mercredi 9 mai 2018

Chrome OS will soon be able to run full Linux applications

This was pretty big news to me now that I'm using Linux more and more.

Till now I'd been either running a dual boot, or having to use Virtual Machine in Windows to work in Linux. I recently got a Chromebook because in developer mode you can run Linux along side Chrome OS. It's not perfect, but it does work.

Having Chromebooks now run full Linux is huge for developers, cyber security consultants and just Linux enthusiasts.
Here's more about it:

"For the longest time, developers have taken Chrome OS machines and run tools like Crouton to turn them into Linux-based developer machines. That was a bit of a hassle, but it worked. But things are getting easier. Soon, if you want to run Linux apps on your Chrome OS machine, all you’ll have to do is switch a toggle in the Settings menu. That’s because Google is going to start shipping Chrome OS with a custom virtual machine that runs Debian Stretch, the current stable version of the operating system.

It’s worth stressing that we’re not just talking about a shell here, but full support for graphical apps, too. That means you could now, for example, run Microsoft’s Linux version of Visual Studio Code right on your Chrome OS machine. Or build your Android app in Android Studio and test it right on your laptop, thanks to the built-in support for Android apps that came to Chrome OS last year."

Anyone else out there using Linux in their business?
Does this make a Chromebook now a solid alternative for you?

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