dimanche 28 juillet 2013

What changed things for you?

Hi everyone. Steve here. I started a business in hobbies a few years ago while keeping my FT job in IT. About a year ago, I left IT after having enough of the corporate life. After I left, things went well for a short while but started rolling downhill. Now, I'm really struggling. I've thought a lot about my business and have been trying to pin point what is going wrong. Honestly, I feel like working on my business has become a bit of a grudge. I really don't have a stronger purpose other than making money and I think that's sad. The condition of my business equipment is degraded so that I find it demotivating. Has anyone felt like this about their own business? Were you able to turn things around? If you were, and you survived, what change did you make first if you remember? tons of thanks for any help!

via Small-Business-Forum.net http://www.small-business-forum.net/managing-your-business/9301-what-changed-things-you.html

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