samedi 25 juin 2016

Need help with social media marketing and press release for my crowdfunding campaign

I currently have a kickstarter campaign and cannot get enough backers to pledge. I have a unique magnetic repair guide called "Repair X" that shows a technician how to disable a game system, computer, or smartphone or tablet. Many have said that is "smokes" every other repair guide on the market and many are begging to buy it now. But I am struggling to get my campaign recognition. I have followed over 2000 repair stores and repair schools on twitter, instagram and post images of my product daily using hashtags relevant to this industry. I get many likes on my posts daily and many followers daily. But this has not affected my campaign at all. I know internet marketing is a little unique for crowdfunding sites so I need help with the following:

-I have a press release written but I have no clue how to send it to web sites or blogs to get it featured
-I do twitter and instagram and get followers daily (I currently have over 100 followers on each) but how do I best use these sites for promotion?
-How do I even us Facebook if most (if not all) groups consider posting any kickstarter campaign in a group is spam? How do I even use Facebook beyond making a business page (that no one looks at)?
-I have exhausted all my funds so I cannot afford a PR firm or social media ads anymore (Ive tried them and they brought 100's of NON-targeted likes, which is useless). So what other "free" options are out there?
-How do other stupid kickstarter campaigns get double or triple their funding goal, while I have been contacted by the CEO of a chain of repair related companies wants my product in bulk for distribution, but I can't seem to find a strong following beyond the handful of supporters I have? (I need more than just 20 serious people to get funding)


I have already tried 3 PR firms and they also had no effect on my campaign:

-A twitter PR firm promised an increase in traffic to my page but I didn't notice anything different by the time the campaign ended (my campaign stayed at 17 backers for 20 days straight and actually got people concealing their pledge the last 5 days before it ended)
-Another PR firm I paid $1500 for their "top level" promotion that was supposed to do serious promotion. Again, my campaign went up by 1 backer over the corse of the campaign. They sent an analiztics and its showed only about 200 people even visited my page.
-Finally I submitted my campaign to They said they can promote it but I need to give them $3500 up front and then they take 35% of the final funding. If I am only asking for $20,000 funding on my campaign, that means they take $10,500 from me. That’s over half of my funding money! What money would I have left over to send the backers their product?

No more PR firms for me!!!!

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