vendredi 30 juin 2017

Questions about affiliate marketing - Clickbank products

Hi I am going to be marketing affiliate programs mainly Clickbank products and there are a few questions that I would like to ask everyone.
I am going to be marketing the products without a website.
These questions are about Clickbank
1 - Where are some of the better places to advertise Clickbank products free preferably but paid also once I make some money ?
2 - I have looked that all statistics but I am unsure what to look for so I will ask what is the most important statistic overall to go by when choosing a product in Clickbank ?.
3 - What are some of the better websites in order to shorten Clickbank hoplinks ?.
4 - What are some of the better website to use in order to track Clickbank hoplinks ?.
5 – So I don’t waste my time what are some of the more popular categories that people will buy from ?.

Thank you Craig

Which CRM should I use for my business?

We run a small business and trying to find a software app that can bridge accounting and contact management. I want to have people to be able to view client history and to make notes about them without having to give full access to the accounting app.

Currently we use quickbooks (QB) on a pc (and connect to it via remote desktop). This works really well, but only one person can access the data at any point in time.
What I want from CRM are:
• ability to track calls
• follow up on calls
• track who hasn't ordered in a while
• set reminders about following up with customers
• receive notifications when someone hasn't ordered in a while

Is there some other integrated system that could do these things plus allow 2 or 3 other users access to customer info? I would like something that isn't geared for enterprise users in function and cost. Currently I am looking at bpm'online crm, Zoho app and Salesforce. Has anybody used any of these app? Can you recommend me any solution?

Hope for your advice
Kind regards

Seem to be in a lull, how do you guys handle that?

In the first part of the year, I was averaging two orders a week. This past month I've only had three orders total. It's making me a little nervous and wondering what I need to crank up in my marketing to bring the sales back up. But I'm new enough that I don't yet know my "normal" business fluctuations so this could just be that all my potential customers are on vacation instead of shopping.

Do any of you guys have lulls in your business? What do you do to break out of them?

jeudi 29 juin 2017

Po Box or mailbox which can be managed remotely

I have a Business in which we accept payment through cheques and credit card
Right now I am using USPS Po Box and all good
But its possible that I might go out of US for 2 months but still want to be able to check my mails
I heard that there are virtual mailboxes like which can scan the content and can also deposit the cheque but it charges $5 per cheque

Is there any mailbox services which can
1. let me forward mails to my home address so that I don't have to check my PO Box regularly
2. let me know by email if any mails are received
3. Deposit the cheque if required but charges less

Any Vegitarians Out There?

I'm a steak and potatoes guy. That being said, if it tastes good, I'll eat it.

I'm preparing for a several week trip to CA to stay with my veterinarian sister and husband. They are a little over the top in my opinion. For example they won't use chicken stock in recipies. But I res[ect their opinion although I don't agree with it at that extreme.

Anyway, I have found some good recipies online. Particularly bean chili.

Just curious if anybody else had some vegetarian dishies they would like to share.

Grapefruit Juce and Medication

I never paid attention to this, but grapefruit juice reacts with a lot of medications. I don't have a sweet tooth and drink a lot of grapefruit juice. I just noticed on one medication that you shouldn't drink grapefruit juice with it. OJ is ok. Go figure... I'll probably keep drinking the grapefruit juice and not take the medicine :)

My company went belly up

I haven't been present on this board lately. It's because my company went belly up because I could no longer represent the manufacturer for a variety of reasons.

I had a bunch of chargebacks and was canceled by my credit card processor. I can still take some orders though, I just can't charge the credit cards.

Does anyone have a recommendation for a higher risk credit card processor.

Review my forum please:

HI. Please review my website and share your opinion. I will really appreciate. It's a local business discussion Forum for my country.
Business Discussion Forum

Hello from +254

Am William from +254 (Kenya)
Am glad to be here. And thanks administration for the warm welcome.

I use my forum name biztalkenya: Business Discussion Forum It's a local discussion forum. I love discussion on all matters business. Am happy to be in company of like minded entrepreneurs.

Hope to Lear alot from the forum. Take a look at my forum and advice too.

mercredi 28 juin 2017

Hello everybody

Hope you are doing great. My name is Thomas from New Jersey. I`m a shopper consultant. Any tips on getting nice sales, discounts and stuff let me know.

forecasting revenue


I'm putting together a business plan, using this as a guide. If you look at the Management section, you'll see they have some spiffy looking graphs to represent their revenue forecast. <-- I'm looking for something like that.

