mardi 21 juin 2016

S-Corp owners and payroll

As an S-Corp owner I receive a paycheck like the rest of my employees. For each of the following items can someone please help with the correct way to handle these:

1. Medical Premiums - as a company we pay 100% of the employee medical premiums, but the employee pays pre-tax (Section 125) for family coverage. As an owner I believe I am NOT qualified for Section 125 (pre-tax), but should I have those family cost premiums come out of my paycheck after tax or just not deal with it in payroll at all?

2. HSA Employee contributions - same question as #1. Should my employee contributions to the HSA be part of a post-tax deduction in payroll or not (again I don't believe I am allowed to do pre-tax).

3. HSA Employer contributions - we as a company contribute (let's say) $100 month to employees HSA accounts (shows up in payroll employer side/w2). Do I do the same for me?

4. 401k contributions - I believe I can do this pre-tax like everyone else and just confirming here that I would be exactly the same as employees.

Thanks in advance!

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