mardi 21 juin 2016

Water springs on land.

Looking for a point in a direction any help appreciated.
Let me give a brief background first, my father and I own a coffee farm in Colombia with 52 acers our attempt to sell coffee has been filled with headches with unstable weather in the region. So we have given up on coffee, in this time our search to figure out what to do i was curious about a stream that ran through out our land.

To the water.
I contacted a company and they traced the stream to the source and they found that we have 5 springs in the mountain. We had the water tested and the results came back clean and high ph.

Now to my questions
We are not sure if we want to start our own bottled water company due to the money needed to start. I wanted to know who or how can i contact a big or small corporation to lease them the water for them to pump and use. For example they would come in and set up their plant. So 2 questions, 1 who would i contact. And 2 would it be better to start our plant and sell the water either to other company looking to sell water or have our own brand.

Any help or advise would be greatly appreciated because it very hard to find any information about this in my search in google.

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