jeudi 30 juin 2016

Some quick basics on putting together a Social Media campaign

AddThis, the social sharing tool always has some nice blog posts about social media.
Thought I'd share this one that goes over some basics for when you're deciding where your target market lives.
It's an older one from 2015, so usage numbers have gone up, but still a good reference point.

How to Build a Social Media Strategy | AddThis Blog

mercredi 29 juin 2016

PC based CRM software???

Hey guys - I'm hoping someone can help me find some CRM software that fits my needs.

I'm wanting a CRM program that is not cloud based that simply runs on a Windows based PC... and I'd like for it to have built in email list capability that can spread out sending to large email lists over time since most ISPs only allow so many outgoing emails per hour.

To start off, I'm just wanting to be able to have all my customers entered in to the CRM software and have it set up so I can send follow-up messages to potential clients / existing clients where I write one email and the program customizes the top such as "Hi Bob," and sends it to each person in such a way where it is the same as me sending them an individual email so hopefully it is not tagged as being spam.

As stated, my preference is to have CRM that is not cloud based, but if that's not possible I would have to consider a cloud based program but I'm really not wanting to pay a monthly fee when I should be able to buy a program, load it in my PC and not have to continue paying.

If anybody knows where I can find something like this... please let me know. Thank you.

Wanted: Young, Hungry Lawyer

Does anyone have a good resource to locate a young lawyer, that is hungry for growth, and may ultimately become integral in the growth of the investment company. I would prefer someone not working for a big firm currently, or willing to do work on the side.

For the business I want to form, correctly worded contracts and NDAs will be crucial when I go to raise capital investment, and after launch date, will be crucial in constructing the wording of employee agreements, partnerships, and other contracts that will span multiple business partners and investors.

Thank You in Advance.

Instantly Apply Link Building ways To Your website

SEO will be terribly difficult and continuously ever-changing thus notwithstanding what your expertise with SEO is – there's always a lot of to be told. thus I got my partner to interview a number of the simplest minds on link building and SEO.

Link building (alternative spellings embody link building and link-building) refers to the method of obtaining external pages to link to a page on your web site. it's one in every of the numerous ways employed in computer program improvement (SEO). Building links could be a troublesome, long method as not all links area unit created equal. A link from associate degree authoritative web site just like the Wall Street Journal can create a bigger impact on a SERP than a link from a freshly engineered web site, however top quality links area unit laborious to return by. This guide can teach you the way to make quality links.

mardi 28 juin 2016

Please review my website

Hi guys,

As most of you I'm also a small business owner. I own a small man and van company based in London and trying to expand my business and to get more moving jobs. As a result I'm trying to build a great looking website and therefor spent a small fortune on building it. Can you please review it here and share your thoughts. And please - be honest, because I need to hear real opinions to be able to fix all design issues.


lundi 27 juin 2016

Partnership question

Hi everyone!

Recently I got to know my mother's friend who owns a family business with her husband. They are a very sweet couple and have ran the Blinds, Curtains and Shutters business for about 15 years. I've shown my interest to partner up with them as I think they have a potential. I ve managed to talk to them through about some of the areas they could expand ( opening offices, showrooms, self manufacturing facility) and their struggles they experiencing now ( mostly IT: database logging, emails , phone calls).I am having troubles deciding on how much capital I would like to contribute and how much of equity I'd like to have as a result of that business. It is very difficult for me to estimate the value/price of the business without any financial data on hand, based on what they said , is that they are making about 500,000 turnover with 40% net profit margin. They are quite old fashioned and have never dealt with partnering up , etc.. I was thinking to offer them my help regarding to IT aspect of the business for about 2-3 month without salary to familiarize myself with their business and then buy in about 20-30% of their business and split profits accordingly. They have told me that they are interested in selling the business as they 'd like to retire soon. But as of now I cannot promise them anything... I'd like to hear your opinions and possible advise in regarding to this partnership. Should I be requesting their financial data to make a better judgment of the net worth of the company and how much should I contribute? I know it's quite a silly question but , I don't want to come across as very straight forward and ill-mannered to them, I'd like to come across the financial aspect as delicately as possible...

I would appreciate any feedback you can give. Cheers!

dimanche 26 juin 2016

Hello everyone

Hello everyone, i decided i would start off by introducing myself.

My name is Henry and I am currently in the works of establishing my own SEO company, i've come here to read up on tips about business and hopefully contribute with my expertise on search engines. I've been an expert on SEO for about 3 years now and was working for a local SEO company until i decided to venture off and do my own thing.

