the most trusted online travel agency!

Please review and/or suggest improvements for this product description

One of my new products has been getting really high page visits ever since I listed it, but no purchases. A few days ago I tweaked the description to make it more appealing and customer-friendly. (The original was copied from the manufacturer's website, and overly technical.) Copywriting is something I'm still learning to do well. Can you guys take a look and let me know if you think it reads well now, or is it still bad?

You can find it here.

lundi 28 mai 2018

Why Social Media Marketing is needed for bussiness ?

Because it is the right solution at right time can ensure an exponential business growth for your company.

jeudi 24 mai 2018

Pets as art

I visit a Chinese buffet and they have a large aquarium that is completely black on the inside (black background, black gravel bottom). The fish are large gold fish, and they are illuminated from the lights on the top of the tank. It is dramatically beautiful and hypnotic to watch the fish illuminated in the darkness. I love watching it, but I could never own one because to me it is using live animals for aesthetic purpose. What are y'alls thoughts about this?

mercredi 23 mai 2018

How can I promote my website in Other Countries

Hi friends ,

I would like to know, How can i promote my website in other countries?

DO I need to do off page link building in USA sites or any other ways to do ??

vendredi 18 mai 2018

Review Management Software that helps SEO?

Does anyone have experience with a review management software that will help my SEO and have my business reviews go to MY website and not some random website?

jeudi 17 mai 2018

Need to file a DBA (or fictitious business name), how many permutations

do I really need to cover?

Sorry for the message spanning the title and into the body of the post. So I bought the domain for my rebranded shop. I'm keeping the business registered under Something Special Pet Supplies, but want to do business as (slowly transition over the rest of the year for marketing/branding purposes) "Sit. Stay safe!". Obviously I need to have the DBA form list:

Sit. Stay safe!

What else? Do I really need to include the dot-com? The proper name on all my marketing collateral/visible branding is just going to be the first name.

mercredi 16 mai 2018


I had a thriving business but had some serious health problems and the business failed. I have had no income since Dec 2016 except for social security which I just started receiving. I haven't paid my mortgage since Mar 2017 and am close to foreclosure. I have no money.

I just was served a summons from Calvary SPV who is suing me for just over 8K for an unpaid credit card bill. They are a debt collector. I have 20 days to respond to the summons.

Does anybody have any idea what the best way to proceed with this is? I may end up filing bankruptcy but can't do that yet because of a family death where I am going to be receiving some money.

mardi 15 mai 2018

Investment proposal.

I have an investment proposal worth $15 Million

Any interested person who can invest the sum of $15 Million on any business that is profit oriented should reply back to my personal e-mail:

Call me once you send me your reply. This is my telephone number: +234 8104 420213


Mr.David Mantu.

Tel: +234 8104 420213

lundi 14 mai 2018

I'm Ricardo Watts from Ontario...

I'm Ricardo Watts from Toronto in Ontario. I'm new to this forum.

Need ideas for Building New Coupons Website Like Khojdeal

Hello Everyone
So I have decided to open a Coupon Website Like This Example Coupon Website . I can Display my Coupons I have to worry about bringing traffic to a newly built website. Because already have a much more competition on this type of sites... Is WordPress fine for this?
What are the things that I should double check when I am going to create an online coupon Website for my business?
I need help in learning what I should not forget when I am maintaining this profile and tips on how to improve my My Upcoming Website... Please Help Me...

dimanche 13 mai 2018

how do i get books to use for my online library service

I am starting a new business which is similar to the kindle unlimited book service. My question is how do i get the books for my library as in do i need permission or do i just buy the books and inform the publisher, what consent do i need and who do i get it from. I know it sound like the basics i would have to know but this is proving the most difficult to find out any help would be very much appreciated
Thank you

vendredi 11 mai 2018

Questions about duplicating an existing site

Sorry I'm tagging on to this thread but my question doesn't really need its own.

