mercredi 24 octobre 2018

How I was able to expand my Small Business

My name is Anita, I own a small fashion business. There was a time I needed capital to expand my business but found it hard to come by. During this period I was very desperate and I needed this money by all means. Due to my desperation, I ended up been scammed by fake loan lenders. When I finally realized, I had lost some money to these fake lenders. When I thought everything was crumbling and my small business was about to be frozen out, then I met a man who happens to be a CEO to a financial firm. I think he was sent to me by God because at that time I was so fed up with life and everything that came with it. Then after much discussion with this man, he offered to help me with a loan without a down payment or a collateral and with a very low interest rate. I was surprised and I didn't believe it. He invited me over to his office and told me he could help me out by offering me a loan to help me revive and expand my small business. He said all he needed from me was for me to promise him I was going to make the repayment of the loan back to his firm as at when needed. I told him I would be up to it and I promised I would make repayment as agreed. The reason why I am putting up this post is because I know there are people out there who are passing through this situation and who needs help also. I wanted to share my story for everyone to know how I made it this far and how I was able to build my business to a very Good level now. I also think others might need this help too. Thanks. Anita.

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