lundi 8 mai 2017

Concerns about merging our business with another

Hello everyone, my name is Anne. I just joined small business forum today. I thought of joining this community in order to seek out advice, thoughts or insights. It is actually my husband who owns the business and I am working for him. He has this guy he met less than a year ago who has the same business as his. He encouraged my husband to share his space and split the rent, (we sublease to him). Four months later, he said he already wanted to retire and he said he will just give his business to my husband. His business however has been slow the past four months. And he had been having problem collecting from his clients... I just don't feel excited about this transfer of business thing, what are we suppose to be aware of in order to take on his business even if he doesn't ask money from us? Hope anyone here can give me advise.. would truly appreciate it.

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