lundi 22 octobre 2018

Without any help from the community, this forum will close

I don't know any other way to say it. I've been subtle, I've been blunt. I've begged. Been pretty clear that this forum is in trouble and needs just a little bit of one time help from the community to get back on track. I'll do all the work. I sincerely thought it would be worth pitching in $5, $10 to enough people.

I'd hate to see this forum go. It's why I took it over from VG who had been running it out of pocket for the last 10 years, and was going to shut it down. It took me months to decide to do so mainly because I was scared that it was going to be an additional expense that I just couldn't take on right now. But I took a chance thinking that it was important to people, important enough to save, and that I'd work it out somehow.

This is the last place online that entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs can come to for help, advice, how to's, words of encouragement, or just to talk shop that isn't full of spam, trolls, solicitations, or that isn't an excuse to just accumulate a targeted email list to sell to whoever has the money.

I used to be proud that anyone could ask ANYTHING here, and someone would know something about it and help with solid advice without soliciting them or a bunch of BS.

But maybe the lack of support is a sign that it's run its course.

I hope that's not true. If you've been agonizing over contributing $10 or more for the last 12 days, now is the time.
Without your help we will not be here in the next few days. And considering it takes 2-5 days to withdraw from Go Fund Me, waiting till the last minute is too late.

For the 2 people who have contributed, if it goes the way it's looking like it's going to, I will refund your donation and know that I really appreciate that you stepped up to try and help.

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