mardi 20 mars 2018

Selling at shows versus media advertising - seeking opinions

I've done a few B2C shows and expos now and I'm seeing a track record that they are rarely profitable. You can't make back what you spent on the booth fee in the large ones, so if there's any ROI it's just in building your mailing list and PR/branding (getting in front of eyeballs). That's making me wonder if it might be the same ROI to spend that amount of money on media advertising.

For example, this one show I've done two years in a row, I sell enough to make back only 75% of what I paid to be there. Say the cost all in was $2000, and I only sell $1500. Would it be just as effective in terms of PR/marketing to spend $500 on a print ad campaign? I know that nobody can tell me the answer for sure, but I'm just looking for opinions or experiences if anyone has done this.

The reason I ask is I'm evaluating the monetary loss of these events compared to the intangible marketing/newsletter list building. It seems to me that with no measurable sales that I can tie directly back to the ad campaign, I'd still be out the $500 same as if I'd done a show. Thoughts?

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