The problem is, I wouldn't even know where to begin. I have a little contracting business (now dormant) and I operated as a personal service business for a single client. My income was equivalent to a monthly salary. I would submit an invoice every month, billing by the hour, and would make roughly the same income every month. It continued that way until they made me an employment offer which I took.

But that's not the kind of thing I would think would go into a business plan as the basis for forecasting revenue. The bank doesn't want to see a steady stream of income equivalent to a monthly salary. They want to see growth. How do I know how much I can grow?

In a few years from now, I would not only like to resurrect my business but make it into a small business with a few staff members. From there, I plan to grow. But how to forecast that? Does anyone know where to start?

mardi 27 juin 2017

Arbitration employment clause

My daughter just picked up an employment application from a local grocery store. Attached was an arbitration contract that basically had her sign away all her rights under federal and state laws. The example they provided for required arbitration were "claims under federal, state, and local statutory, regulatory or common law, including, but not limited to, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, violations of The Equal Pay Act, Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1984, State Human Rights Acts, State Service Letter Statute, State or Federal Whistle Blowing Laws, State or Federal False Claims Actions; The Civil Rights Act of 1991, the Americans with Disabilities Act; Federal and State Wage and Hour Laws; and actions or claims for alleged discrimination of any kind."

I'm all for business protecting themselves, but this seems extreme. Is this normal now days???

Asking the local council for busines idea

Hello everyone this is my first thread. I was just wondering if it is unprofessional to ask the local council for business idea or if there is some...

dimanche 25 juin 2017

Getting Names of Businesses

I am starting a virtual bookkeeping business. I want to start by offering accounts receivables services and target small businesses across the...

vendredi 23 juin 2017


I had a great ISP for years from a customer service standpoint.They were called Brighthouse. They were bought by a company called Spectrum. Spectrum nickle and dimes you like the airlines do with luggage for support. For that and other reasons I decided to switch to the other cable company in the area.

The other cable company was Verizon. Verizon decided to get out of the cable business and concentrate on their profit center which is cellular. They sold to a company called Frontier. They have lousy customer service as well.

The thing is, Verizon ran fiber all over the place where I live. Frontier ran fiber to my house. It's coax from the demarc to my office. It's astounding the increase in speed I got from the fiber. Supposedly I have 100 M up and down. I didn't check it but its very noticeable.

Customer still sucks though. I talked to the most incompetent person I have talked to in a long time in some foreign country. It wasn't just the language thing, he had no product knowledge.


Clickbank questions

Hi I will say right off the top that I am posting this here because they say I have not enough privileges to post forum. As a want answers now and I haven't the time to use the forums is much as I would like so therefore I have not got much choice.

I am wanting to do this without a website as I have been told that can do it that way and be successful. Is that true ?.

Also besides considering all of the points e.g. gravity – popularity etc. is there any particular price range that I should stay inside.

I am going to use Clickbank in and attempt advertise some of their products but I am not sure what ones to promote.
Can anyone out there give me a heads up on the to the areas and possibly the best individual products to promote.

I am also not sure gravity means in Clickbank.

Thanks Craig

*Want to be a first time business owner. Looking for insight, experiences and advise!


I'm a mid-aged guy looking to buy his first business. I have a lot of motivation and ambition to work for myself. I have saved money, built my credit and put myself in what I would consider, the best possible position to start/buy a small business. I live in a town that is considered one of the wealthiest and fastest growing mid-sized towns (under 50k population but within 15 mins of a large 220k population city). I'm not sure if I want to pursue a complete start up or buy an existing successful small business. I have great credit and great work ethic. I am leaning toward buying an existing business that turns a profit over starting something fresh due to limited profit. I'm curious what people with a lot of experience owning small businesses would advise in terms of buying existing small businesses, financing (seller) and how to capitalize on a great business purchase even when its' not your "American Dream" (sometimes you have to build up to the American Dream!). My details are below...please go easy on me...this is, what I'm hoping, will be a new chapter in my life! Btw, I'm currently employed...biding my time for the right moment.

Mid 30's
Married w/ kids
Do not own home or any other business
$30-40K (liquid assets/cash)
750+ credit scores for both spouse and I

jeudi 22 juin 2017

Need trusted business loans lenders for my restaurant business

Hi all, I need few trusted business lenders who can help me to get a loan for my restaurant business. kindly give some suggestions regarding...

mardi 20 juin 2017

Disturbing email from my ISP

Today i get an email from my ISP, Cox, telling me that a computer in my home is infected with a specific malware. The email had some suggestions and...

keep things light and fun

The ventures that keep things light and fun, easy to understand, that have a compelling story, a sexy retail product, will have an easier time getting people to rally around them and contribute. A start-up doing something that's difficult to communicate or doesn't offer any kind of retail product will have a tougher go at it.

