mercredi 28 juin 2017

forecasting revenue


I'm putting together a business plan, using this as a guide. If you look at the Management section, you'll see they have some spiffy looking graphs to represent their revenue forecast. <-- I'm looking for something like that.

The problem is, I wouldn't even know where to begin. I have a little contracting business (now dormant) and I operated as a personal service business for a single client. My income was equivalent to a monthly salary. I would submit an invoice every month, billing by the hour, and would make roughly the same income every month. It continued that way until they made me an employment offer which I took.

But that's not the kind of thing I would think would go into a business plan as the basis for forecasting revenue. The bank doesn't want to see a steady stream of income equivalent to a monthly salary. They want to see growth. How do I know how much I can grow?

In a few years from now, I would not only like to resurrect my business but make it into a small business with a few staff members. From there, I plan to grow. But how to forecast that? Does anyone know where to start?

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