lundi 25 septembre 2017

How to please customers while still gain sales?

While I have more and more potential customers through SEO, PPC, Ads, social media and other channel, how to raise conversion rate is the biggest bomb in my mind. From all my limited experience, live chat is a great tool to support my business, please customers with much lower cost. 
We all know that nobody likes to wait for long queues, it will make customers lose patience and sometimes they just give up conversation even my website. But when I apply live chat on my website, customers don’t need to spend time waiting for mail reply or getting a call on hold. And now live chat also provides API to connect FB and other social media, it does save me a lot time when I can receive messages in live chat and reply these messages.
And yes this is business, I want not only to please the customers but also I want to gain revenues. Live chat helps me have increase in sales, and I can tell from the monthly sales which match the report in live chat conversation. And on the other hand, the package fee for Nemo chat is a little expensive to me, so I had a hard time with low cash flow on my end. But from a long-term perspective, my agent and I can talk to more customers every day, deal with more support case, so I think it will benefit eventually.

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