A successful start-up

It's really rare for people to have a successful start-up in this industry without a breakthrough product. I'll take it a step further. It has to be a radical product. It has to be something where, when people look at it, at first they say, 'I don't get it, I don't understand it. I think it's too weird, I think it's too unusual.

Laying a solid foundation

No matter what your reason for wanting to start your own business, developing the foundation is the same. Laying a solid foundation for you business will provide you with a road map to follow as you build your business. As you work through the Start a Business Step-by-Step Workbook you will define the company’s mission, decide what business entity is right for your business, name your business, determine the pricing for your products or services, formulate your financial projections, define your competitors, survey consumers regarding your products or services, determine the marketing methods right for your business and more.


Research on the human brain has shown it is predisposed to think in the terms of a story.36 This predisposition is continuously reinforced and strengthened throughout the life of your brain. Imaging studies have shown only a small, quarter-sized region of your brain lights up when someone tells you a series of facts. However, when someone tells you a story laced with those facts, or those facts in action, your entire brain lights up. Not only can you program your mind with a story — you can program someone else’s mind.

A start-up venture

Once you believe that you are infallible, that success will automatically lead to more success, and that you have "got it made," reality will be sure to give you a rude wake-up call. Believing your own bullshit is always a perilous activity, but never more fatal than for the owner of a start-up venture.

Always consider

Always consider who you’re learning from. Don’t listen to people who are not experiencing the success you want.

Calculating Fees to Outsource Accounts Receivables

Please help me determine what I should charge a company to do their accounts receivables. My business is ready to run, but I cannot set a fee schedule. I want a monthly flat rate fee based on the number of customers my client has because the more customers, the more transactions I will have to deal with. Has anyone set up a fee schedule they would share with me? Please. I want to get going with my business. Would you think for a client with say 10 customers, a monthly fee of $300 is reasonable/too much/too little? So 20 customers would be $600? I want to have a simple scale. Thank you for whatever help you can give me!!!

vendredi 16 juin 2017

Opening an LLC which operates online

I will start an LLC which will be an online business. No physical work, and no physical office and no employees. I will be the single owner and will get a street address from UPS store for the state I want to open it. I am currently living outside of the US, so I will just choose a state such as a no income tax state.

I know how to start the LLC and register with the state. But what about county and city level? Do we need registration for the county and city level too? Or those registrations apply only if we have a real physical office?

What I will do is, I will run some websites that will have google ads, I will accept royalty payments for books that I wrote, may sell digital versions of my books, I will do some remote consulting work, in a subject which does not require a special license. I will not sell any physical goods online yet.

Would your answer be different if I started selling goods online, such as making arrangement with a shipping company or a manufacturer who will ship?

What are some of the most honest & reliable general wholesalers N.America & Canada


I will be selling on Amazon but before I can I would like to find out what are some of the large and general merchandise wholesalers who are honest and reliable ?. Also I do not drive I will probably have to have the products shipped directly to Amazon if I can - I have been told that you take your chances as very occasionally you may not get what you pay for. I am in Victoria BC Canada. I am looking for something very small and light that will fit in an apartment postbox I will be selling either micro SD cards or flash drives (not sure yet which one would sell the best).

Thanks Craig

15 year EDM DJ/Producer turned Mobile DJ


I have just started my mobile DJ business after relocating out of the scene I was involved with.

I am looking for ways to get more gigs, get my name out and land more contacts.

Thanks guys.

jeudi 15 juin 2017

Can we get your time a while for review a new build website?

Hello everyone,

We are launching a new business in the social market to grab Instagram followers. We are trying to expand our business and to get more job. We are trying to build a great looking website and user friendly. Our website is newly build with wordpress. Can you please review our website ( and give us your thoughts. Please provide some feedback that would be great for us. We need to hear your real opinions to be able to fix all design issues.

We would be glad to your feedback.

Thanks and Regards,

WooCommerce Question- How to connect to WooCommerce

I was shocked to learn that I could not just plug in the credentials into woocommerce...the shady b******s force you to buy a...

Hi forum

Hi everyone, I'm new here, After watching a turn I see the administrators was very active... nice to know that... maybe I can learn a lot from the forum, thank for reading!

