mercredi 26 juillet 2017

Small business partnership bisbandment, need some advice.

I went into business with a friend of mine, age 57. He had a great recipe for gluten free chocolate chip cookies. It was primarily his idea. I never started a business before. So he decided to start funding my business with portions from his disability checks. He handed to me the cash $10,000 total over 4-5 months. To deposit into my business checking account to purchase equipment, ingredients, permits and a commercial kitchen. We were doing really well, just needed to get the states health permit to start supplying local stores. I didn't show up to the kitchen for 10 nights while I worked that stretch at my job. He freaked out on me. He was not associated in any contract or form. Other than a willingness to fund the business and to test bake in the kitchen because I didn't know the recipe. Everything was under my name and everything about the business was solely under me. No contract agreements or anything. Haven't even made a sale.

I tried to work things out with him. One night at work he wanted me to go to the kitchen at precisely 9:12pm. I didn't get off work until 10:30pm. I told him I would be there right after. He said he was through with me. Done. Because I wouldn't abandoned my day job .So he wants me to pay everything back to him. In which I gave him everything he paid for. The mixer, the kitchen, everything. Which he still uses to this day. I don't have anything that he paid for and I cannot do business, so I am not. He sent me a demand letter, claiming that I abandoned my business and manipulated him. Claiming that I prematurely quit and vanished being completely adolescent and immature. Now that he has everything he paid for because he decided he was through with me. He wants to sue me for $10k.

He's making outrageous claims that I was on drugs, with no way to prove it. I am on probation, being drug screened. I haven't used a substance, he is also trying to tie in my personal legal matter into the business. Which my personal legal situation and our business are not associated in anyway which makes me feel harassed.

I did really well for never starting a business. He said he's spent the past 9-10months recovering as the "damaged party." Not sure why he would think that I was so close to making sales, that one situation, where I was absent for 10 days, would blow everything up and assumed that I was abandoning the business. I tried to make things right, he wouldn't even meet up with me in person to discuss things formally. He was the one who backed out. Not me. Now's he trying to hit me that I abandoned him, took advantage of him saying how could a scumbag do something so terrible to a good hearted person offering a golden opportunity and wants me to pay him back for the money that he willingly gave me to fund the business, when I had no intention for anything like this to happen.

Not sure what to do. There are finer detail but that's the gist of my situation. Thank you.

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