lundi 31 juillet 2017

SEO Latest Trends and Strategies

What are the SEO latest trends and Strategies for the optimization and clearly share with me the strategy of it.

dimanche 30 juillet 2017

I'm Finally 18!

It's official...I'm 18 years of age. If you're newish, you probably don't know why it's significant, but if you're Harold or anyone else, the day is...

Planting your business on the web

Aside from Facebook, YP, Yelp etc where do you have your business posted? What type of business is it? I'd like to hear some of the other...

Blogging on a non blogging website, thing of the past?

So, on one of my websites I have a blog feature that I rarely use. But I do know that adding more content (depending on the content) can be good OR...

Hey guys!

Found you guys on google looking for a cool small biz forum! I run a finance company, I came here to learn more about internet marketing, lead...

vendredi 28 juillet 2017

Man Makes Hilarious Complaint to IKEA

My wife shared this true story with me now making serious rounds across the web. It truly is hilarious!

Man makes hilarious complaint to IKEA

How would you know if your website is giving or losing your valuable leads?

To those who have a webiste, feel free to run your page in this website grader ( (free) to assess if it's...

what is use of forum submission?

hi, can you answer what is forum submission and use of forum submission?. How it create backlinks for sites?

Hello From India

Hello All, I am Dr. Nimit Grag from New Delhi, India. I am new to "Small Business Forum".

How to grow classified website business

Hello friends, We have started basic classified geo location covers all over India, I need some ideas, suggestion regarding our classifieds....

jeudi 27 juillet 2017

Hello Friends!!

Hello Friends!! I hope you all doing well here small-business-forum. I am new here :)

Incentivizing customers to refer family and friends as new customers

Hello. I recently began working for a retailer for a large wireless provider. My position is 100% commission. I would like to provide an incentive for customers that have purchased from me to refer family and friends back to me. I was thinking of a few ideas, but I wanted to bounce these off of this community since your probably a lot more experienced in this area than I am. :)

The referral will be earned if my customer refers someone to me and the person they refer activates new service or upgrades their existing phone.

  • My initial thought was a gift card to my business. I was thinking $5 or $10. The gift card could be used to make purchases in the store, such as accessories, etc. Also, if they rack up enough referrals, they would have a collection of gift cards to use. I did bounce this idea off an associate and he thought it was a good idea because "...people like something tangible..." The downside to a gift card is that this doesn't require them to do business with me. They can use the gift card with anyone at the store. Also, a gift card to allow purchases of accessories, etc. from my store may not really be a big thing because most people would buy their accessories (phone case, chargers, etc.) when they purchase the phone.
  • Pay a portion of their phone bill. Maybe $5 or $10 per referral.
  • Instead of a gift card to my business, I could give a gift card to a local business. I'm in a small town and we do have a few chain businesses, but we also have a few "Mom & Pop" businesses. I was thinking of a local coffee shop. I know the owners and have a good relationship with them, but me giving gift cards to their business will be benefiting their business and not mine.

With all of the above I was also thinking of limiting it to a certain period, such as ".... maximum of x gift cards per y days (30, 60, 90, 180, or something like that).

I am open to your feedback.

Thank you.

Collecting bad debt.

I own a successful automotive parts store in Indiana and I am currently having trouble collecting from a customer. I have owned this store for 20 years and this is the first time I have had this problem. I have filed with my attorney and have had four court dates, he was a no show each time. I am trying to get a warrant for his arrest but I am I must follow procedure which includes several more court dates. This has gone on for six months and could last several more. In the past few months my customer has been evicted, closed his business, lost a job, arrested for back child support, and moved out of town. Has anyone had to deal with a situation like this before? I am very frustrated, I don't know if I should continue or forget about it. He owes over $4000.00.

Hello everyone, let's we share ideas on

Hi, admin small-business-forum and everyone on small-business-forum forum

Let me introduce myself, i am Izul from Indonesian,
working on digital marketing office, so let me know how about you?


mercredi 26 juillet 2017

how to promote new website and do seo??

hello i have made a website of chat and i have submited it in google webmaster tools and in bing webmaster tools and now i have 6 months when i launched it and but i dont get much traffic any idea , any suggestion please i really need a help and advices and learn marketing or something else its my first website here is the link maybe you need to check it out for bugs or for anything i have done wrong

Small business partnership bisbandment, need some advice.