I just became involved with a start up that needs to basically duplicate an existing site with just a few edits, mainly contact information. The company contracted the US rights to distribute medical supplies from a European manufacturer. The manufacturers site is perfect but just needs the contact info and the name changed along with a few slight edits. (some words are misspelled from it being translated from Spanish). Anyway the question is what should this cost? How simple is it.We have the manufacturers permission and cooperation. Can they transfer a file to us? sorry I'm so technically challenged, I just don't want to over pay. The manufacturers site is Eurobastón or

mercredi 9 mai 2018

Buy 5 Pieces Apple iPhone X ( 256GB $2,750

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Chrome OS will soon be able to run full Linux applications

This was pretty big news to me now that I'm using Linux more and more.

Till now I'd been either running a dual boot, or having to use Virtual Machine in Windows to work in Linux. I recently got a Chromebook because in developer mode you can run Linux along side Chrome OS. It's not perfect, but it does work.

Having Chromebooks now run full Linux is huge for developers, cyber security consultants and just Linux enthusiasts.
Here's more about it:

"For the longest time, developers have taken Chrome OS machines and run tools like Crouton to turn them into Linux-based developer machines. That was a bit of a hassle, but it worked. But things are getting easier. Soon, if you want to run Linux apps on your Chrome OS machine, all you’ll have to do is switch a toggle in the Settings menu. That’s because Google is going to start shipping Chrome OS with a custom virtual machine that runs Debian Stretch, the current stable version of the operating system.

It’s worth stressing that we’re not just talking about a shell here, but full support for graphical apps, too. That means you could now, for example, run Microsoft’s Linux version of Visual Studio Code right on your Chrome OS machine. Or build your Android app in Android Studio and test it right on your laptop, thanks to the built-in support for Android apps that came to Chrome OS last year."

Anyone else out there using Linux in their business?
Does this make a Chromebook now a solid alternative for you?

mardi 8 mai 2018

Google I/O starts today. Here's what to expect and where to watch.

Google I/O is Googles developer conference.
Although for developers they have also traditionally announced new features, updates to Android, sometimes new devices and other hardware, and new business tools and services.

I like to watch the keynote live stream on Twit, but there are other places as well.

"Google I/O, the company’s annual developer conference, kicks off today with a keynote at 1pm ET/10am PT led by Google CEO Sundar Pichai, who will no doubt wax about the major projects Google’s been working on since its last conference. Are you ready for extremely nerdy details about Android P? It’s a bit too late to hop on a plane and grab a seat at the event, but fortunately, you can enjoy it from the comfort of your chair."

Anyone else get excited about these things, or is it just me?

Microsoft's Developers Conference. New Stuff.

Many people use Windows and other Microsoft software to run their business, including me.
I like to keep up in the new features and tools that they announce at tier yearly Build conference.

Most of the stuff is for developers, but they also announce new features. This year there is a lot of focus on integration with other platforms like iOS and Android which is welcome news since many of us have computers and devices from different platforms.

Here's a catch up on what was announced so far.
"Build 2018 kicked off today with the first of two keynotes. The focus of this year's conference shifts from Windows to Microsoft's work on artificial intelligence (AI) systems, machine learning, edge-computing tools and the company's moves to integrate with other platforms including iOS, Android and Amazon Alexa. You can check out all the news below. "

Need ideas for my new Online Shop

Hey Guys
So I have decided to open my online shop at Here I can Display my Products Clearly already find my customers on the site so that I don't have to worry about bringing traffic to a newly built website.
What are the things that I should double check when I am maintaining an online profile for my business?
I need help in learning what I should not forget when I am maintaining this profile and tips on how to improve my online presence

dimanche 6 mai 2018

Need help with the challenge of inventory valuation

Hi Guys,
It's been a while, I'm doing fine. My shop is also doing fine, still slowly growing and I'm in the middle of re-branding. I need some help trying to figure out a simple way to track the value of my inventory. When I google for how to do that, I just find the typical accounting 101 lessons that talk about FIFO, LIFO and all that. I understand that stuff, but right now my business is so small that I want just a very simple approach. The reason I'm having difficulty is that I can't yet afford the version of QB Online that handles inventory (two versions higher than what I can currently afford, grrr), so I have to do it in Excel, manually. The good news is that I think I know where my method is broken.