If any of you need tips or could use any help my services will be available. :)

Thank you

samedi 25 juin 2016

Need help with social media marketing and press release for my crowdfunding campaign

I currently have a kickstarter campaign and cannot get enough backers to pledge. I have a unique magnetic repair guide called "Repair X" that shows a technician how to disable a game system, computer, or smartphone or tablet. Many have said that is "smokes" every other repair guide on the market and many are begging to buy it now. But I am struggling to get my campaign recognition. I have followed over 2000 repair stores and repair schools on twitter, instagram and post images of my product daily using hashtags relevant to this industry. I get many likes on my posts daily and many followers daily. But this has not affected my campaign at all. I know internet marketing is a little unique for crowdfunding sites so I need help with the following:

-I have a press release written but I have no clue how to send it to web sites or blogs to get it featured
-I do twitter and instagram and get followers daily (I currently have over 100 followers on each) but how do I best use these sites for promotion?
-How do I even us Facebook if most (if not all) groups consider posting any kickstarter campaign in a group is spam? How do I even use Facebook beyond making a business page (that no one looks at)?
-I have exhausted all my funds so I cannot afford a PR firm or social media ads anymore (Ive tried them and they brought 100's of NON-targeted likes, which is useless). So what other "free" options are out there?
-How do other stupid kickstarter campaigns get double or triple their funding goal, while I have been contacted by the CEO of a chain of repair related companies wants my product in bulk for distribution, but I can't seem to find a strong following beyond the handful of supporters I have? (I need more than just 20 serious people to get funding)


I have already tried 3 PR firms and they also had no effect on my campaign:

-A twitter PR firm promised an increase in traffic to my page but I didn't notice anything different by the time the campaign ended (my campaign stayed at 17 backers for 20 days straight and actually got people concealing their pledge the last 5 days before it ended)
-Another PR firm I paid $1500 for their "top level" promotion that was supposed to do serious promotion. Again, my campaign went up by 1 backer over the corse of the campaign. They sent an analiztics and its showed only about 200 people even visited my page.
-Finally I submitted my campaign to They said they can promote it but I need to give them $3500 up front and then they take 35% of the final funding. If I am only asking for $20,000 funding on my campaign, that means they take $10,500 from me. That’s over half of my funding money! What money would I have left over to send the backers their product?

No more PR firms for me!!!!

How are people offering sales/coupons with WordPress and Paypal

So I have a WordPress site and adding a PayPal button seems to be the only way that works to offer customers to make a purchase (I tried woo commerce but that only works with an unhosted site and I have no idea how to do that). My problem is that I want to offer coupons/coupon codes to customers but PayPal doesn't support this function.

I can't be the only one in this boat! What are other people in this situation doing?

Thank you!


vendredi 24 juin 2016

Subscription Box Ltd

I am resident of Greece and I will create a subscription box website/service like, in witch country should I register my LTD company?
Thank you

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thank you.

Percentage Split between 2 partners in small business

I am entering into a two person partnership. We are currently trying to figure out how we should split the income percentage wise. Both of us are investing equal amount of money into the company. It is a rental dresses company we are starting. My partner is already running the same business in one city. We are opening a branch of the same company in other city. I will be taking care of everything in this new branch. (Design, production, marketing and delivery). I will be basically doing all of the work. My partner will provide his inputs regarding running the business and he’ll be accompany me for marketing / production sometimes. Without me, my partner wouldn't be doing this so I am a valuable asset to my partner. Just my partner benefit is that he is an experienced one in this business as he has started the same previously in his city.

My partner proposed that we do a 50/50 split. He gets 50 and I get 50 percent.

I'm wondering what a fair split would be? Also would it be a good idea to actually do something like at 70/30 or a 75/25 split or commission based on specified amount or per order or % of sales, net profit, or any other value

Any feedback on this would be much appreciated.

jeudi 23 juin 2016

Cleaning business abroad while studying

Hello, i am new here.

I will start studying Business management next year in Denmark ( i am from Lithuania) . I have a little experience in cleaning industry. I was wondering how hard is it to start cleaning business? I should start working on my own and as time goes by i could employ other students. Denmark has student benefits for students who work atleast 50 hours a month, so students are willing to work really cheap in this area.

Is it possible to get some customers by going from place to place and offering my services with leaflets for people, stores, anything that could use our services? Is it possible to make it work WITHOUT HIGH experience at the beginning. I have worked for like 2 months but i am not sure if i am good enough at it and can keep customers with me.will i get more customers by mentioning thats we're students?

Dup Content

Is duplicate content from Facebook as bad for SEO as Dup Content for two different websites?


Hi, I want create new single-product online shop . I want to send the products from Europe to USA. My question is what are the conditions to operating e-shop in USA?


Getting a loan while unemployed or working part-time

What are options for someone who who has a 20% down payment and is looking for a long term business loan mortgage (the business includes property) over 20-30 years, but is currently unemployed or works part-time. The business loan would be for an established, stable business.

mercredi 22 juin 2016

My Application

Hello all,

Here i what to suggest you one application for Export All WhatsApp Contacts from your phone book which name is "Export Contacts For WhatsApp". So many time you faced that type of situations where you lost all whatsapp contact due to several reasons and it is headache to recover them back but now with this app you can recover all of your whatsapp contact from phone book in just minutes of time and in just few clicks. So Try this app in your phones.

Thanks and Regards

mardi 21 juin 2016

S-Corp owners and payroll

As an S-Corp owner I receive a paycheck like the rest of my employees. For each of the following items can someone please help with the correct way to handle these:

1. Medical Premiums - as a company we pay 100% of the employee medical premiums, but the employee pays pre-tax (Section 125) for family coverage. As an owner I believe I am NOT qualified for Section 125 (pre-tax), but should I have those family cost premiums come out of my paycheck after tax or just not deal with it in payroll at all?

2. HSA Employee contributions - same question as #1. Should my employee contributions to the HSA be part of a post-tax deduction in payroll or not (again I don't believe I am allowed to do pre-tax).