Hallo everyone

Hallo everyone, my name is Wing, I am from China, engaged in the production of non-woven fabrics.
Anyway i just wanted to stop-by and say Hello. Thanks for having me!. Looking forward to bumping into some of you in the various chats.

mercredi 14 juin 2017

Greetings from Phoenix!

Hey there,

My name is Ryan and I am from Phoenix, Arizona! Born and raised, it seems to get hotter every summer, ugh.

Anyways, I own and operate a finance company specializing in business funding, commercial real-estate acquisition & refinance, SBA, RBA etc. I don't want to get into too much detail so I don't get banned for spamming! So if you have any questions just PM me.

I joined to help AND get more information on digital marketing, before running this business was strictly a digital marketing guru. I am currently utilizing google ads/social media and direct mail.

Stay cool everyone!

Greetings from Montales

Hi guys,

My name is Montales, I'm new here on this forum. I found this forum browsing through the web and I'm excited about the amount of information and things I can learn and share here, slowly I hope I can catch up with stuff regarding Web design and web development.


Spin Off

What is the best way to spin off a business from an existing corporation? I have a DBA which I want to spin off and give 51% to my partner. What...

eTravos- Leading Travel Portal Development, Travel Portal Software Company

Are you a travel agent Looking to start your own Portal/ Website?? Then here is your Solution - eTravos Technology Platform is A travel technology...

mardi 13 juin 2017

Incorporating a trading business

I'm looking for ways to reduce my tax burden. I spend 20+ hours a week researching and developing trading systems, but the number of trades I make are fairly small - 50 a year, so I'm pretty sure I don't qualify for "trader tax status" which I've read allows a person to claim business deductions tax and to not be subjected to the $3K max carry-forward on losses but essentially requires them to be a day trader.

Can I legally set up an S-corp, trade through it even if I don't have "trader tax status", and provide myself with a salary that I can use to afford myself the benefits of being able to deduct health insurance, 401k contributions, business expenses, etc? Many other non-trading businesses use this technique. Are there any other techniques that traders who don't qualify as a trader in the eyes of the IRS have found to successfully reduce their tax burdens?

Digital Ads a la Pandora

Hey there everybody,

I was just dropping by to see if anyone was interested with Cultureless FM. We're a streaming music service specifically dedicated to underground artists. Our user base is small at the moment, but it's been growing since we've started our streaming model and we aggressively market both digitally (Google AdWords and Facebook) and in real life. We're based in NYC, as is most of our audience, and they tend to be individuals under 35 with disposable income. Audio ads that interrupt playlist have the best CTR of any online advertising, as I'm sure you know, and are generally seen as less offensive than most interstitial ads. And our prices are extremely low, as this is a pre-sale round of ad buys for the months of July and August. Drop us a line at if you're interested in advertising and we'll let you know our prices and some of the great bulk discounts that we offer.

Business Partners Wanted!!!

Business Partners Wanted!!! You want to open own business? Are you interested in cryptocurrency? We are looking for partners in local markets in...

lundi 12 juin 2017

Looking for a video/cam room software or SAAS with hosting

This is out of my area of expertise, thought maybe someone would know. Got a project that needs functionality like an adult cam site. Basically...

My new/used laptop

We get the occasional post asking for recommendations of new computers so I thought I'd share my recent experience. I was looking for something...

dimanche 11 juin 2017

Good places to advertise in

Hi everyone

Can you advertise a business on sites like Craigslist , Kijiji , used everywhere or other similar sites ? Other possible places that have just come to mind are Amazon , eBay etc.

Years ago I tried to make a website work for me but I cannot get Any Good traffic or a good ranking. So now I am going to try Clickbank .

If anyone has any good suggestions of places to advertise or any other suggestions please let me know.

jeudi 8 juin 2017

Guaranteed Payment and Taxes

I am a cofounder of a LLC. My partner and I each own 50% of the company. What we want to do is have my partner put $2,000/month into the company, and I will be paid a guaranteed payment of $2,000/month. At the end of the year (assuming we have made $0 revenue) I will take responsibility for 100% of the losses of the company. Therefore on my personal taxes, I will have $24,000 income and write off $24,000, and have net $0 resulting in $0 income tax. Is there anything wrong with this approach?

mercredi 7 juin 2017

are these good business plan examples?

