jeudi 28 septembre 2017

Hello, From Montreal

hey guys. I am new here. I am a musician and street photographer based in Montreal. I recently got into eCommerce with some friends and now I am...

How do I start an online business?

Creating a successful online business is not an easy task. It doesn’t matter how good or unique your products and services are, you’ll have to...

mercredi 27 septembre 2017

Which products are most profitable to sell online?

I'm reaching out here to get an apt product which can be sold online with less chances of having an empty cart. kindly provide a feedback on this it would be a real aid to me to outgrow my sale, as I'm new to this area.

thanks !

mardi 26 septembre 2017

Dropshipping from different vendors.

Ok newbee here. I need some help. If you are dropshipping from aliexpress and a buyer purchase 2 or more products and your products are from...

How to do best quality of photos of products?

Good day, all!

I have a lot of the goods, which I will plan to sell by the Internet. I need a best quality of photos and description for it. 'm goint to buy special photobox

with next preparing photos into Photoshop for receive high quality of images.Could you give links to articles or any other guides for this theme?Great thanks!

P.S. Sorry for my English. Study.

Cost effective solutions which can help us with temperature sensitive transport ?

We have to transport temperature-sensitive medicines for up to 200 - 300 km. Our volumes are not that high that we can afford to transport in refers. Can you suggest some cost effective solutions which can help us with temperature sensitive transport for 300 - 400 kms ?

What is the last mile for e-commerce?

What is the last mile for e-commerce?

lundi 25 septembre 2017

How to please customers while still gain sales?

While I have more and more potential customers through SEO, PPC, Ads, social media and other channel, how to raise conversion rate is the biggest bomb in my mind. From all my limited experience, live chat is a great tool to support my business, please customers with much lower cost. 
We all know that nobody likes to wait for long queues, it will make customers lose patience and sometimes they just give up conversation even my website. But when I apply live chat on my website, customers don’t need to spend time waiting for mail reply or getting a call on hold. And now live chat also provides API to connect FB and other social media, it does save me a lot time when I can receive messages in live chat and reply these messages.
And yes this is business, I want not only to please the customers but also I want to gain revenues. Live chat helps me have increase in sales, and I can tell from the monthly sales which match the report in live chat conversation. And on the other hand, the package fee for Nemo chat is a little expensive to me, so I had a hard time with low cash flow on my end. But from a long-term perspective, my agent and I can talk to more customers every day, deal with more support case, so I think it will benefit eventually.


Hi everyone,

My name is Whitney and I own and run a bookkeeping and tax planning/preparation business. I quit my day job and am looking to pick up more clients for my personal business. I'm excited to pick your brains on advertising strategy and what you find to be the most valuable marketing tools. I've taken a few marketing classes, but nothing beats real life experience!

A little bit about myself, I am originally from Ohio, but currently live in North Texas. I am married and recently had a baby (my motivation for expanding my business)! My accounting background dates all the way back to 2005, but I recently started pursuing becoming a certified public accountant. Outside of work my passions include anything that has to do with the outdoors and our four legged kids. We have a few horses that we enjoy riding (we also have a few dogs and cats) and I enjoy hiking, swimming, kayaking, and boating. I like to garden, but my ability to keep any plants alive for more than a few weeks is pretty questionable, so I don't normally manage to get many fruits and vegetables out of it.

I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone,


dimanche 24 septembre 2017

Looking for feedback


My name's Mike and I have built
It's a new website designed to focus around the small town experience and what small town business has to offer.
I am looking for feedback on the site design, pros, cons, and what tools we could add to make your life as a small businesses easier.

Thank you for your time

Starting fashion brand

I am quite young, but my dream of what I want to do in my life is starting a fashion brand. But I dont know how to start such company. How do i get my manifacturers? Whats the best way of financing such a company, crowdfunding? I hope you guys can help me with a startup plan.

samedi 23 septembre 2017

Participate in Research Survey - Financial Exploitation in Business

Hi all, I'm Shannon Thomas, a licensed clinical social worker and self-published author. My entrepreneurial journey has two parts – I am the owner...

vendredi 22 septembre 2017

Opinions on a company I am in the middle of starting.

Hello All,

I am in the process of starting a company with two other people. In short, it is a Natural-Language AI that can be added to a website to answer questions about the products/services being offered. The AI ingests data from FAQ's, Data Sheets, Spec Sheets, and other/manual Questions and Answers. Once the AI learns the data, we provide an interface that allows users to ask questions.
In my introductions, I mentioned the business idea which prompted a reply from David Staub. He asked a great question which lead me to posting this thread and question.

For those that have websites that are offering product(s) or services... Would having a natural-language AI that could answer questions about your products or services be of value?

