mardi 10 juillet 2018

Online Business Ideas?

I had an online business which was quite profitable for many years. It eventually failed for a variety of reasons. I have been inactive for about two years. I am interested in starting something new. I am semi retired. I need to make several thousand dollars / month and can take a couple of years to ramp up to that.

My last business required 12 hour plus days on my part. You could buy on my website, but it really was a consultative sell. A technical sell as well. I had to spend hours on the phone to sell a product. Typical orders typically were in the $2k to $7k range with orders for less or more happening. I no longer have access to the product I was selling. It was a very niche product and I placed in the top several G searches for key products. It was a B2B product.

I know times have changed. but sales hasn't. My first task is finding a product which is suitable for selling online.

I know this is a pretty open ended question, but any advice on where to go from here would be appreciated.

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