mercredi 26 juillet 2017

Leaving corporate for new restaurant concept idea

Hi guys, great forum here. I have been working an office job for 8 years now in an accounting job. My dream has always been to own a restaurant. I have an idea for a sandwich shop concept that I think would be awesome. I do not have the money now to start a brand new build out of a restaurant. So my idea now, is to test out my concept as a delivery and catering service to the offices in my area and for parties. This is a great way to test if my product actually has demand without spending tremendous money on a brick and mortar location. I did some google search but didn't get a clear answer for this question. How do I get wholesale cold cuts and breads ? Will a supplier even works with me since I am starting out small? Should I go to a Costco type place ? My city has a program that lets startups use a commercial kitchen place at a reasonable rate. So that could be a great place to start so I am up to code with all the health licenses since the kitchen obviously will have that in place. Also, how do I know which cold cut company to use? Obviously I want the best meats but need to keep costs in mind. Any advice will help! Thanks !

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