lundi 21 août 2017

Server Move

Hey All,

Just wanted to let everyone know that tomorrow (Tuesday August 22, 5:00PM Eastern Standard Time) my hosting company is moving this site to a new server. You shouldn't notice anything while it's going on, but since the IP of the site will change, it's possible for a few minutes your browser will take you to what will be the old server instead of the new one.

It's possible you might post something during the time when all the changes have been made, but your browser reads cached DNS records and you end up on what will be the old server. That time should only be a few minutes, but if you post something during that time, it won't be be on the new server.

If for any reason you post something and then it disappears, you may have to post it again. If I can I'll try to find any posts that have gone missing, but it's possible I won't be able to access them.

5:00 PM EST is when the move is going to start and it should be over within an hour. Again, I doubt you'll notice anything and the issue I described shouldn't last for more than a few minutes. You may want to hold off posting during that hour and if you do post, copy what you wrote, in case the post doesn't come along for the move.

I doubt this will be a huge issue, but I wanted to let you know in advance. My apologies for any inconvenience.

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