vendredi 26 octobre 2018

Forum maintenance happening now. May experience outages.

Just letting everyone know that I'm doing some forum maintenance, file transfers and such.
There will probably be some downtime and outages over the rest of the day and into tomorrow.

All good stuff.

jeudi 25 octobre 2018

Learn about Udyog Aadhar its benefits and registration process

It is a unique twelve-digit identification number provided by the Ministry of MSME for micro, small and medium enterprises to register themselves as MSME.
In simple words, Udyog Aadhar is an Aadhar for your organization that enables you to take advantage of several benefits that help you grow your business.
Earlier, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) owners had to go through a lot of paperwork. To simplify the whole process, the Government of India initiated the Udyog Aadhar registration process which replaced eleven (lengthy) forms with just two.
Almost all types of businesses - Hindu Undivided Family (HUF), one-person company, Proprietorship, Production company, Partnership firm, Limited company, Co-operative societies, Limited Liability partnership, any other undertaking or associations of person can apply and obtain Udyog Aadhar. However, every entity has to meet the given set of criteria in order to be classified as a micro, small, or a medium enterprise.

5 Benefits of Using A Bookkeeping Service

Using an outside bookkeeping administration has many advantages over utilising an individual bookkeeper. Here are our 5 greatest advantages of using a bookkeeping administration:
Unprejudiced Opinion

Having an outside bookkeeper can do ponders for your business. An inner bookkeeper is regularly candidly engaged with the business. Outside bookkeeping services will be all matter of fact and may offer some pivotal knowledge into your organisations budgetary circumstance. It might be sure or negative understanding, yet whichever way it is profitable data you may have missed something else.
Lower Costs

A bookkeeping administration should bring down your expenses from many points of view. The undeniable cost investment funds benefits are absence of finance charges, paid get-away and other representative advantages. Likewise, by and large you ought to have the capacity to pay a bookkeeping service much less than a full time representative. Finally, a bookkeeping administration won't show to you what you need to hear about your money related circumstance. Your bookkeeper should act like a monetary guard dog over your business, dependably vigilant for cost sparing chances or money related patterns that need consideration.
Lower Turnover

Numerous inward bookkeepers just leave a business. It might be from weariness, a superior chance or they feel undervalued by the entrepreneurs. Regardless of what the reason the non-attendance of a clerk can cause major budgetary disturbance inside your business. Out of the blue those straightforward everyday accounting assignments are never again completing. Cash has quit streaming in and merchants are calling about past due equalisations. On the off-chance that you outsource your bookkeeping you may never need to use again. Bookkeeping administrations infrequently drop customers and are more inspired by long haul business connections.
An Expert for Your Industry and Your Business

There are general accountants and there are master bookkeepers. You ought to have the capacity to discover an accounting master for your business; both the business and size of your business. Finding a bookkeeper with involvement in your industry can be essential and exceedingly useful. Additionally, search for a bookkeeping administration that has practical experience in working with organisations that are comparative in size to your business.
Spotlight on What is Important to You

Utilising an accounting administration will enable you to center around what is critical to you, both inside and outside of your business. Possibly you need to center around deals and development however you need certain money related reports and examination to do as such. Possibly you simply would prefer not to need to stress over your business bookkeeping, so you can center around things outside of the workplace, such as, your family and golf amusement. Using a bookkeeping administration will cut any worries about your business financials so you can refocus on what is imperative to you.

Confused about how taxes work for a small business at age 19

(sorry for my ignorance in advance) one of my friends and I of my good friends have recently started a business we filed for an LLC and opened a business bank account but we haven't got farther than that
we are just extremely confused on what taxes we need to file for and if we even need to file income tax through the business and how paying ourselves works if someone could break it down for us it would be EXTREMELY appreciated
we are in Minnesota if that helps

thanks in advance

mercredi 24 octobre 2018

IPhone X At 88% Off The Real Price, Just Use Coupon Code 36GF

I Received mine today so I decided to share it here. i ordered mine at 88% Off.

