vendredi 24 juin 2016

Percentage Split between 2 partners in small business

I am entering into a two person partnership. We are currently trying to figure out how we should split the income percentage wise. Both of us are investing equal amount of money into the company. It is a rental dresses company we are starting. My partner is already running the same business in one city. We are opening a branch of the same company in other city. I will be taking care of everything in this new branch. (Design, production, marketing and delivery). I will be basically doing all of the work. My partner will provide his inputs regarding running the business and he’ll be accompany me for marketing / production sometimes. Without me, my partner wouldn't be doing this so I am a valuable asset to my partner. Just my partner benefit is that he is an experienced one in this business as he has started the same previously in his city.

My partner proposed that we do a 50/50 split. He gets 50 and I get 50 percent.

I'm wondering what a fair split would be? Also would it be a good idea to actually do something like at 70/30 or a 75/25 split or commission based on specified amount or per order or % of sales, net profit, or any other value

Any feedback on this would be much appreciated.

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