jeudi 11 octobre 2018

The Small Business Forum needs your help!

As many of you have probably noticed, upgrades to the forum have been slow moving. Although I have the will and time to contribute, some upgrades cost money and at the moment I just don't have the personal budget to finance it.

What I need to do is upgrade the forum to the latest version which I was unable to do on my own. Too many technical challenges. For best results I really need to hire the techs at V-Bulletin to do it for us.

Hosting and other expenses have also been out of pocket, and not much is made from ads to cover it.

I feel like much needed upgrades will help the forum be more self sustaining, help with content creation and attract partnerships, and help us to grow membership. We don't need much. Any contribution is welcomed.

I've thought long and hard about doing a fundraiser, and decided that it was time I asked for help.

I've set up a Go Fund Me page on behalf of the forum to try and raise a few bucks to get as much of these things done as possible.

Considering that Go Fund Me takes 2.9% plus .30 per donation, I set the goal a little higher than what is actually needed to cover those fees.
Even if I don't reach the goal, anything will help support the forum.

This forum has been a great resource for me before and after I started my own business and I hope it has been for many of you too over the years. But it's time to improve it and make it even better and I need some help.

If you're interested in supporting the forum through advertising, reach out to me and purchase a 480X60 ad spot to promote your business on the forum.

To help promote our fundraiser, here are some links to our Go Fund Me page.

Link to Go Fund Me:
Embeddable Widget:

<iframe class='gfm-media-widget' image='1' coinfo='1' width='100%' height='100%' frameborder='0' id='support-the-small-business-forum'></iframe><script src='//'></script>

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

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