Just Use Coupon Code -- 36GF when ordering Yours

Where you can oder yours at 88% Off --

IPhone X At 88% Off The Real Price, Just Use Coupon Code 36GF

I Received mine today so I decided to share it here. i ordered mine at 88% Off.

Just Use Coupon Code -- 36GF when ordering Yours

Where you can oder yours at 88% Off --

IPhone X At 88% Off The Real Price, Just Use Coupon Code 36GF

I Received mine today so I decided to share it here. i ordered mine at 88% Off.

Just Use Coupon Code -- 36GF when ordering Yours

Where you can oder yours at 88% Off --

How I was able to expand my Small Business

My name is Anita, I own a small fashion business. There was a time I needed capital to expand my business but found it hard to come by. During this period I was very desperate and I needed this money by all means. Due to my desperation, I ended up been scammed by fake loan lenders. When I finally realized, I had lost some money to these fake lenders. When I thought everything was crumbling and my small business was about to be frozen out, then I met a man who happens to be a CEO to a financial firm. I think he was sent to me by God because at that time I was so fed up with life and everything that came with it. Then after much discussion with this man, he offered to help me with a loan without a down payment or a collateral and with a very low interest rate. I was surprised and I didn't believe it. He invited me over to his office and told me he could help me out by offering me a loan to help me revive and expand my small business. He said all he needed from me was for me to promise him I was going to make the repayment of the loan back to his firm as at when needed. I told him I would be up to it and I promised I would make repayment as agreed. The reason why I am putting up this post is because I know there are people out there who are passing through this situation and who needs help also. I wanted to share my story for everyone to know how I made it this far and how I was able to build my business to a very Good level now. I also think others might need this help too. Thanks. Anita.

Save Your Time and Buy NCERT Books Online

With over sixty years of experience in the domain, MBD Group is a well-recognized name in the educational sector in India. Ever progressed motives and moves of the group has brought a commendable change in the educational sphere. Keeping such efforts affiliated, MBD comes up with an online bookstore that makes available all the NCERT books online. Books are an inescapable part of a student’s life, more precisely human’s life. These are the primary and eternal source of truth, wisdom, and bliss of our life. Reading books brings out fresh ideas that nurture society and culture.

Starting from pre-primary to higher grades, NCERT books guides and broadens the vision of students. It introduces to different branches of education and their implementations in life. The online bookstore is a reliable source to buy the books and save precious time and money with various offers and discounts. The online bookstore is a platform to allow access to thousands of books according to the requirements of users. Students can find all the academic books, competitive exam books, stationery and much more with the complete description of the books regarding the class level, publisher, author, and price. It is emphasized that students get the books for all the subjects in no time. The NCERT books online are available for all the subjects including English, Science, Mathematics, Social Science, etc.

A series of K-12 books is also available for the students that have been compiled by keeping in mind all the needs of teachers and students. The books create a unique interface for learning and evolvement of mind. Books for all the subjects and for various educational boards are available along with the workbooks. Efforts have been made to provide as much question as could raise in students’ mind. After all, raising questions only leads to answers. The books strictly follow the curriculum of the concerned board of education.

Find a Quick Way to Digital Learning

We have adopted the new phase of learning with the emergence of the Internet and technology. The transformation in the education sector demands digital
learning by replacing books, notebooks, posters and hard copy documents with the websites and applications. Digital Learning is becoming a standard part of the
classroom teaching and learning experience. Its various forms include blended learning, virtual schools, online courses, etc., but they all have the same goal to
strengthen a student’s learning experience and improve educational outcomes. The learning is facilitated by technology that gives students some element of
control over time, place and path. It is the key concept that needs to be embraced by educators in today’s classrooms. For more information visit here

mardi 23 octobre 2018

How to accept gift codes on my online shop?

Want to start sellimg online on my own store. For now i sell refubrished phones and computers on facebook and other sites.

But i also want to be able to make my own gift codes so people can buy and give to friends/family or something. Then when they add like a 100 dollar item and also add the gift code the price will be like 80 dollar if its a 20 dollar code.

