mercredi 17 octobre 2018

Unnecessary Rent Gouging?

Good morning,

We have owned a small daycare in a plaza for about 5 years. Unfortunately when we purchased we may have chosen the wrong path to ownership - hindsight and all that. Our rent is absolutely ridiculous compared to other businesses and what it should be and seems to be set based on the landlord's unstandardized methods. Had we purchased outright, we'd be making a profit but we were never fully offered that. We're not the only business in the plaza in this predicament but we are the only one who is now forced to sell as a result.

My parents own the business and were both teachers; my sister is an ECE. I hate to see something that they wanted and loved having to be sold because of a landlord that refuses to treat every tenant equally and offer any options out of this insane situation. It seems, in talking to other tenants in the area under his control, that we're now paying way too much and paying over and above what is actually necessary. Is there any sort of person or group that can advocate for us or assist so my family can save the business before the sale goes through? Like I said, I hate to see this happen to the people that it matters the most too. And I would hate to see how the new owners may negatively affect that children and families involved.

Thank youfor your time and assistance,
Laura Fry

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