3. HSA Employer contributions - we as a company contribute (let's say) $100 month to employees HSA accounts (shows up in payroll employer side/w2). Do I do the same for me?

4. 401k contributions - I believe I can do this pre-tax like everyone else and just confirming here that I would be exactly the same as employees.

Thanks in advance!

Water springs on land.

Looking for a point in a direction any help appreciated.
Let me give a brief background first, my father and I own a coffee farm in Colombia with 52 acers our attempt to sell coffee has been filled with headches with unstable weather in the region. So we have given up on coffee, in this time our search to figure out what to do i was curious about a stream that ran through out our land.

To the water.
I contacted a company and they traced the stream to the source and they found that we have 5 springs in the mountain. We had the water tested and the results came back clean and high ph.

Now to my questions
We are not sure if we want to start our own bottled water company due to the money needed to start. I wanted to know who or how can i contact a big or small corporation to lease them the water for them to pump and use. For example they would come in and set up their plant. So 2 questions, 1 who would i contact. And 2 would it be better to start our plant and sell the water either to other company looking to sell water or have our own brand.

Any help or advise would be greatly appreciated because it very hard to find any information about this in my search in google.

lundi 20 juin 2016

Buy into business

I have an opportunity to "buy into" and expand an existing business... I will use the name, process and all the contractors to complete construction jobs. The problem is that I can't figure out the best way to structure the offer. I will be given qualified leads/referrals from past customers and any assistance from the owner while I expand the company to a new area of town. Do I offer a percentage of the profit of each job and if so, how long or up to what value? The new area will have no prior sales due to the current company not doing work in that area (yes, they have been turning down the referrals that are out of their area) so it's hard to come up with a value of the new location.

samedi 18 juin 2016

Lawn Care Pricing

I have always wanted to own my own business and after long and careful consideration, I have chosen lawn care. Lawn care is one of the best businesses to get into currently from what I've been reading and I enjoy doing it. Over the past few months my business hasn't been "official" I have had a couple job here and there, but haven't gone all in. I am here because I am writing my business plan and I am unsure about pricing. I have asked a few different people and some say I should charge hourly, by the square foot, or even a flat rate (I don't like flat rate). I was thinking I would charge by the square foot because it seems the pay would more closely reflect the amount of work. I was thinking I would charge $.004 - .005/1 sq ft. So for example my first customer who's yard is 15000 square feet would cost $60 - $75.

Some professional opinion and advice would be much appreciated thanks!

~ Private Healthcare Advice ~

Hey folks!

I am seeking advice for private healthcare for a family of four. Two adults, two children. Kids are 21 and 17.

Can anyone recommend some options to look into?

Currently I am working for a company who uses United Healthcare as a group employee benefit but I may be changing jobs soon and will need my own private (family) insurance. (Smaller company does not provide group insurance)

Thanks for any recommendations!

G'day From Australia

Hi Everyone,

I am from the Sunshine Coast in Queensland Australia.

I just found the small business forum website and very glad I did.

For the last 8 years I have been selling books online here in Australia. Recently I set-up my content / copywriting service as an additional business (after many months of consideration).

I have been writing content and web copy for my first online store for many years (and others); so finally decided it was a good idea to make it into an official business.

Learning so much about online marketing over the years (dos and don't), I now look back and wish I had all this information when I first started. Would have saved a lot of time, money and heartache. But that is life and something most business owners go through!

Thanks for reading.


vendredi 17 juin 2016

Hello! I am Kindle Murphy.

I am Kindle Murphy and I am a graphic designer. I help businesses with their visual communication; signs, brand identity, advertising materials, packaging, business form layout, packaging, etc...

Geez, I didn't read all the fine print when I signed up here. I'm not sure if I can post a link to my site or not... but being on the safe side... I won't... If I can I will!

I live in Oregon, but it's the twenty-first century, so I am able to serve anyone in the world! Who said it was better in the old days?

I find myself here on the small-business-forum. net because I have been freelancing and that cast me into to the role of being an entrepreneur as well... Hello, my fellow entrepreneurs!

Here's to us all having a great summer!

Suggestions on Office Professionals w/ High Traffic for Office Desk related product

I have a new drinkware product launching soon. It has a novelty aspect to it, so it's definitely a conversation piece. I am currently brainstorming on ideal professionals to give out the item for free. I'm looking for professionals that have a lot of clients or have a lot of traffic near their area to get the most exposure per free item given away. Please add your suggestions. I've currently came up with:
- The lobby security desk for large office or apartment buildings.
- Realtors
- Local politicians
- Dental Offices

Small business financing is a huge pain in the butt - atleast it has been for me

Obviously, financing for small business can be a bitch and a half. I have personally had trouble getting loans less than the $1 million benchmark; it is as if, Banks have decided that you are too small time if you are asking in excess of $1 Million.

For the past year or so, I have been working on a restaurant called Jail Bird Burritos - the idea itself is about having fun, cheap, and delicious food. Just to give you an idea of the type of food we sell: Our Breakfast burrito is called the Mess Hall Queso Quencher - it is pretty much Potato, egg, sausage, ramen noodles, queso cheese, and sour cream - the ramen might give you second thoughts but trust me these burritos are DELICIOUS! Anyways, I have a location in Southern Florida, and I have been trying to get a $150,000 loan, and nearly every bank and financer have declined me - might I add that my credit score is phenomenal, so this is not a matter of trust - just the bank deciding I am not worth their time.

