dimanche 6 mai 2018

Need help with the challenge of inventory valuation

Hi Guys,
It's been a while, I'm doing fine. My shop is also doing fine, still slowly growing and I'm in the middle of re-branding. I need some help trying to figure out a simple way to track the value of my inventory. When I google for how to do that, I just find the typical accounting 101 lessons that talk about FIFO, LIFO and all that. I understand that stuff, but right now my business is so small that I want just a very simple approach. The reason I'm having difficulty is that I can't yet afford the version of QB Online that handles inventory (two versions higher than what I can currently afford, grrr), so I have to do it in Excel, manually. The good news is that I think I know where my method is broken.

Currently I'm using this formula:

ending inventory value from the last time I measured it (say, end of last month)
dollar value of wholesale purchases since last measurement
dollar value of merchandise donations made since last measurement
sales made since last measurement

The first (and maybe the only but it's a big one) problem is that the wholesale purchases are (duh) wholesale, but the donations and sales are retail. So clearly I need to keep track of both wholesale and retail prices of everything? And then only use the wholesale price throughout the formula?

What else? Some details to know: I don't have any consumable or perishable merchandise. I know I probably should include depreciation, but let's not do that for now (until I'm bigger). The average wholesale cost per item is $30, so depreciation isn't going to kill me yet.

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