How to do this? Would be best if it worked with paypal but not a requirement.

lundi 22 octobre 2018

How to start a business with no support

I have an idea for a business. I think it’s a great business as no one here in my area is doing it. I need very little to start. All I need to do really is advertise it. The problem I’m having though as I’m sure isn’t unheard of before. My wife and family are telling me that it will not succeed. We have bills that need to be paid and starting a business will surely mean we will go behind for a while as I need to be available to run it and wouldn’t be able to work anywhere else. I expect it to start off slow but it will pick up in a short time I think. I have complete faith in the idea but I’m hearing things like that won’t work and my idea is being very easily dismissed. What can I do? I’m looking for help from someone that has dealt with naysayers before and have become successful, as I’m sure that if I start this venture it will be successful in a short time.

Without any help from the community, this forum will close

I don't know any other way to say it. I've been subtle, I've been blunt. I've begged. Been pretty clear that this forum is in trouble and needs just a little bit of one time help from the community to get back on track. I'll do all the work. I sincerely thought it would be worth pitching in $5, $10 to enough people.

I'd hate to see this forum go. It's why I took it over from VG who had been running it out of pocket for the last 10 years, and was going to shut it down. It took me months to decide to do so mainly because I was scared that it was going to be an additional expense that I just couldn't take on right now. But I took a chance thinking that it was important to people, important enough to save, and that I'd work it out somehow.

This is the last place online that entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs can come to for help, advice, how to's, words of encouragement, or just to talk shop that isn't full of spam, trolls, solicitations, or that isn't an excuse to just accumulate a targeted email list to sell to whoever has the money.

I used to be proud that anyone could ask ANYTHING here, and someone would know something about it and help with solid advice without soliciting them or a bunch of BS.

But maybe the lack of support is a sign that it's run its course.

I hope that's not true. If you've been agonizing over contributing $10 or more for the last 12 days, now is the time.
Without your help we will not be here in the next few days. And considering it takes 2-5 days to withdraw from Go Fund Me, waiting till the last minute is too late.

For the 2 people who have contributed, if it goes the way it's looking like it's going to, I will refund your donation and know that I really appreciate that you stepped up to try and help.

How is GDPR effecting you?

I have a niche website, and since it has low competition, I'm not going to disclose what niche is that. But my business shrunk substantially since GDPR implementation. How is it affecting your business if at all?


how to find the best and reliable suppliers in China?

dimanche 21 octobre 2018

Electrical Contractors: It’s Everyone’s Responsibility For Electrical Safety

There are times when you can fix something by yourself. And then there are times when you need to bring in an expert to get the job right and quickly so that you can get back to business. This is especially important when you can get back to business. This is especially important when you have large prices of equipment that requires specialized care.
You do not just want anyone working on them since their poor work could end up costing you more in the long run. When you have issues like this you should always choose a licensed, well certified large electrical contractors Brisbane to do the work for you.
Sabreelectricalindustries is the biggest electrical contractors in Brisbane. We are the only electrical and plumbing company to have true nationwide coverage. We also provide industry-leading solutions and advice on energy saving and energy efficiency.
Every branch is locally owned and operated, with full support from Laser national management. So whether we are working for the residential builder, commercial and industrial customers or homeowners, we strive to meet and exceed our customer’s expectations every time!

Question About Writing A Business Plan...


New here! I just wanted to see if anyone could help me out...
I'm still in the beginning stages of planning my business (a cafe bakery), and I've seen a lot of mixed feelings about business plans around online. But I definitely feel as though I need to write one since I am seeking funding. However, I've read many articles about how to write business plans, as well as read through many sample cafe business plans. I've pretty much completed the research for all of the Market Research sections, but I'm a little lost when it comes to the sections that discuss where your business is located, the demographic in that particular area, the size of the building, etc... I mean, it seems straightforward enough...except for the fact that I'm still in the process of seeking funding. So how am I supposed to know all of these details? Some of the sample business plans I've seen go into detail about the address, what's next to the building, and other intense details. It may be a stupid question but...does one need to actually go through the process of trying to get a specific building before writing this part of the business plan? I'm pretty proficient in research, and writing so that part of the business plan doesn't seem bad but having to try to find a building to rent/buy before even finishing writing it when I need funding seems a bit overwhelming... I wasn't sure if you could just write about the area you're planning to have it in? Or the building you hope to rent? Or do you really have to like, put money down on a building space?
Again, I'm really new to this so it may be a dumb question but I appreciate any answers anyone can give me. So thank you in advance!