I have thought of refinancing my company but SBA-backed loans, or Investment lenders might be a better option. Still working out the kinks but I thought I'd share the article. legislation

I have a couple friends/ acquaintances that have taken on SBA loans, and I have looked into it - so far it has been a much better experience than working with the banks, but I have not committed quite yet.

Facebook spammer sentenced to 2 1/2 years in prison


SAN JOSE, Calif. — Federal prosecutors say a Las Vegas man has been sentenced to 2½ years in prison for sending more than 27 million spam messages to Facebook users and disobeying a court order not to access Facebook.
Federal prosecutors say Tuesday a federal judge in San Jose, California on Monday also ordered 47-year-old Sanford Wallace to pay $310,000 in restitution.
Last year Wallace admitted to accessing about 500,000 Facebook accounts and sending unsolicited ads disguised as friend posts over a three-month span.
Prosecutors say Wallace collected Facebook user account information by sending “phishing” messages that tricked users of the social networking site into providing their passwords.
According to the indictment, he then used that information to log into their accounts and post spam messages on their friends’ Facebook walls.
Las Vegas man lands prison time for sending Facebook users millions of spam messages | Las Vegas Review-Journal

From The Verge:
'Spam King' who sent 27 million Facebook messages gets 30 months in jail | The Verge

I say good riddance you dirty, rotten plague on the internet.

jeudi 16 juin 2016

Help marketing new bookkeeping service!


I am starting my bookkeeping service and am stuck on how to find my first few clients. I know that businesses like mine spread best through word of mouth and I have told everyone I know about my work and that I am looking for clients. Today I plan to put an add in the local paper and I have done some pro bono work for a testimonial for my website. I plan to place an ad on Craigslist, though Craigslist is scary to me, so many scammers and viruses!

Does anyone have any more ideas for me? I would like to start with local service companies, construction, electricians, that sort of thing. I don't have the budget to join the Chamber of Commerce right now, that was suggested to me before. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks guys!

mardi 14 juin 2016

Setting up new RE business, questions regarding bank accounts and addressing

Hello All, I've been spending the past 8 weeks reading countless threads and have reached a major roadblock in starting my Realestate business.

I purchased a property (in NY) that's paid in cash and will be renovated then rented. I will manage the property. I'd like to purchase a second home this year as well and will cash-out refi to help get that one going. I will then manage both properties. I will also offer RE consulting services to older mentors who arent very computer saavy.

Eventually, I'd like to create a LLC to protect my personal assets, but it's not feasible at the moment because I do not have assets to protect [I'm currently a renter with no personal home]. I cannot transfer the home[s] to the LLC as I will be cash-out-refi to get the second. Personal rates are much cheaper and my business will have no 'business credit'history and could present a roadblock.

To get started, i've registered for a 'DBA' 'xxxxx Real Estate'. Some day this may be xxxxx Real Estate, LLC. So here we are!
Question 1 - Bookeeping - Launching a new RE business requires a ton of 'initial capital'. Meaning, I almost immediately need to put up money for inspections, repairs/renovations, fees, registrations, suppplies, etc. Long before I even begin collecting rent. My biggest question is - How on earth do I account for this spending? My books will show lots of spending without any 'income'. I plan on leveraging one credit cards cash advances [0%, 15 months] to help get started. I also have $6000 of my own money i'd like to put in.

Question 2 - Addressing - I'd like to create some anonymity in the form of a virtual mailbox/etc. Ultimately move eveyrthing to that address especially once the LLC is formed. I've been met with nothing but roadblocks. I tried setting up a PO box with USPS, but learned that DBA/Business registration in NYC cant use a PO Box. Even then, the People at the post office gave me a hard time not believing my lease papers, or my Florida ID. I've since requested a NYC ID but that will arrive in two weeks. Delaying things further.

Unfortunately I had to get started on EIN/DBA forms so did it under my primary residence. UPS offers mailboxes but they charge $396/yr which is unreasonable for a business with no income. How do I setup a DBA/Business using an address that's not my own?

Question 3- Credit - I applied for a 'Business' checking/savings via Capital One "Spark". They asked for proof such as:
-SS4 Letter (not applicable, since i'm not corp).
-Tax Return (not applicable since i have not filed)
-Govt Document showing business name and tax ID (I guess the EIN confirmation will work)
-Business Licenses (which arent applicable)
-Utility bill with business name (not possible while working out of my home)
-Proof of insurance (not applicable either)
-Business License (not applicable as Sole Prop).
-I have not received confirmation of DBA application from the state. Maybe that would work?

I expect the same issues to arise when I appy for a 'business' credit card. In general, i'd appreciate any advice going forward. As of now i'm just lost. Thank you

Can I do this??

Hey everyone!

So I have an s-corp for my consulting business. My wife is starting a jewelry business (not incorporated currently) and I'm paying for the start up costs as an outside investor might.

I would obviously love to add these as expenses through my business. Since we share personal bank accounts, it seems my business could legitimately be seen as an equity investor in her business.

Would that hold up? Can I add her start up costs in my ledger? Anything I should be aware of?