Is this a good example of a business plan:

Computer Software Business Plan Sample - Executive Summary | Bplans

I've been researching online examples to get an idea of what a good business plan looks like. Are there any critiques anyone has on the above example, anything you would do different, any points to emphasize?

The website has a whole bunch of examples, one for every kind of business.

dimanche 4 juin 2017

Hello from California

Hello! I am brand new to this form. It seems that a lot of people are on here. :)

Anyways, I'm Aurora from San Diego. I own an internet marketing agency specializing in Wordpress website creation, social media marketing, and SEO. How is everyone doing today?

Password Manager OneLogin Hacked- Do you use password managers?


OneLogin has suffered a serious security breach, with hackers possibly also acquiring the ability to unlock encrypted files that they were able to steal. The password manager and single sign-on provider has now urged users to change their passwords, while the extent of the damage caused by the hack remains unclear. In an official blog post, OneLogin chief information security officer Alvaro Hoyos detailed the security breach suffered by the company.
Read more here: Password Manager OneLogin Hacked: Attacker May Also Have Acquired A Way To Unlock Encrypted Data : TECH : Tech Times

I don't use password managers. My reason is simple, they are a single point of failure. Hackers go for large payloads of information. Not always millions. Small businesses are increasing the targets. Unless you're being targeted specifically, they generally want to get a decent payload...hundreds, thousand, millions of accounts at once.

So to me...much like in a zombie apocalypse...anywhere where thousands or millions of other people are (zombie bait), I don't want to be. Maybe my logic is flawed, but since the tech is so new, and the jury still out I've refrained from using them and creating an account that I will never know for sure has ever been deleted.

Just wondering how people feel about them and dos this recent hack shake your faith in how safe they are?

samedi 3 juin 2017

License for a home health agency

Hello Everyone, I am in the stages of planning a home health care business (in home senior care- non medical staffed by CHHA and Companions). I...

My youtube video

I visited youtube yesterday to get the link to my video for a customer. When immediately I realize that the representative in Turkey took my video, omitted my contact information, and used theirs. I was so mad I should have spit fire.

I contacted my computer guy who is in charge of my youtube, but didn't hear from him. I also contacted the owner of the company we represent and let him know what was going on. He said he would contact them and they would take it down. I looked this morning and I do not see them using my video.

Did I have any legal ability to sue them or force them to not use my video, Copyright or Intellectual Propertywise?


vendredi 2 juin 2017

Some of the honest & reliable generaI wholesalers N.America & Canada

Hi I am contemplating selling on Amazon but before I do I would like to find out what are some of the large and general merchandise wholesalers...

jeudi 1 juin 2017

General Liability Insurance

Hi, I am starting a lawn mowing service and wondering if I actually need to pay for liability insurance for the first few month I am in business (I would like to wait to pay until I am net revenue positive). I would like to know more specifically if there is a way to successfully make it impossible for any successful lawsuits to happen by using employment contracts and a terms of use for those using my services.

What I would like to do is write a clause in my employment contracts saying we are not liable for anything that happens to you (if there is a general blanket statement I could use that would be great).

For the people using the service, I would require them to click a terms of use on my website, and in it it would include the fact that we are not liable for any damages, etc (again, any blanket statement would be amazing)

Thank you so much!!!

I could sure use some advise.

Need Advise Please.

I’m a wedding photographer who shoots between 40-60 weddings per year. Since weddings mostly happen on weekend, every weekend date is considered valuable because there are only a limited number of weekend dates. Furthermore some weekend dates are considered “High Reason” dates because they are more popular.
Here in South Florida winter dates are considered high season dates. High season in South Florida ends around late August early Sepetember this is because it get very hot here are we are going into hurricane season.

Because a wedding photographer can only shoot one wedding at a time we all have contracts. Part of our contract states the following:

2. In the event of a postponement or cancellation of the wedding or event, the studio MUST be notified in writing. In addition deposits paid are not refundable. If Studio is available and retained by Client for a rescheduled Event, Client may apply the deposits paid, plus an additional deposit of $1000.00, towards Studio’s services at rescheduled Event. In addition client is required to pay current package prices (ie: if wedding is moved to the following year, an adjustment in price will apply). A $200.00 rescheduling fee will also be collected if event date is changed. If the Event is canceled or postponed within 4 months of the Event date, the Client is liable for the entire balance. This contract cannot be canceled unless agreed to by both client and studio.

We have this because almost all serious clients will hire their photographer between one year and 6 months in advance. Once the wedding date gets within 4 months of the wedding most good photographers are already booked and the chances of booking a wedding are greatly reduced.