Hi from Manchester, UK

I help my son in promoting his business in any way I can and am always looking for advice to achieve that. That's how I ended up finding you guys. The business my son is runs involves running local wine and gin tasting events. No matter where you are I think being found online presents the same problems for all of us.

samedi 20 octobre 2018

Business Idea Buy Sell Trade Shop

I am thinking about starting a buy sell trade shop. It's something like a pawn shop but we don't give out loans.
I have been watching someone that owns one on youtube and he makes a lot of money.
There will be a lot of people coming in and needing fast cash and i will be able to buy there stuff cheap and make a good profit.

Dynamics erp

Does anyone know this company?
They are specialists in Dynamisc ERP. I think I could really use their knowledge to improve my business and I'm looking for some opinions.
If you know something please let me know and share your expierience!

Business supprt

Hi Guys!
I was wondering... Do you use some technical support for your company?
I recently found this website: click and I think they have a really interesting offer for my business. Is there anyone who knows them and can share an opinion?

Sole proprietor, can I add my business name to my EIN?

I'm a sole proprietor with an EIN. Rarely, do I make enough from any one source that I get a 1099. When I do though, I have to give them my name before it will match with my EIN. Is it possible to add my business name to my EIN so that I can use that?

vendredi 19 octobre 2018

Why Every Entrepreneur Should Have a Business Credit Card?

If you are an entrepreneur, you have many good reasons to have a business credit card. Your business credit card allows you to keep your personal and business expenses separate, and also helps you to save money with the advantages it offers. Many banks issue business credit cards for entrepreneurs. So… What are the differences between these cards that banks issue? Which bank offers more advantageous? What is the best business credit card for a start-up? Let’s have a look!

Stopping by to say "Hi"

I was looking for a small business forum to be a part of and this one seemed pretty active so I thought I would give it a try. Really just looking for a good place to make some more connections as well as find advice from current business operators/owners. My friend invited me to build a business with him last fall so I moved from North Carolina to Texas this past April. The business was made LLC official in January so I've come in at the very beginning of it and the opportunities are really exciting but it's also scary venturing out like this. Neither of us have started or run a business, and my friend is the only one with a business degree. So far we have been blessed with a few mentors to help point us in the right direction but I really wanted to immerse myself in a small business community. I want to be able to learn and impart as much info/knowledge as I can.

About myself:
I am 25 years old and have known for a long time that I wanted to work for myself, own a business, or only work in a small business. I never liked working for corporations, they control too much of our work lives and sometimes even our lives outside of work. My long term goal is create a successful business that allows me to provide employment for the community so that we can all pursue our personal dreams and goals. I love being with family and friends, spending time outdoors, watching movies, playing video games, and living life to the fullest. For me, running a business is part of living my life to the fullest. It's going to take a lot of hard work, but I believe I'll get there.

About my business:
Drone Mission, LLC a drone solutions business based out of Colleyville in the DFW area of TX. We specialize in orthomosaic and 3D mapping, roof inspections, aerial photo and videography, company commercials, turf health analysis, and agriculture analysis. Drones are becoming an integral part of how companies run their services and we are not afraid to try out new solutions with drones. Part of starting a business is venturing into the unknown, and we plan to keep venturing out even after we find the perfect niche for us in the market.

Mileage tracking

Mileage costs incurred for your Uber business are also subject to taxation. Whether you are in charge of your own Uber business as an Uber driver or you are managing a fleet of vehicles, you will be amazed at just how useful a mileage tracker can be. The mileage apps provided in this list cover everything from accurate journey coverage to ensuring you fair tax deductibles. Mileage tracking

Visit this link for more information -

jeudi 18 octobre 2018

TAA - Import and Export from China

Hi all, I am trying to understand the Trade Agreement Act, which regulates trade between most countries, but rules out China. Our company's headquarters and warehouse are in China, so this applies to us.

