lundi 16 juillet 2018

Taking A Huge Leap--- need help

Today, I quit my full-time cushioned salary job to pursue my dream of starting my own marketing firm. I have been studying the world of digital marketing for as long as I remember, having started my first firm at the age of fifteen until it inevitably failed at 16. Two years later, I am trying again, this time having learned from the mistakes that originally doomed my firm from the start.

I need help. For the first time, I have taken a huge leap and left the job that was financially supporting my business, and now with the small amounts of savings I have, am trying to create my own income solely from my startup. However, I am having trouble marketing my business to other businesses. I live in a place full of small companies, but it seems like none of them either seem to really invest in their marketing efforts or doesn't take me seriously enough to invest the amount of money I'm looking for.

It's not like I'm inexperienced, I have been doing this my entire life, have won an award for my talents, and have a proven track record of what I can do. Yet, people look at me and don't take my price tag seriously or question my knowledge on the subject. That's where it's difficult to market my business to small businesses.

What can I do? I really need help and I don't know where to go.

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