So, here is my situation: I was hired to shoot a wedding on 5-27-17 the client (bride’s father) asked me to hold the date 1 -1/2 years before the wedding date as soon as his daughter got engaged. At the one year point we started receiving calls from potential clients for their date of 5-27. I called the client and told the bride’s father I need money and a contract as well as a deposit because we are getting calls and unless I have a contract and money I will have to meet with these potential clients. He came in and booked his daughters wedding with a $2500.00 deposit and a signed contract.

About 2 months before the wedding we saw on Facebook his daughter had an elaborate bridal shower. We saw the Facebook photos and assumed everything was
The following weekend the father called telling us the wedding is off.
This is only 2 months before the wedding! We tried and could not re-book this date.
He told me and the band confirmed that the bride (His daughter decided after the bridal shower that she just didn’t want to get married.
At this point the client owes a balance of about $7000.00 which according to the contract is due. I spoke to the father who basically told me that considering he sent me 5 weddings I should forget it and be happy with the $2500.00 deposit. Keep in mind that out of the deposit I had to pay our videographer a deposit. As I’m sure you can imaging my freelance videographer is pissed because he turned away other clients as did I. I also had to tell my second photographer who really needs this job she has no job on one of the most popular Saturdays of the season.

Now about this family, This would have been the second wedding I shot for this family. I shot the brides sisters wedding 2 years ago. They know many other clients of ours and I have no doubt that when my name comes up they talk favorably about me. I’m shooting a very small party in 2 months that they directly sent. However this client is only paying $600.00 for 3 hours. The father claims he sent me 5 weddings. I very highly doubt that. I’m sure he may have told 5 clients I’m great but having directly sent me 5 direct weddings? Very unlikely.
He did refer to me his son in law’s sister wedding. However, they spent hours asking questions and asking for advise only in the end to hire someone else.

Anyway, I’m not sure how to handle this. I spoke to the owner of the band who told me he is going after his balance as per his contract. He will go the court if he needs to but he is willing to settle for a lesser amount. Keep in mind that there are very few good wedding bands and he really does not have to worry about referrals he has plenty of business and future booking are not too much of a concern for him.

As for myself, I pride myself on having happy clients. We do whatever it takes to try and see to it that our clients are happy. I realize that there is a huge amount of competition and it’s not in my best interest to have a single unhappy client. However, after what would have been my expenses which includes, Album, Album design, retouching, and so on, I would have still be been left with an additional profit of $5000.00.
I think $5000.00 is a good chunk of money to loose. If he did refer 5 clients directly we usually give a gift such as a nice wall print and a family photo session. All of which doesn’t amount to even close to $5000.00. I’m sure that if I took him to small claims court I would get some compensation. Maybe not the full $5000.00 but I don’t think the judge would tell me I should walk away and lick my wounds.

I’m not sure what to do here. I hate loosing this money knowing I could have booked a different wedding. I also don’t want to feel like a complete sucker.
Maybe the bride should have given some thought about getting married way before 2 months before her wedding date. I have spoken to the father twice up until now and both times he has told me how stressful this is for him. Then he followed up with, “but I sent you 5 weddings”. Think about all the wedding I can send you in the future. By the way I only hear I’m going to send you business when the client either doesn’t want to pay, or when they want something for free. In other words I’m going to send you business is code for (I’m not sending you anything) The clients that refer me the most business never tell me they sent business. They just do.

On one hand I hate to turn a happy client into an unhappy client but I also hate the thought of being a complete sucker. I would love some good advise.

Outsourcing Is it good or bad ???

Hello, I was wondering what are your thoughts about hiring outsourcing? I started my own teaching business, but I don`t have the time to manage my...

Hi Everyone

Hallo everyone, my name is Darcie, well plus Amber. You can call me Darcie or if you prefer, both Darcie-amber...haha.
Anyway i just wanted to stop-by and say Hello. Thanks for having me!. Looking forward to bumping into some of you in the various chats :)

i am new come,i sell beatiful wigs is a leading online wholesale beauty and hair products company which provides highest quality products with affordable prices.We are dedicated to provide our customers the best online shopping experience by fast delivery and vast products.
We are excited to offer over 20,000 different chemicals, wigs, weaves, and braids in a variety of different colors and sizes. Our prices just can’t be beat! You will find that our website is well organized and very professional. We highly value our customers and will provide you with prompt and efficient service. Customer satisfaction is our utmost priority!