My questions are:
1. Most of our orders are well over $3,000. Also, our products have to do with providing resources that the US needs (electricity/electrical reactors). Can we qualify for a TAA exemption?
2. Some have no problems doing business with us, even though we are Chinese. For the first time, however, we were turned down, because of this TAA matter. Why do some companies abide by TAA and others don't?
3. Is this the right forum for this kind of question? And, if not, which forum could I go to to post questions like this?

Would appreciate your responses.

Thank you,


New in business

Is there Any one who lives in china but not Chinese?
Actually one of my friend ask me to verify some supplier of cranes.

mercredi 17 octobre 2018

New road side tests

Thought I'd give a warning to fellow citizens and guests.

Maybe I should stock up on cookie dough and pudding.

Boston Dynamics Robot dances to Uptown Funk

If the videos of robots doing things like climbing over barriers, opening the doors for each other, tracking moving objects have freaked you out and have you wondering when the robot uprising is going to destroy the human race, you can at least take comfort in the fact that after the kill us they'll be able to d a Fortnight victory dance over our rotting corpses.

Unnecessary Rent Gouging?

Good morning,

We have owned a small daycare in a plaza for about 5 years. Unfortunately when we purchased we may have chosen the wrong path to ownership - hindsight and all that. Our rent is absolutely ridiculous compared to other businesses and what it should be and seems to be set based on the landlord's unstandardized methods. Had we purchased outright, we'd be making a profit but we were never fully offered that. We're not the only business in the plaza in this predicament but we are the only one who is now forced to sell as a result.

My parents own the business and were both teachers; my sister is an ECE. I hate to see something that they wanted and loved having to be sold because of a landlord that refuses to treat every tenant equally and offer any options out of this insane situation. It seems, in talking to other tenants in the area under his control, that we're now paying way too much and paying over and above what is actually necessary. Is there any sort of person or group that can advocate for us or assist so my family can save the business before the sale goes through? Like I said, I hate to see this happen to the people that it matters the most too. And I would hate to see how the new owners may negatively affect that children and families involved.

Thank youfor your time and assistance,
Laura Fry

mardi 16 octobre 2018

Nigeria Property Expo

The Nigeria Property Expo is a real Estate, Housing and Property Conference initiated by FOW World Properties to facilitate the growth, revitalization and progress of the real Estate sector. Nigeria Property Expo gathers professionals from diverse real estate backgrounds in order to expose them to the latest trends on the global real estate scene while also serving as a platform for professional networking, exhibitions and market testing.

The event is organised to guide investors to credible real estate developers with property investment that suits their budgets and needs. 2019, we are looking to go bigger than we have in past two years.
Nigeria property expo gives real estate developers and stakeholders opportunity to display their unique housing products and solutions to the vast crowd of already identified target market made up of successful Nigerian professionals in key positions within various industries.

Looking for a way to access the current trends in real estate from experts, expand your real estate professional base, meet active realtors and referrals in your proximity and feature your content in exhibitions. As a realtor you can grow your brand name, get more referrals, close more deals, and build your customer base and rapport in the expo.

NIGERIA PROPERTY EXPO:International Exhibition on Building, Construction, Property, Real Estate, Residential and Commercial Land, Infrastructural Conference and Fair.

Stay informed on this event on our Facebook - Nigeria Property Expo, LinkedIn - Nigeria Property Expo and Twitter handle @ExpoNigeria.

Fow world properties

​ FOW WORLD PROPERTIES is the property arm of FOW WORLD ORGANISATION established to handle selling, buying and leasing of properties worldwide. We are focused on providing quality luxury and affordable residential and commercial properties. We showcase properties, provide investment advisory services and make inventories of available residential, commercial, luxury and affordable properties to our clients. We also create enlightening and networking platforms for buyers, sellers and real estate professionals. We work with property buyers and sellers to help them navigate the complex nature of the property market.

