mardi 13 juin 2017

Digital Ads a la Pandora

Hey there everybody,

I was just dropping by to see if anyone was interested with Cultureless FM. We're a streaming music service specifically dedicated to underground artists. Our user base is small at the moment, but it's been growing since we've started our streaming model and we aggressively market both digitally (Google AdWords and Facebook) and in real life. We're based in NYC, as is most of our audience, and they tend to be individuals under 35 with disposable income. Audio ads that interrupt playlist have the best CTR of any online advertising, as I'm sure you know, and are generally seen as less offensive than most interstitial ads. And our prices are extremely low, as this is a pre-sale round of ad buys for the months of July and August. Drop us a line at if you're interested in advertising and we'll let you know our prices and some of the great bulk discounts that we offer.

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