lundi 15 mai 2017

Referrals from friends

I'm sure we all appreciate referrals.
However, I cringe when some of my friends tell me they've referred me to someone because although they think they are helping, inevitably they aren't "trained" to sell your product or service the way you've learned to do.

They can over promise, under promise, give people the impression that you'll "take care of them", and so many other ways that they can screw you before you even talk to the person.

Recently one my friends refereed me to someone and used the phrase "He's not the cheapest, but he's the best". I'm sure that sounded like a glowing recommendation to him, but it made me cringe when I heard it. Like he just shot me in the foot and put a negative spin on it that now has the person thinking about how expensive I am that they will carry with them throughout the entire process, that they probably would may never had before.
No to mention, this friend has no idea where my prices lay in the why add that unsolicited information?

I'd much rather them just refer people to my website or just give them my phone number. Stop trying to sell me. Please. You're doing it wrong.
Of course that now makes you appear ungrateful and of course they get offended.

How do you guys handle it?
Do you tell your family and friends to stop trying to sell you, or do you just grin and bear it?

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