Fow World Properties provides full service development repairs for home owners, single family homes, apartments, office complexes and commercial buildings for clients. We also engage in mortgage (PMI) 3 to 5 years payment plan, through our pay small small scheme.

Fow World Properties engage in citizenship by investment housing programs schemes in the United States, South Africa, Dubai UAE, Canada, London, Malta, Bulgaria, Ireland, Cyprus and Dublin.
Fow World Properties has been building win-win relationships with companies around the world. We give personal attention to the details of building design, construction and leasing services, while providing day-to-day hands-on management. We specialize in the development of corporate and professional office centers and we manage every property we own.

We lease and manage all of our office centers, our experienced property managers make regular visits to make sure our properties are maintained in a first class fashion. We always ensure our buildings exceed client expectations, and we maintain full contact after the lease is signed.
At Fow World Properties, we put our reputation on the line daily, from design and construction through building management. It is our utmost desire and determination at Fow World Properties to present the opportunity for you to own a home in any part of the world.

With our unique contemporary style and total passion for connecting people with property, we aspire to provide the ultimate real estate experience for today’s modern consumer. We are not confined by traditional real estate boundaries when it comes to buying, selling, and renting and asset management, instead we are always finding new and innovative ways to satisfy our clients’ needs and be at the forefront of the property market. The amount of attention placed on details separates Fow World Properties from the competition.
We have property managers’ on-call, 24-hours a day, 7 days a week to handle any problems that may arise. Our maintenance at each location is designed to correct minor problems before they become major inconveniences to our customers. Our staff makes regular inspections at each of our properties and visits with representatives of each client to be certain your day to day needs are being met. This level of service enables us to retain over 95% of our tenants at lease renewal time.

Need Advice to name a business

Hello All,
My friend recently started a business of rental cranes,He told me to suggest a name so have no idea about rental business. So please suggest me a business name so that i can recommend one to him.

lundi 15 octobre 2018

Phone issue, I could probably find the answer to this on Google but will ask here

Perhaps someone here has some direct experience with this so I will ask here.

For the past couple of months my Android phone has a bunch of pop up crap whenever I try to do anything. I am assuming this could be a virus. Any thoughts on the best way to fix the problem?

dimanche 14 octobre 2018

Can't register

Harold, I had a pm from someone asking for help. He said that he can't register and can't pm you for help. He attached a warning that says your reCaptcha needs updated and is shut down. I was going to put a new thread about that but my permissions don't allow me to start a new thread at least in this section.

The Small Business Forum needs your help!

As many of you have probably noticed, upgrades to the forum have been slow moving. Although I have the will and time to contribute, some upgrades cost money and at the moment I just don't have the personal budget to finance it.

What I need to do is upgrade the forum to the latest version which I was unable to do on my own. Too many technical challenges. For best results I really need to hire the techs at V-Bulletin to do it for us.

Hosting and other expenses have also been out of pocket, and not much is made from ads to cover it.

I feel like much needed upgrades will help the forum be more self sustaining, help with content creation and attract partnerships, and help us to grow membership. We don't need much. Any contribution is welcomed.

I've thought long and hard about doing a fundraiser, and decided that it was time I asked for help.

I've set up a Go Fund Me page on behalf of the forum to try and raise a few bucks to get as much of these things done as possible.

This forum has been a great resource for me before and after I started my own business and I hope it has been for many of you too over the years. But it's time to improve it and make it even better and I need some help.

If you're interested in supporting the forum through advertising, reach out to me and purchase a 480X60 ad spot to promote your business on the forum.

To help promote our fundraiser, here are some links to our Go Fund Me page.

Link to Go Fund Me:
Embeddable Widget:

<iframe class='gfm-media-widget' image='1' coinfo='1' width='100%' height='100%' frameborder='0' id='support-the-small-business-forum'></iframe><script src='//'></script>

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Attached Images

FIFA 13 Game Download Free

FIFA 13 Game Download Free


FIFA 13 Game Download Free PC game setup in direct link for Windows. Let’s enjoy an amazing sports video game based on football with full of entertainment.