I went into business with a friend of mine, age 57. He had a great recipe for gluten free chocolate chip cookies. It was primarily his idea. I never started a business before. So he decided to start funding my business with portions from his disability checks. He handed to me the cash $10,000 total over 4-5 months. To deposit into my business checking account to purchase equipment, ingredients, permits and a commercial kitchen. We were doing really well, just needed to get the states health permit to start supplying local stores. I didn't show up to the kitchen for 10 nights while I worked that stretch at my job. He freaked out on me. He was not associated in any contract or form. Other than a willingness to fund the business and to test bake in the kitchen because I didn't know the recipe. Everything was under my name and everything about the business was solely under me. No contract agreements or anything. Haven't even made a sale.

I tried to work things out with him. One night at work he wanted me to go to the kitchen at precisely 9:12pm. I didn't get off work until 10:30pm. I told him I would be there right after. He said he was through with me. Done. Because I wouldn't abandoned my day job .So he wants me to pay everything back to him. In which I gave him everything he paid for. The mixer, the kitchen, everything. Which he still uses to this day. I don't have anything that he paid for and I cannot do business, so I am not. He sent me a demand letter, claiming that I abandoned my business and manipulated him. Claiming that I prematurely quit and vanished being completely adolescent and immature. Now that he has everything he paid for because he decided he was through with me. He wants to sue me for $10k.

He's making outrageous claims that I was on drugs, with no way to prove it. I am on probation, being drug screened. I haven't used a substance, he is also trying to tie in my personal legal matter into the business. Which my personal legal situation and our business are not associated in anyway which makes me feel harassed.

I did really well for never starting a business. He said he's spent the past 9-10months recovering as the "damaged party." Not sure why he would think that I was so close to making sales, that one situation, where I was absent for 10 days, would blow everything up and assumed that I was abandoning the business. I tried to make things right, he wouldn't even meet up with me in person to discuss things formally. He was the one who backed out. Not me. Now's he trying to hit me that I abandoned him, took advantage of him saying how could a scumbag do something so terrible to a good hearted person offering a golden opportunity and wants me to pay him back for the money that he willingly gave me to fund the business, when I had no intention for anything like this to happen.

Not sure what to do. There are finer detail but that's the gist of my situation. Thank you.

Need Help Finding Moblie App


I am a very small business owner of a single food truck. Currently all my sales and inventory are done manually(aside from using "the square") . Being a single truck it really isn't a whole lot of work.
In the near future I will be expanding to 9 trucks and have been trying to research options for mobile apps that would provide POS and Inventory solutions.
I would like an all in one product to scan in my inventory and distribute that inventory between the 9 trucks.
As sales occur I would like the inventory to be updated in real time and be able to identify which truck is selling what products and show sales for the day.

Most of what I have identified is either free and doesn't do enough or is way more than I need. Reasonable product cost is not a huge concern as long as it does what I'm looking for.
Any mobile app suggestions that any of you may be aware of for me to look into would be very much appreciated.

Thank you!

Global sources , Ali Baba and Alliexpress + ANY other good wholesalers.

I want to buy in bulk from a wholesaler and would like to know if anybody out there as heard of one called Global sources also how reliable and honest they are compared to Ali Baba and Alliexpress not to forget any other good ones out there (I am fairly sure Global sources is in China but I am not positive ) , ? Over the last while I have heard mostly bad things, about companies selling on Ali Baba and there prices are often very reasonable indeed and so it makes me wary about them.
I am a beginner at selling and I want to start off by buying very small amounts (20-30) and then getting a Lot more. Are there many company out there that will sell in very small amounts at first.
Thanks everyone.

Do you feel local radio or TV advertising is worth considering?

Full disclosure: I work for a radio and TV advertising company (although we are a small family business). I’m hoping for some insights from business owners about their perceptions of advertising on local radio or television. Does broadcast-media remain a consideration for you today versus search-marketing or social media? Have you advertised on radio or TV in the past, but have since ceased? What’s putting you off using them? If you were to consider advertising on radio or TV who would you logically think about contacting first?

Thanks for any insights you've got,

Employees taking over a business / Owner

Hi just wondering if anybody can help/advise.

We have had a potential chat about taking over the business as the owner is due for retirement in a few years.

Owner - due to retire owns the business 100%, he also owns the building / office on a personal bases, so the business pays rent to the owner who still pays mortgage, obviously discounted rate to himself.

He has asked 4 of us to equally take a share with in the business (He feels with people having a share people have a interest in the business which is correct) he has suggested.

Owner still owns 51%

49% between 4 employees = 12.25% (employees are then to manage the business fully) - (Owner will still be in the background with interest help advise if needed.

I feel that out of the 4 employees 1 of us should slightly have more or 1 person needs to be ideally in charge? is this the right thing to do?

