mercredi 5 juillet 2017

Greetings and thanks for having us

Greetings everyone from Alex & Karl
Due to our own harsh experiences with finding various services, we decided that we might have an interesting idea and business niche to try our skills in. We developed ads/classifieds based platform (Szinga) with sole idea to make the process more efficient, safe and private for both services searchers and services providers. We just launched, finished speed optimization of the platform and currently have a SEO expert working on it. I guess you can call it alpha testing period we are on now.
Taken into account that we come from financial analysis/logistics fields with no experience in e-commerce, that`s basically how we landed here. Thanks for having us and hopefully we will find this forum extremely useful, just as we will gladly share our own experiences with you.

You can locate the platform here -


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