FIFA 13 Game Overview

Welcome to FIFA 13 is a wonderful football sports video game for every sports game lovers that has been developed and published under the banner of EA Canada. This game was released on 25th September 2012.

Football is very interesting and popular game all around the world therefore of peoples love to play this game.Now this game comes with many improvements as compare then previous FIFA game. It is very exciting to play with simple controls and much better then previous game. In this game you will enjoy two new techniques of passing Ball and also play games in manger mod. With the help of this mode you can play your games as player or you can also use your managing skills to win the matches for your side. You can play this game with your friends easily because multi player mode is available for players. This game has got very beautiful realistic graphics which gives a real impact of the game. Overall this game is really interesting and very enjoyable for good time pass.

Features Of FIFA 13 Game Download Free With Data

Following are the main features of FIFA 13 that you will be able to experience after the first install on your operating System.

Its an amazing simulation video game.

Based on football game.

Full of entertainment.

Wonderful realistic graphics and visuals effects.

Multi player game.

Play online matches.

Easy and simple gameplay.

Everyone love to play this game.

Many new features are added.

System Requirements Of FIFA 13 Game Download Free

Before you start FIFA 13 Download Free make sure your PC meets minimums system requirements.

Operating System: Window XP/ Vista/ Window 7/ Window 8 and 8.1

CPU: Processor Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHz


Setup size: 6.5GB

Hard Disk Space: 8 GB

Download for free from the below link:
Attached Images

vendredi 12 octobre 2018

Can't register

Harold, I had a pm from someone asking for help. He said that he can't register and can't pm you for help. He attached a warning that says your reCaptcha needs updated and is shut down. I was going to put a new thread about that but my permissions don't allow me to start a new thread at least in this section.

Facebook hack exposes personal info. Change your passwords.

The numbers for the Facebook hack keep changing and info about the severity of the hack keeps coming in.


Facebook reports that for 15 million of the affected users, those behind the attack gained access to two types of information -- their name and contact details such as phone numbers and email addresses. For 14 million users, attackers accessed much more information including name and contact info as well as other profile details like username, gender, location, language, relationship status, religion, hometown, current city, birthdate, education, work, places where they checked in or were tagged, website, people or Pages followed, recent searches and device types used to access Facebook.
What I recommend is to at least PLEASE change your passwords. No, it won't go back and time and make this not happen, but there's no reason (If you are one of the 50 million) to keep letting the hackers come back and access your information at will, or worse, impersonate you to your connections or financial institutions.
Remember, for most of you this thing is also on your phone. The phone that you use for business.
I also recommend stripping your personal Facebook profiles of ALL information but that's for another thread.

Is anyone concerned about this? Or are you numb to hacked stories and this is just another one to throw on the pile?

jeudi 11 octobre 2018

The Small Business Forum needs your help!

As many of you have probably noticed, upgrades to the forum have been slow moving. Although I have the will and time to contribute, some upgrades cost money and at the moment I just don't have the personal budget to finance it.

What I need to do is upgrade the forum to the latest version which I was unable to do on my own. Too many technical challenges. For best results I really need to hire the techs at V-Bulletin to do it for us.

Hosting and other expenses have also been out of pocket, and not much is made from ads to cover it.

I feel like much needed upgrades will help the forum be more self sustaining, help with content creation and attract partnerships, and help us to grow membership. We don't need much. Any contribution is welcomed.

I've thought long and hard about doing a fundraiser, and decided that it was time I asked for help.

I've set up a Go Fund Me page on behalf of the forum to try and raise a few bucks to get as much of these things done as possible.

Considering that Go Fund Me takes 2.9% plus .30 per donation, I set the goal a little higher than what is actually needed to cover those fees.
Even if I don't reach the goal, anything will help support the forum.

This forum has been a great resource for me before and after I started my own business and I hope it has been for many of you too over the years. But it's time to improve it and make it even better and I need some help.

If you're interested in supporting the forum through advertising, reach out to me and purchase a 480X60 ad spot to promote your business on the forum.

To help promote our fundraiser, here are some links to our Go Fund Me page.

