vendredi 23 juin 2017


I had a great ISP for years from a customer service standpoint.They were called Brighthouse. They were bought by a company called Spectrum. Spectrum nickle and dimes you like the airlines do with luggage for support. For that and other reasons I decided to switch to the other cable company in the area.

The other cable company was Verizon. Verizon decided to get out of the cable business and concentrate on their profit center which is cellular. They sold to a company called Frontier. They have lousy customer service as well.

The thing is, Verizon ran fiber all over the place where I live. Frontier ran fiber to my house. It's coax from the demarc to my office. It's astounding the increase in speed I got from the fiber. Supposedly I have 100 M up and down. I didn't check it but its very noticeable.

Customer still sucks though. I talked to the most incompetent person I have talked to in a long time in some foreign country. It wasn't just the language thing, he had no product knowledge.


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