mardi 9 mai 2017

Co-retailing or sharing retail space - anybody tried this?

I've discovered that although my shop is online-only, I'm getting a much bigger sales volume and better marketing ROI of my shop from in-person sales events. I've been doing pet expos and things like that. Which makes me wonder about things like pop up shops or co-retailing. I've done some Googling and emailing some local resources but I would love to hear if anybody here has tried these with a retail business.

In my research so far I've found that it will be some years before I can afford a "normal" lease for either a small warehouse or small retail space. I currently run my shop out of my house. One property manager for a large retail mall near me said that they'll do temporary retail leases for no less than a 90-day period. That doesn't work for me yet. I'm thinking I would love to do something in a small space one or two weekends a month. Sharing a retail space may be the solution but I don't know who to inquire with on such a thing.

I've also found that there are several "business incubators" around me, but they all cater to businesses that are more office/research/meeting oriented, not retail. Do you think I should reach out to them and suggest they try some sort of "retail incubator" where two or three small retailers share a space for limited time periods?

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