Thanks in advance!


What online marketing problems are you struggling with?

I'm creating some free videos and guides for business owners.

I'd like to know - related to websites and online marketing - what is the single most urgent or important issue to you right now?

Microsoft buys LinkedIn for 26.2 Billion in cash!

In case you haven't heard, Microsoft purchased LinkedIn yesterday:


The software giant said Monday morning that it would acquire LinkedIn in a $26.2 billion cash deal. The acquisition, by far the largest in Microsoft’s history, unites two companies in different businesses: one a big maker of software tools, the other the largest business-oriented social networking site, with more than 400 million members globally.

Personally I think this is a huge deal and great fit for Microsoft who is the big chief in the business services market. I also am glad to see LinkedIn hold on and keep it together long enough to cash out well. Over the last few years I've had my doubts that it could sustain it's lack of innovation, ridiculous amount of spam, and really cumbersome community tools.

I actually stopped even logging into my LinkedIn account. But if MS does something nice with it I'll definitely start using it again.

I think Microsoft, even though they have a knack for screwing things up sometimes, is the best company positioned to do something with it and fold it into their other business services.

What do you guys think?

lundi 13 juin 2016

LLC vs. Corporation start-up fees?

So I was looking into registering an LLC rather than going the route of sole proprietorship, but in my state the initial and annual update fees are big. At this point, the business income would barely be enough for the registration fee, let alone the annual update filing fees! So, would it make more sense to begin operation as a sole proprietorship and then transfer it to LLC after it has been established...?

Also, thought it was a bit odd that corporate startup and annual fees are more than half as less as LLC fees.

Looking for free job description resources

Does anyone know of some good places to get free job descriptions?

I've seen Monster's big listing but they seem really thin.

Sample Job Descriptions |

Any better listings out there?

the best life insurance

We are offering Insurance which is an important part of any financial plan and helps provide financial security for you and your family.

dimanche 12 juin 2016

How do I connect my business to google maps?!

Okay so like I am managing A client a google refuses to work. Basically, I went through the whole set up for my business and even got the address verified. The issue is its not working! When I use the app I get this: image.jpgimage.jpg
I cannot figure out what I'm doing wrong. How do I make it work? Did I do it wrong? I followed tutorials online so I couldn't have done anything wrong...
Attached Images

Hello to all from Linsts China

Hello, Everyone, this is Linsts from Southwest China, Nice to see all of you guys.

Linsts (Lins Trading Services Company Limited), which is located at Southwest China, aims to help small business deal with China. We are well experienced to provide reliable services and competitive prices to our old and new customers all over the world.

The office, warehouse as well as processing factories are located in the Southwest China, thus enabling us to have a better quality control on all range products, and assuring us to have constant supplies from different sources. Save customers’ valuable time in finding the right factories, sourcing various materials, supervising goods production processing from beginning till finishing to meet workmanship requirements and shipment schedule follow up by using our services as we work closely with factories and customers.

Understanding the needs of our clients, knowing the language and the culture of trade and China, we believe in qualities, quantities, time, prices and delivery are the most essential elements in international trade. The repeating customers and trustful cooperation is the important basis for sustainable successful business development around the world.

samedi 11 juin 2016

Identity Design

I'm just thinking about starting my own small business. I was considering online web site builder to create page that will represent stuff that I'm doing but so many people tell me that it could be extremely profitable on this step to think about foundation of brand. According to the information based on my research, there's design agencies that create identity design. All the visual's that represent a company including web sites. My question is, is it reasonable to use this service now? There's a meaning that it could increase future sales. Thank you.

vendredi 10 juin 2016

Managing and Working with People You Don't Like

Have you ever managed or worked with someone who is good at their job, but just rubs you the wrong way? Maybe their work style is radically different from yours, or maybe their opinions or beliefs oppose everything that you think and believe. Sometimes it's the way they express themselves or how they interact. Could be anything really, but there's just something that makes working with them unpleasant. How do you handle those situations? Do you ignore the bad stuff if they do their primary job well? If you're a manager, do you ignore the behavior that annoys co-workers, even if they complain, if that same behavior isn't extended to you? If you're the co-worker, do you contemplate murder every day in your mind, but realize there's really nothing you can do and accept that a certain level of unpleasantness is going to be part of your life?

I realize it's different if you're a manager rather than a co-worker, but I think it's a common problem. How do the rest of you deal with it?

(And yes, Vangogh, before you ask, you know exactly who prompted this thread. :p)

Helllo Everyone!

Hello everyone,

Hope you are all well,

I am John and i am the SEO & internet marketing consultant. If anyone have any query regarding SEO & Internet marketing then can ask me.

I am sure i'll help to run your online business successfully with my marketing strategy.

Look forward for the further discussion.


jeudi 9 juin 2016

Hello to all

Hi, I was hoping I might get some help. I own a marketing company and I have had a hard time reaching business owners. I know most of you don't like sales calls or sales people but our product can really help and it's very affordable. What is the best way to reach business owners other then knocking on doors and hoping the person you speak with is the business owner. Business owners are rarely at their business or they just tell me they are the managers instead. Any advice or website that might help?


Hello everyone!

My name is Norma Landis and I have a bookkeeping and administrative service. I am just starting out and am hoping to find much useful advice here for a newbie like me.

