jeudi 21 septembre 2017

Need help determining market share


I'm trying to figure out the best way to estimate the market share of a specific industry. To start with an example, let's say the oil and gas industry. I live in Calgary Alberta, so I'm focused mainly at the city or province level.

I understand there's different ways to define a "market share", but I'm more concerned with how to find the numbers. I've done some googling and there doesn't seem to be an all-encompassing publicly accessible database that tells you the market share of industry X in area abc in the year 20XX, so I'm at a bit of a loss knowing where to look to get semi-accurate numbers to start.

However, I did find this site: Bad Request

This shows a pie chart breaking down the GDP of Alberta by industry. Is GDP split up into industry a good hard stick to estimate market share? What other ways are there of estimating marker share? What other sites on the internet might help me along here?


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