dimanche 31 décembre 2017

Discussion about tv show "The Profit" or any other businesss-related show

Hi guys,

Since Harold turned me on to "The Profit" I've been watching them all, or at least the last few seasons. Great show! The latest one was especially wonderful, a 13-year old kid launched a cookie business, but was successful really because of his mom's support. I'm sure she's the one doing all the bookkeeping and contracts and such, definitely all the legal stuff since he's under age. But she was fantastic because she seemed to come from the inner city and School of Hard Knocks and she channeled all of her street smarts and determination to succeed into helping her son succeed. Very impressive woman!

What I really wanted to chat about, though, was the product. I don't mean to start a flame war, but welcome education on this. When starting a business, you're always told to find an underserved niche. How in the world are cookies an underserved niche? There are a baziilion and one cookie companies.

However, it looks to me like she sort of "forced" a niche by really clever marketing: she sold the cookies to local businesses who then serve them to their customers and clients for free. Everybody raved at how good they were, and word spread locally. Then word seemed to spread to media channels, because they mentioned some major companies who wanted to buy them in quantities they couldn't produce so they missed those opportunities, but that was proven demand for THEIR product.

What do y'all think about this episode?

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