Thanks in advance for all your help!

My 20+ Success Mantra or Tips Of Every Young Entrepreneurs

Hello friends, I hope you all are fine. I am here for sharing my thoughts and my collection about entrepreneurship success tips, howtos and many more things about starting and running a business. Today, i'm sharing top 20+ Success Mantra or Tips of every Young Entrepreneurs. If you follow these all tips then, you'll make your bright future with successful business.

1. Challenge yourself.
2. Do work you care about.
3. Take the risk.
4. Believe in yourself.
5. Have a vision.
6. Find good people.
7. Face your fears.
8. Take action.
9. Do the time.
10. Manage energy, not time.
11. Build a great team.
12. Hire character.
13. Plan for raising capital.
14. Know your goals.
15. Learn from mistakes.
16. Know your customer.
17. Learn from complaints.
18. Ask for customers’ input.
19. Spend wisely.
20. Understand your industry.
21. Deliver more than expected.

Also, I've created one YouTube Channel Called Young Entrepreneurs - I don't force you to join. But, just take a look at

If you are young entrepreneur then, this channel is best for you. Also, in future you'll found the success story of popular entrepreneurs.

mercredi 8 juin 2016

New covers of old songs

Now it's time for a light hearted post. My last one was a little dark and depressing.

We've all heard them. We've all got our favorites. Often a cover doesn't do a song justice, but this thread is for those rare covers that make a good tribute.

Metallica covers Lynyrd Skynyrd.

Why is it ... (advance warning - depressing thread incoming)

that government agencies never want to address a problem head on. This is getting to the point that I am starting to get angry whenever this topic is brought up.

I'm going to be blunt. I'm going to speak my mind. I'm going to allow my emotions to show rather than keep them to myself. This may come across as preachy, but I'm going to say it anyhow. Attempts to troll will be met with silence (in this case trolls ain't worth my time).

I'm not talking about the corruption, the narcissistic dealings, the nepotism, the double speak, etc, though these actions and many more all play a role in what is going on. These actions don't come from only one party - all parties are guilty of this.

A little over a year ago I posted this thread: In the middle of February I added to it following the suicide of a 17 yr old.

On Monday (June 6) of this week a story ( hit the national, possibly international, press that there appears to be a problem. Really? There appears to be a problem? 5 teenagers kill themselves and it appears that there is a problem?

There is a problem!! There's no "appears" about it. When they say "appears" I laugh (sadly this isn't a joyous laughter) at the incompetence they show just from their word choices.

I believe that the two deaths I referenced earlier is what kicked off this sequence. In Justin's case, Andrew (the first death in the post) was his best friend. Justin was never able to fully get past this. By the time he hung himself (9 months later) he had lost hope. It is this complete and utter loss of hope, along with the complete moral depravity that is ingrained into humanity, that drives these actions.

Yesterday, a student walkout was held by city hall in Woodstock. I had to physically restrain myself from crashing the walkout and telling the kids to go home or back to class. Government ain't gonna fix this. Education ain't gonna fix this. Not even talking about it is gonna help fix this.

Harsh words? Yep.
Depressing outlook? Absolutely.
Bitter? Guilty as charged.

Why am I angry? Because all I ever hear coming from the "powers that be" is talk. They talk, and they talk, and they talk, and they talk some more. Anything that they do to attempt to fix the issue backfires (non-violence laws had a kid in western Canada being suspended for stepping between a bully and his soon to be stabbing victim). No touching policies in the schools don't allow students or teachers to give a non-sexual hug when the receiver of said hug clearly needs one. They're being taught that they're no better than animals. They're being taught that there is no perfect standard of good. They are being taught that walking away, turning their backs on, or checking out are the best options. They're being taught that the sanctity of human life doesn't exist (look at abortion stats and euthanasia debates). They're being taught that it's a disease, an illness, or one of the various other labels the psychiatric community has given this (talking about it can help, but the approach needs to come from a position of understanding rather than a fixing a broken person position).

These kids see what's going on around them. They see our governments asking for input and then doing what the minority wants even though the majority says don't. They ask what's the point. They get told that they can't effect change (I've been hearing this line being said to myself for as long as I can remember yet never got suspended for fighting back against bullies nor calling a spade a spade when teachers and those in authority are abusing their position). They, often unknowingly, understand something that most of us don't, or refuse to, see. Unfortunately, they choose (yes it is a choice and often includes a fair amount of planning) the only option they see as their only choice. Its a tragic choice and the consequences are final and quite selfish.

I do not have an answer. I can say, with full assurance and knowledge, that there is hope, though it is not rooted in people or governments, nor is it rooted in myself.

I'm not really sure where this is going to go. Maybe this thread will die with only this post (I can live with that btw). All I can say is that this has weighed heavily on me all week and I had to say something.

Hello from Maryland!

Hi! I'm Jared and I work to help small businesses grow with Blispay Point of Sale Financing. Glad to be here and reach out if you've thought about offering Blispay to your shoppers, customers or patients: or via email at

lundi 6 juin 2016

Employee or Contractor for small trucking business? Need some advice!