I can provide more details if helpful.

Hello from Canada, Toronto


I started this business almost a year ago and was wondering what do you think?
I make loyalty cards, gift cards and any kind of smart card for small or big businesses so they can make their customers spend more and come back more often.

What is Domain Authority?

What is Domain Authority?

What is anchor text?

What is anchor text?

Hello From IT Techno-Phobes

Hi, my name is Lee, I am based in the West Midlands and started a small IT support services company last year called IT Techno-Phobes Limited.

I was in the private/public sector for 35 years but decided to do my own thing!

I am definitely the proverbial IT geek and my passion for IT is possibly deemed a bit too much.

My company has two attributes:
  • IT support services for small/start up businesses
  • IT support services for the home user

I have little sales/marketing skills so any help or tips would be gratefully received.

jeudi 21 septembre 2017

What all features should I look for while evaluating a shipping app? I am new to this

Since there are a few shipping apps that offer the same basic features (postage and label printing,tracking orders,return labels),that help you manage the process it becomes more difficult to get one that is apt in every aspect. kindly provide feedback on this it would be a real aid to me.

thanks !

Need help determining market share


I'm trying to figure out the best way to estimate the market share of a specific industry. To start with an example, let's say the oil and gas industry. I live in Calgary Alberta, so I'm focused mainly at the city or province level.

I understand there's different ways to define a "market share", but I'm more concerned with how to find the numbers. I've done some googling and there doesn't seem to be an all-encompassing publicly accessible database that tells you the market share of industry X in area abc in the year 20XX, so I'm at a bit of a loss knowing where to look to get semi-accurate numbers to start.

However, I did find this site: Bad Request

This shows a pie chart breaking down the GDP of Alberta by industry. Is GDP split up into industry a good hard stick to estimate market share? What other ways are there of estimating marker share? What other sites on the internet might help me along here?


mercredi 20 septembre 2017

buying a business

Hello, My name is Chad and I am from Calgary, Alberta, Canada and I'm looking to acquire a fabricating business. Does anyone have any advice or...

Profit Splitting Question

hi i recently became a partner in a llc with 13 other guys. we all put up 1000.00 initially and 50 dollars per month. i went out and found a a house to buy as a way to raise money for the llc. the house was purchased for 5000.00 the question i have is, is that only 2 members have done all the work as it pertains to rehabbing the property. in some cases invested money in the rehab of the property. some members haven't paid dues since the beginning of the organization and haven't attended meetings as well. how do you suggest we split the profit when we sell it . thanks

Do You Know How to Start a Paperless Business?

Are you worried about how you start a paperless business???? Yeah it possible in the modern era that you can start the paperless business and even you can deal all paper process for the business but still you don’t have any paper and have no need to secure them from several things like fire etc. Document management system is the system in which you will secure all your documents by scanned them and save them in the server or some platform. Digital document scanning service has scanned to begin the paperless office transactions. You can also took time and study on the Document management system or professional scanning services. DMS will help you secure all your business documents at one place. Security of the documents are the most important part of the business. In digital scanning service or in document management system all documents are safe and sound. Even in case of disaster or any misshape you can get all your documentation back with this digitalize system.

Some peoples use scared about the legal documentation of their business or may be scared about their business privacy, DMS ensure that the security of the business documentation is safe as you can also restrict the access of documentation of your business in the business. You can only give access to the office members what they need to know or handle. File transfer in the business is also much easy and faster with this business documentation system. Professional documentation scanning services in long Beach is provided by the Laserfiche

mardi 19 septembre 2017

Equifax screwed the pooch. Some tips on what to do now.

By now you all probably know how bad Equifax screwed up. So what now? Equifax has been horrible at helping, and have even tried to make money from affected Americans. I personally think they are doomed and there will be Congressional investigations.

I watch Twit TV all the time and this episode of Know How has some good tips on things you can do going forward to try and protect yourself, your identity and your credit.

My suggestion is to NOT trust the company that just screwed you with now monitoring your credit and information that they just allowed to be breached. "Fool me once" and all that...

Hope it helps.

lundi 18 septembre 2017

New phone - Note 5

I recently purchased a Note 5 to see how I liked it, and I love it. I am concerned about security. I downloaded Security Master - Antivirus because I don’t know any better and it had lots of ratings. Can anyone recommend a different / better one?

Also, apparently VPNs are important. Can anyone recommend a VPN provider?

Setting up US Bank Account for Non-US Businesses

Hi -- if you're a non-US company and interested in setting up a US bank account to settle payments in USD or expanding your business into other platforms that require a US account, please email me at

We are a New York-based management company - and we open accounts for non-US residents, while acting as a joint signatory on the account.

