mercredi 26 juillet 2017

Employees taking over a business / Owner

Hi just wondering if anybody can help/advise.

We have had a potential chat about taking over the business as the owner is due for retirement in a few years.

Owner - due to retire owns the business 100%, he also owns the building / office on a personal bases, so the business pays rent to the owner who still pays mortgage, obviously discounted rate to himself.

He has asked 4 of us to equally take a share with in the business (He feels with people having a share people have a interest in the business which is correct) he has suggested.

Owner still owns 51%

49% between 4 employees = 12.25% (employees are then to manage the business fully) - (Owner will still be in the background with interest help advise if needed.

I feel that out of the 4 employees 1 of us should slightly have more or 1 person needs to be ideally in charge? is this the right thing to do?

Then reading around isnt it correct the owner to give up 100%? i understand he would still lease the building to us which we would pay from earnings made from the business? but then buying the shares we would need to be putting money in, im scared that the 1 or 3 may pull out years down the line, and scared that any debts if there is any to come in future will land on the the employee (S)

Hope it makes sense

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