Hey everyone. I am new here and I am having a hard time figuring out how I should proceed with regards to how I should pay the guys I have working for me. To start off I started my business back in 2012 as an LLC as a sole owner operator with one box truck. Fast forward 4 years and I am now working to get a contract with a new company that is wanting me to bring on at least 3 trucks this year. This is where my problem starts. They are vetting me and are requiring me to get and unemployment insurance policy and also sign up for unemployment taxes. Well I currently have one truck with one guy in it and hes paid as a contractor. The more I read about what the IRS considers as an employee vs contractor the more confused I guess. Most of the people I know who have several trucks and employee people are paying them as contractors since this business has no set hours for the most part and you are done with the day when there is nothing left to deliver.

So if I provide the truck and the equipment can they still be considered as a contract worker? I mean he/she is required to be at the warehouse between 6 and 7am and they load up and are on their own using my equipment until the job is done. The pay is a flat rate per day or was the plan once we start the operation in a couple weeks. If I was to pay them as an employee that opens up a whole new can of worms and makes it a lot more expensive and not even sure how I would go about paying them flat rates. So has anyone dealt with this or have any advice with regards to how I should set it up. Its a 6 to 7 days a week operation doing last mile services for a retail customer locally. Can I consider them as contractors or what has to happen to be able to consider them that way? I know the rest of the trucks already on with them are all 1099 contractors but they are not sharing much information on how they set it up to make it fly with the IRS guidelines. Anyway thanks in advance!

Jason Zalesky

samedi 4 juin 2016

Searching for Do follow sites to leave anchor test

I use the following two commands to find anchor text sites by subject to leave comments

"You may use these HTML tags" subject
“Allowed HTML tags:” subject

I want to modify them to include only do follow sites.

Kindly show me how to do this


2016 Internet Trends Report

KPCB puts out a yearly internet trends report that covers everything from Global trends, advertising and communication, mobile, and data privacy.
It's big, detailed and is a good reference for anyone in Internet Marketing and Development.

I haven't had a chance to scan through it all, but I'm sure I'll have some thoughts down the road.

You can find the link here:
2016 Internet Trends ? Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers

vendredi 3 juin 2016

Who wants to put ads on my website?

I am hosting a website and I am looking to make a little money by putting ads on my website. Who wants to give me some ads to put on there?

Many Hats - Instructor | Software Developer | Entrepreneur

Hey Guys,

I'm Jarrod. I studied Industrial Engineering at Texas A&M University. After school, I worked as an Industrial Engineer at American Express, spent four years as a project manager at an engineering firm, and then spent three years as a Business Analytics consultant for IBM - where I worked on projects like the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in 2010, automating financial reporting capabilities for one of the world’s largest investment management companies, and partnering with a leading pharmaceutical company to help evaluate the state of the mental healthcare ecosystem.

I eventually left consulting to get more experience in operations management, which led me to spend two years in a finance management role at a large industrial supply company before I decided to launch my own company. I'm run a company (ReAppDev, Inc) that focuses on three main activities.

Deliver High-Quality, Practical Education Online: In this vertical, I focus on teaching technology related courses that are rooted in real-world application instead of theory. All of my activities here fall under the XLEssentials brand. I launched my first course in May of 2016 (ask me about what this entails!). It focuses on transforming students into Microsoft Excel Wizards. Developing this course was a huge challenge and is one of the things I'm the most proud of in my career to-date.

Provide Software Solutions for Small-to-Medium Sized Businesses: Here I mainly focus on developing software to automate repetitive tasks, digitize paper based processes into online forms with structured data, and migrate offline calculators to the web. I deliver these services through my main company ReAppDev. For the tech folks here, I mostly develop in php with the Laravel framework. Although, I have built a few Java applications and VBA applications for folks who want to automate tasks in Excel, Word, and PowerPoint.

Develop Custom Software: For now, I spend the least amount of time in this vertical. This is where I focus on developing my own software platforms. I'm currently building an Operations Management tool that provides small-to-medium sized businesses more insight into their productivity, utilization of resources, and profitability at a more granular level.


I think I just set the record for the longest intro. If you read all the way to this point, you're pretty awesome!

Jarrod Tanton
<Please set up a signature through Settings>

Do you think increasing likes and followers on social media help us?

Have you any idea about increasing likes and followers for your Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram and the more you have audience on your profiles the more chances to get your product famous.

jeudi 2 juin 2016

Where can I promote my blog?

Hi, I have created recently a blog related to web development and I'm trying to promote it with social media and sites like and Also I'm posting in other forums and blogs with a signature, and I'm answering questions in Quora but I would like to make it grow faster. Do you have more (free or low cost) ideas?

Site for Cooperation between companies ?


I am newly hired Marketer in small-medium sized company situated in Slovakia. Company is oriented in Engineering department mostly working with stainless steel. As a young person i do not have big experience with Marketing. My main job is to look for any cooperation with companies in Europe (not slovakia), basically - International marketing. My question is if anyone knows any site where other companies are publishing their cooperation opportunities like,"We are looking for company that has Laser Machine, hydraulic scissors 50+ employees and can work with this kind stainless steel.. ". I was looking for this kind of site for ages but with no results. Here in Slovakia we have few sites that offers this service but i havent found any international. If no one knows any site, is here at least site that has list of all companies in exact country ( in slovakia we have site like

Thank you

What is the nositelinksearchbox meta tag?

hi friends,

What is the nositelinksearchbox meta tag?

