lundi 29 mai 2017

To wireframe or to not wireframe. That's the question.

I hate doing wire frames. It just adds so much unnecessary work to a project, especially low cost projects.
On the one hand, if you're building completely from scratch it makes sense for the developer to create and submit a mock up.

On the other, it's a nightmare when the client has come up with a PDF that they basically just drew with no understanding of design, copy writing, or anything else...just based on what they think is pretty and then want that "converted" into a WordPress theme. Those NEVER end up like the PDF because it's generally garbage, and you spend so much time on correcting the PDF that you could have just built the site.

Even though I suspect my website design days are going to be behind me soon, just wondering what others do or how they feel about wire frames.

I have no problem photo-shopping a mock up, but wire-frames for basic websites have always seemed like overkill to me.

What do you guys think?

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