dimanche 16 juillet 2017

Editing Existing Website


I need urgent help. I started working for a company with an existing website created by the previous designer. I had no contact with this designer or whatsoever and haven't got a chance to meet him. I have a problem with our website. It's too complicated for me to edit the website. I'm editing it manually with it's codes. Is there like a faster way to edit this because I need to change infos from time to time. The only info I got from the previous designer are the login from the filezilla where I am able to download the files that were upload online from our website. Is there like a way where I can edit it like wordpress style. I'm pretty sure he used like a program or something to create this.I know it's not the most organized website ever I don't know how the previous designer managed to be as confusing as this. I Hope you can help me.

Thank You

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