lundi 22 octobre 2018

How to start a business with no support

I have an idea for a business. I think it’s a great business as no one here in my area is doing it. I need very little to start. All I need to do really is advertise it. The problem I’m having though as I’m sure isn’t unheard of before. My wife and family are telling me that it will not succeed. We have bills that need to be paid and starting a business will surely mean we will go behind for a while as I need to be available to run it and wouldn’t be able to work anywhere else. I expect it to start off slow but it will pick up in a short time I think. I have complete faith in the idea but I’m hearing things like that won’t work and my idea is being very easily dismissed. What can I do? I’m looking for help from someone that has dealt with naysayers before and have become successful, as I’m sure that if I start this venture it will be successful in a short time.

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