What is the notranslate tag?

hi friends,

What is the notranslate tag?

What is the X-Robots tag?

hi friends,

What is the X-Robots tag?

What is a robots.txt file?

hi friends,

What is a robots.txt file?

What is Unicode/UTF-8 and why does that matter to Google?

hi friends,

What is Unicode/UTF-8 and why does that matter to Google?

What is the refresh meta tag and why is it not recommended?

What is the refresh meta tag and why is it not recommended?

What is an .htaccess file and how to use it?

hi all,

What is an .htaccess file and how to use it?

How can you use user agent and IP location detection to improve UX?

hi friends,

How can you use user agent and IP location detection to improve UX?

mercredi 1 juin 2016

Growing business and improving work flow

Hi hope to see if someone can help or something.

Maybe a few people can relate and have had similar experience.

Started my business, 23 at the time, did all office work myself. Had no prior office or business experience in what I now do. My process work simple tailored the way I wanted. Was a bit disorganized, bookkeeping on excel, etc....
Started growing, and hired family and friends with little to no experience in the positions I had.
After realizing my processes weren't gonna cut it any more, I've tried to improve things, but have little progress.

Just wondering how did you guys manage this. College taught me none of this, looking online is so broad and vague. Learning and teaching is time consuming and frustrating.
Hiring someone experienced is expensive.

Did you guys take a seminar? Class? Buy a process manual tailored specifically for your business and the positions you need? Lol...... No serious how much was it?

I'm feel lost right now, but want get things down and get corporatized to expand a lot more in the coming years. Easily going to double what we did last year. Still got 6 months for this year for improvement, which can possibly bring us close to 3X.

And also relieve some stresses, and get a bit of personal time.

Purchase commercial real estate and start Coffee Shop, Bar or Convenience Store.

I have about $110K in cash to put into a business. I want to start something in the Gold Country of Northern California, around 3500 ft elevation or higher. I have my eye on a town near Placerville right now. I own a cabin there and like the town. I lived there 10 years and visit a couple times per month at least. The population sign reads 4800, but there are more like 7-8000 people in the immediate area. A large highway passes through it connecting Tahoe and Sacramento. Many tourists do stop on their way through, mostly for groceries and gas. There is really just one bar in town. There used to be 4. There are 4 convenience stores, 2 selling gas. One of the 4 is really in the next town over. There is no coffee shop at this time, other than a Starbuck's inside a grocery store. There was one that was open for several years but was shut down because of an ADA lawsuit.

I want to open either a coffee shop, bar or convenience store. I want to own the real estate underneath the business. I think it would make me feel that I am getting something tangible, rather than just an idea. But I do realize that ideas are valuable! I also don't want to have to worry about site improvements, negotiating leases and things like that. There is a convenience store for sale right now but the property is not for sale. There is a really neat coffee shop/wine bar for sale 15 minutes from there but likewise, the property is not for sale. I have talked to the owner about it over the last couple of years.

Another complicating issue is that ideally, I want to have a hot rod shop at the same location. I may or may not want to run that as a business. I might just practice my hobby there while I babysit my money making business. This would not be possible at either of the two leased locations mentioned above.

As far as vacant buildings/land, I have found one building that I like, for $130K, and another that is my 2nd choice right now, for $270K. Also, another piece of bare land for $50K with a water meter and power nearby.

I think I could get some financing on the 130K property. Maybe buy it for 100 and finance 25-30 so I could have some money left over for start up. I think I can get a beer and wine license for about $5-$10K. I probably wouldn't go full hard liquor because those licenses are more like $50K I believe. I believe the owner of the 270K building would carry a note if I put 30K down. That building was a bar and has a residential rental unit bringing in $700/month.

I have looked at the zoning in the area and found that only the $50K property has the right zoning for the hot rod shop. The others are all suitable for coffee shop/bar/store.

I have a cushy government job right now and it will be hard to leave it. I make about $100k/year with benefits and doubt I'll be able to match that as a business owner. Making more money is not my goal, but I don't want to put myself in the poor house either. I am thinking maybe I can start a business and run it while I keep my job then transition into it if it all works.

So I guess my questions come down to this:

Which of the 3 types of businesses is generally the most successful? How much cash should I have on hand beyond whatever it takes to prepare the building and get licenses? For a convenience store, do I typically need to pay for the inventory up front? Same question for coffee shop and bar.

I know this is a lot of questions and if you can answer any of them I'd appreciate it. Also, if I'm totally on the wrong track and not even asking the right questions I need to know that too.

Pay only 4% taxes from your internet incomes

Hello guys,

are you a freelancer? Do you have an income from fiverr, google adsense amazone, clickbank, or any other online affiliate and you want to pay taxes as low as possible?

You can open a company in Slovenia and you pay ONLY 4% of taxes for internet incomes. And btw this is not an off-shore company! However, this offer may curently benefit only citizens of the European Union and USA.
Important!: The yearly income should not exceed 100.000,00€!

In practice: If you earn 100.000,00€ per year, you ll pay only 4.000€ of taxes. Thats it :)

If you are interested, you can contact me here, or skype (skype name:, e mail: info [at] firmica . si , or you can call 00386 41 823 888.
For small business forum registered users i ll give 10% discount (Discount Code: Anze&SBForum ) for my service.
