mercredi 1 juin 2016

Growing business and improving work flow

Hi hope to see if someone can help or something.

Maybe a few people can relate and have had similar experience.

Started my business, 23 at the time, did all office work myself. Had no prior office or business experience in what I now do. My process work simple tailored the way I wanted. Was a bit disorganized, bookkeeping on excel, etc....
Started growing, and hired family and friends with little to no experience in the positions I had.
After realizing my processes weren't gonna cut it any more, I've tried to improve things, but have little progress.

Just wondering how did you guys manage this. College taught me none of this, looking online is so broad and vague. Learning and teaching is time consuming and frustrating.
Hiring someone experienced is expensive.

Did you guys take a seminar? Class? Buy a process manual tailored specifically for your business and the positions you need? Lol...... No serious how much was it?

I'm feel lost right now, but want get things down and get corporatized to expand a lot more in the coming years. Easily going to double what we did last year. Still got 6 months for this year for improvement, which can possibly bring us close to 3X.

And also relieve some stresses, and get a bit of personal time.

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