Just Eat clone with iOS and Android Native Apps

Appkodes - Just Eat Clone script is developed for food lovers with exciting features; Select your favorite restaurant on online and order foods and...

samedi 16 septembre 2017

Don't devalue yourself. New Customers DO NOT appreciate discounts

When I first started out I had defined rates. They were lower than my competitors because I thought I needed to compete on price. I got work, but none of those clients are still around.

Over the years I've tried a lot of things, but one thing has stuck out as the biggest mistake that I've made over and over again that has ALWAYS bitten me in the butt. And that's giving new customers a discount. Not only does it make you feel cheap, but those always end up being the worst customers and rarely does it ever lead to a long term client because the minute you charge them full price for services down the road, they're gone.

New customers DO NOT appreciate you, or your business when you give them discounts. And going forward they don't expect to ever pay full price now matter how clearly you explain to them that will be the case. It's a losing battle that just ends up making you regret even offering.

The only time this has ever worked out where I didn't feel used is working with non-profits. I've worked with a few and they've always seemed not only appreciative, but have no problem pitching in to help with some of the tedious tasks to help make up for break that they're getting on price.

Other than that, don't do it. It's a race to the bottom and 99% of the time it does not lead to making that person a long term client unless you never charge them full price for anything. And if you're doing that, then what's the point of having rates?

vendredi 15 septembre 2017

Getting clients to buy more with gift cards?

I read in an article how gift cards can make customers expend more. Has anyone tried this? I've got a small mini market business in Toronto.
Does anyone knows or has tried this?

Hello viewers!

Hello all,

I am a WordPress Web Developer based out of Las Vegas Nevada. I read a few post on the introduction thread and i see that this looks like a place of great contacts. I joined to learn and offer services and help in Web development.

question about start up costs

Hello, I'm studying this business plan ( and I'm wondering how they...

Hi Everyone!

My name is Ben, and I live in London but I'm originally from Rugby. After giving up poker due to health issues, I have started my own Digital and...

jeudi 14 septembre 2017

Hello for all!

Hi, At first I have to worn you: this is the honest writing and typed without google translater. Now you might be wondering, why I'm telling that....

Restaurant Promotion

What is the best way to promote a local restaurant to foreigners?

mercredi 13 septembre 2017

I'm Making a New Course For You & I'd Love Your Input!

Will you share your ideas?

Just click below to answer 4 very short questions. It only takes 2 mins!

p.s. check out the bonus question if you'd like to get early access.

To your success!


U.S. Government bans use of Kaspersky software

If you are using it, I suggest you follow the government's recommendation and get rid of it.

Please tell me about your recruitment experiences!

Hi everyone, I work for a small tech startup that is trying to create a better solution for small businesses that need to find talent. We really need to hear from some bosses to ensure that we are actually making the right kind of solution. There are fewer than 10 questions here about your experiences with recruiting new staff, none are compulsory (I know you are all busy people!). Click here for our survey link.

Or copy and paste the link:

lundi 11 septembre 2017

Estimated Taxes Question

Hi, Regarding quarterly estimated taxes, I've been told the most common thing is to pay 100% of the previous year's taxes to cover myself for this...

Does your business need to be VAT registered?

UK VAT Registration ( pros and cons. What do you think about?

Hello Everyone!!!!

I am Shant Nalbandian from Richmond Hill, Ontario(Canada) and I am a business owner of “Modell - Printing and Displays”. I am new here to learn and share the new trends and tips for offline marketing.

dimanche 10 septembre 2017

Selling in UK and European marketplaces - Looking for US manufacturer/partner


Would you like to sell your product in Europe but you don’t know how? Or you think it is too expensive? Let me help you. To start with I just want to be a bridge in between as an Agent. I can find you reliable buyers for your products here in the UK and in EU countries. I already have a small business here with sales conversion 30% so far (2 years sample on, which I was building since 2015. Now I am looking for new opportunities and new products that I can sell and then my plan is to become a distributor of the best products I will find.

Do get in touch if you think your product have the potential to be sold here in UK and EU countries which can make great profits for you.


Bart Zmuda

samedi 9 septembre 2017

Norwegian Salmon supplier looking for partners

Greetings from Norway, my Name is Tore Andre Mikkelsen I'm the CEO in a start up company that provides Norwegian salmon and Norwegian fjord trout worldwide. This is a big business opportunity for the right person.

Would you like to be our International sales agent/partner?

Please take a look at Our page for more details


Looking forward to hear from you

Best regards,

Tore Andre Mikkelsen
Seafood Group AS
+47 94116666

Norwegian seafood start up looking for partners

Greetings from Norway, my Name is Tore Andre Mikkelsen I'm the CEO in a start up company that provides Norwegian salmon and Norwegian fjord trout worldwide. This is a big business opportunity for the right person.