Currently I'm using this formula:

ending inventory value from the last time I measured it (say, end of last month)
dollar value of wholesale purchases since last measurement
dollar value of merchandise donations made since last measurement
sales made since last measurement

The first (and maybe the only but it's a big one) problem is that the wholesale purchases are (duh) wholesale, but the donations and sales are retail. So clearly I need to keep track of both wholesale and retail prices of everything? And then only use the wholesale price throughout the formula?

What else? Some details to know: I don't have any consumable or perishable merchandise. I know I probably should include depreciation, but let's not do that for now (until I'm bigger). The average wholesale cost per item is $30, so depreciation isn't going to kill me yet.

samedi 5 mai 2018

GSuite vs. Office 365 vs Open Office. Which do you use?

Until recently I used MS Office since 2003. Back when it was like $700 and was a multi disk install. It was just one of those things you had to have because everyone else you did business with had it and you needed to be able to send and access files back and forth on a common platform. Today Office 365 is about $99 yr,.

I've honestly never cared for Office. I mostly used Word and Outlook and I thought those were kind of over complicated. Outlook especially had many bogs that existed for years. Very frustrating.

I tried Open Office for a while, but it only has some features and not everything I need.

Lately I've been using GSuite and love it. Much simpler to use, Hangouts is much better than Skype, Drive works better than One Drive, and since I use Android phones the entire experience is just easier.

Google also makes it easy to have a work profile and a personal profile and to be able to switch between either easily, on all your devices. On your phone you don't even have to switch accounts you can have work apps and personal apps side by side. I'm kind of hooked on the Google services and how easy they are to use and keep the same access and experience across all your devices.

Just wondering what everyone else uses out there, and why it's the best solution for your particular business.

vendredi 4 mai 2018

Change your Twitter password

In case you haven't heard yet, you need to change your Twitter password immediately.


The company announced on Thursday it discovered a bug that saved user passwords unprotected on an internal log.

Twitter said it has since fixed the issue. Although the company said there is no evidence passwords have been leaked or misused, it is urging its users to update their passwords.

Twitter says all 336 million users should change their passwords

Twitter says it doesn't appear that any information was leaked outside of Twitter, but just in case.

It may be a good idea to also run the email addresses you use with your Twitter accounts through to double check against know database breaches.

Need some advcie

How do I find contacts of Chinese Manufacturers/Suppliers of Adhesive Pressure Sensitive Tapes? Is there any portal other than Alibaba?

mercredi 2 mai 2018

About GDPR for EU visitors.


Under the new GDPR rules, visitors from the EU must be able to

  • Access their personal data
  • Correct errors in their personal data
  • Erase their personal data
  • Object to processing of their personal data
  • Export personal data

This forum does not collect your personal data, and you have full access the information that you have provided in Settings-> My Profile.
You can access or change that info at anytime.

If you would like your account completely deleted contact me at with your username and email address and I will delete it completely.
No residual personal information is retained when your account is deleted. It is completely wiped from the database.

We also do not employ any personal data tracking programs outside of traffic stats which provide a general overview of visitors and counts.
On this forum you cannot log in with your social media accounts.


This forum runs 3rd party ads from Google. Google customers can opt out of personalized ads here: More to come on this.

GDPR takes effect on May 25. I will update this thread with more information and an updated privacy policy before then and make sure we are in whatever compliance we need to be.

mardi 1 mai 2018

Happy National Small Business Week! April 29- May 5 2018

During National Small Business Week, the U.S. Small Business Administration shines a spotlight on our nation’s 30 million small businesses. Through community events across the country and online, we honor entrepreneurs whose achievements over the past year stand out.

Learn more:

The U.S. Small Business Administration and SCORE Association will host a free, 3-Day Virtual Conference during National Small Business Week. The conference will take placeTuesday, May 1 – Thursday, May 3 between 12:30 pm ET - 6:30 pm ET each day. Registration is free to the public.
Participate in all the webinars or pick and choose the topics you like. You will also have the opportunity to meet other business owners and chat with industry experts. The Virtual Conference offers all the best parts of an in-person conference, but without the hassle of traveling. Today's webinar topics include:

  • How Changing Consumer Behavior Impacts Your Business
  • Addressing Discrimination and Harassment in the Workplace
  • Get New and Repeat Business on Autopilot with Email Marketing
  • Creating and Sustaining a Strong Social Presence