jeudi 19 octobre 2017

Paid advertising

I'm trying to figure out if I should be doing some paid advertising. My company has been growing at about 10% per year. Revenue is about 80% organic, 15% direct and the rest from email newsletter, links, and an app I'm using. I do paid ads on Facebook sometimes but after costs I'm not making much on those orders. Was spending a lot on adwords a few years ago, but they decided I couldn't use them because I sell weapons. I sell medieval type replicas and gifts. Adwords of course works with big companies who sell guns and other weapons. Strange thing is sales didn't slow at all after adwords dropped me and I was getting pretty good numbers. So now I'd like to grow more and looking for ideas. Should I put more into Facebook? Should I do something like Adroll? Or should I just not use paid advertising and keep improving my website and offering?

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