Would you like to be our International sales agent/partner?

Please take a look at Our page for more details


Looking forward to hear from you

Best regards,

Tore Andre Mikkelsen
Seafood Group AS
+47 94116666

Norwegian seafood start up looking for partners

Greetings from Norway, my Name is Tore Andre Mikkelsen I'm the CEO in a start up company that provides Norwegian salmon and Norwegian fjord trout worldwide. This is a big business opportunity for the right person.

Would you like to be our International sales agent/partner?

Please take a look at Our page for more details


Looking forward to hear from you

Best regards,

Tore Andre Mikkelsen
Seafood Group AS
+47 94116666

Norwegian seafood start up looking for partners

Greetings from Norway, my Name is Tore Andre Mikkelsen I'm the CEO in a start up company that provides Norwegian salmon and Norwegian fjord trout worldwide. This is a big business opportunity for the right person.

Would you like to be our International sales agent/partner?

Please take a look at Our page for more details


Looking forward to hear from you

Best regards,

Tore Andre Mikkelsen
Seafood Group AS
+47 94116666

Norwegian seafood start up looking for partners

Greetings from Norway, my Name is Tore Andre Mikkelsen I'm the CEO in a start up company that provides Norwegian salmon and Norwegian fjord trout worldwide. This is a big business opportunity for the right person.

Would you like to be our International sales agent/partner?

Please take a look at Our page for more details


Looking forward to hear from you

Best regards,

Tore Andre Mikkelsen
Seafood Group AS
+47 94116666

Buying an existing business without the intellectual property

Good morning! I was approached by a former employee recently, and asked if I was interested in buying his business. He owns a upfitting company that works on police , fire, and rescue vehicles. He said I can have everything that comes with the business including, the customer list, equipment, tools, tax info, pictures of previous builds, and a mentorship as I need it. BUT he doesn't want to sell the retail side or the intellectual property. He said I could operate under this name until I get established, but would sooner or later have to change the name. Is this common with someone selling a business , or do I need to walk away? He is selling this business for a very minimal price and risk. I am interested in doing this so any information on this would be great. Thanks for your time.

Best regards,
Mike Wilson

vendredi 8 septembre 2017

I Will Design A Super Professional Logo For You At Your Own Budget

I Am A Professional Logo Designer and Graphic Designer. I can design for you a long lasting logo that is super creative and cool. Just Comment if you are interested and all you have to do is tell me your budget. My Logos are the best. I have designed over 400 Logos so far and still counting.
Attached Images

Can negative retained earniings be "turned around" to positive?

My shop launched on 2/1/2016 so I've been going for only 1.5 years. Because it's a thing I do in my spare time, and in partnership with a very risk averse husband, it's been slow going. I'm okay with that, though. My sales volume is slowly growing and I'm keeping a tight rein on expenses, so I should be consistently profitable next year hopefully. I track my numbers month to month since inception and the overall trend is upward.

So my question is this: I only check my balance sheet twice a year. It's now showing retained earnings at negative $4000 (not exactly, but I rounded it off for this discussion). I googled what retained earnings are so I know that when they're negative it can mean:

a. sustained losses (this is what my situation is)


b. too much money taken out of the business as stock distributions (or borrowing and then disbursing those funds to stockholders)

Since my case is A, if I continue my growth pattern and get the thing into sustained profitability, will that negative number slowly shrink and eventually turn positive? It seems logical that it will, but I want to ask someone and make my understanding is right.

mercredi 6 septembre 2017


HI! My name is Mario and I'm from Chicago. Nice to meet you.

vendredi 1 septembre 2017

Health insurance for small family business


We are 2 brothers owning an LLC with no employee. Our health insurance yearly premium increase like crazy over the past few years (more than double!) with the coverage going down. We have an agent explaining us that there are not many options and we have a good deal. Do you know of any solution that could apply nicely to our case?

Started a house cleaning website. What do i need for better Rankings?

Hi i just made my first business which is maidsway. We offer house cleaning and maid services in austin area. Can i ask on how to optimized my website especially my service pages? Here's an example of page:

Starting my own Austin House Cleaning Company

Hi i just started my own austin house cleaning company. Do any of you have any suggestion on what is lacking in my website?

Is anybody interested in an online Business?

If anybody wants to start their online business then I have a good plan for you in different -2 online marketplaces like care service marketplace,...

Restaurant POS System

ikonnect -POS is a powerful system to help your restaurant grow, built with online ordering, cloud reporting, and more. We are the market leaders...