Link to Go Fund Me:
Embeddable Widget:

<iframe class='gfm-media-widget' image='1' coinfo='1' width='100%' height='100%' frameborder='0' id='support-the-small-business-forum'></iframe><script src='//'></script>

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

mercredi 10 octobre 2018

Update on forum upgrades and improvements. Need your help.

As many of you have probably noticed, upgrades to the forum have been slow moving. Although I have the will and time to contribute, some upgrades cost money and at the moment I just don't have the personal budget to finance it.

What I need to do is upgrade the forum to the latest version which I was unable to do on my own. Too many technical challenges. For best results I really need to hire the techs at V-Bulletin to do it for us.

Hosting and other expenses have also been out of pocket, and not much is made from ads to cover it.

I feel like much needed upgrades will help the forum be more self sustaining, help with content creation and attract partnerships, and help us to grow membership. We don't need much. Any contribution is welcomed.

I've thought long and hard about doing a fundraiser, and decided that it was time I asked for help.

I've set up a Go Fund Me page on behalf of the forum to try and raise a few bucks to get much of these things done.

Considering that Go Fund Me takes 2.9% plus .30 per donation, I set the goal a little higher than what is actually needed to cover those fees.
Even if I don't reach the goal, anything will help since I just don't have it out of pocket right now.

Thanks in advance for your help, and please share with your friends and other groups to help support us.
This forum means a lot to me and helped me start my own business and I know it's helped others along the way over the years.

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

lundi 8 octobre 2018

Google is shutting down Google+

It's death has been predicted and even suggested for years, but today Google finally announced that it's pulling the plug.


Google shutting down Google+ after exposing data of up to 500,000 users the search giant didn't disclose the vulnerability because it feared regulatory scrutiny, according to a report by the Wall Street Journal.
A vulnerability in the Google+ social network exposed the personal data of up to 500,000 people using the site between 2015 and March 2018, the search giant said Monday Google said it found no evidence of data misuse. Still, as part of the response to the incident, Google is planning to shut down the social network permanently.

Functionally, Google+ is awesome. But for normal people it's confusing. I hate how Google tried to force associating with your blog posts and articles with your G+ profile, and frankly no one really used it. Even though I have multiple profiles and follow a lot of tech groups and people on it, they all also have Facebook and Twitter profiles and since that's where everyone else is, that's where I mostly see their stuff.
Is anyone going to miss G+?

Google is shutting down Google+

It's death has been predicted and even suggested for years, but today Google finally announced that it's pulling the plug.


Google shutting down Google+ after exposing data of up to 500,000 users the search giant didn't disclose the vulnerability because it feared regulatory scrutiny, according to a report by the Wall Street Journal.
A vulnerability in the Google+ social network exposed the personal data of up to 500,000 people using the site between 2015 and March 2018, the search giant said Monday Google said it found no evidence of data misuse. Still, as part of the response to the incident, Google is planning to shut down the social network permanently.

Functionally, Google+ is awesome. But for normal people it's confusing. I hate how Google tried to force associating with your blog posts and articles with your G+ profile, and frankly no one really used it. Even though I have multiple profiles and follow a lot of tech groups and people on it, they all also have Facebook and Twitter profiles and since that's where everyone else is, that's where I mostly see their stuff.

Is anyone going to miss G+?

jeudi 4 octobre 2018

How to use Fuzzing to obscure your information from public databases

If you’ve ever done a Google search for yourself you know how much detailed info can be found about you within seconds.
This article explains what Fuzzing is and how you can apply it to obscure your information so that criminals have hard time finding accurate information about you, your business or your family.

Just wondering, how many people are concerned about the info that is out there about them?

lundi 1 octobre 2018

Health care costs still going up

We just got the deal on our health care for the coming year. Up 9K to $ 91,000.00 for a handful of people. We have had to cut coverage to even keep it this low. There is only one option available to us cheaper than what we have and that one would bankrupt any of our employees who happened to get sick since it covers so little and has such a big copay. As bad as that increase sounds it is a much lower rate of increase than in past years when we were getting 25 & 35% increases.