Then reading around isnt it correct the owner to give up 100%? i understand he would still lease the building to us which we would pay from earnings made from the business? but then buying the shares we would need to be putting money in, im scared that the 1 or 3 may pull out years down the line, and scared that any debts if there is any to come in future will land on the the employee (S)

Hope it makes sense

Contact for My Business Plan, Press pack and Agent commercial

I have several questions,
I am French and I have created my company, specialized in mobile games (Android and ios). I have made my business plan and am now looking for investor for about 300 000€. That is why I would like to send my business plan.
My business plan is fully in English because it is adressed to international banks (British, American or Indian bank), who would invest rather than French ones. (because I'm not sure that french banker will easily invest on IT and on a start-up in game application, but anglo-saxon bank can be more interested.)
Do you know who should I contact ? Should I only send an e-mail ? I'm afraid of having any response ? It's my first business so I don't really know how to get investments, but my business plan is solid.

Also, i have to write my 30 pages Business Plan in English. I would like to be ensured that my english is proper and without grammatical error, so I am searching someone to check my Business Plan and correct my grammatical mistakes.

Other question, my team is working on a game in order to promote the candidature of Paris for the JO of 2024.
The game is now ready to be available on the stores and I'd like to contact some medias in order to inform them about the game.
My team has build a solid press pack but I d'ont know how to share it ? Who to send it ? Is this by e-mail ? Because I'm afraid that no one will even read our press pack.
I'd be very grateful if someone could help me, because it's the first time I'm dealing with stuff like Press Pack and Media.

Also, i have started my company on the selling of mobile applications.
My start up produces applications for big companies. I am struggling to contact companies.
I've heard about commercial agents but I don't really know how it works.

Can someone could explain me how it works and what should I do ? I feel very lost with my first business, so if someone could advise me, I'd be very grateful :-)

I would be very thankful ! :-)

Paypal - do you need money in your PayPal account to pay someone ?

Hi when you pay someone with PayPal is it necessary to have a balance equal to the amount want to pay in PayPal at that time that pay them or will PayPal email you and let you know that all of them so much money.

Hi my name is Theo !

Hello everyone my name is Theo . I'm thinking about starting up a gas station . I'm not much of an introductions person , so that's it for now . :)

Leaving corporate for new restaurant concept idea

Hi guys, great forum here. I have been working an office job for 8 years now in an accounting job. My dream has always been to own a restaurant. I have an idea for a sandwich shop concept that I think would be awesome. I do not have the money now to start a brand new build out of a restaurant. So my idea now, is to test out my concept as a delivery and catering service to the offices in my area and for parties. This is a great way to test if my product actually has demand without spending tremendous money on a brick and mortar location. I did some google search but didn't get a clear answer for this question. How do I get wholesale cold cuts and breads ? Will a supplier even works with me since I am starting out small? Should I go to a Costco type place ? My city has a program that lets startups use a commercial kitchen place at a reasonable rate. So that could be a great place to start so I am up to code with all the health licenses since the kitchen obviously will have that in place. Also, how do I know which cold cut company to use? Obviously I want the best meats but need to keep costs in mind. Any advice will help! Thanks !

사이트블랙잭("【 】") 라이브카지노

사이트블랙잭("【 】") 라이브카지노♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆◆코리아카지 노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바카라♧아시안 카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라인바카라◆◆ 온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임♧아시아카지 노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆◆비비바카라 ♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧원조카지노바 카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆ ◆코리아카지노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바 카라♧아시안카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라 인바카라◆◆온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임 ♧아시아카지노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆ ◆비비바카라♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧ 원조카지노바카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧

훌라잘하는법("【 】") 카지노사이트

훌라잘하는법("【 】") 카지노사이트♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆◆코리아카지 노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바카라♧아시안 카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라인바카라◆◆ 온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임♧아시아카지 노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆◆비비바카라 ♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧원조카지노바 카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆ ◆코리아카지노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바 카라♧아시안카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라 인바카라◆◆온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임 ♧아시아카지노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆ ◆비비바카라♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧ 원조카지노바카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧

온라인바둑이("【 】") 아시안바카라

온라인바둑이("【 】") 아시안바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆◆코리아카지 노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바카라♧아시안 카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라인바카라◆◆ 온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임♧아시아카지 노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆◆비비바카라 ♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧원조카지노바 카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆ ◆코리아카지노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바 카라♧아시안카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라 인바카라◆◆온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임 ♧아시아카지노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆ ◆비비바카라♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧ 원조카지노바카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧

무료슬롯머신("【 】") 아시안카지노

무료슬롯머신("【 】") 아시안카지노♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆◆코리아카지 노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바카라♧아시안 카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라인바카라◆◆ 온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임♧아시아카지 노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆◆비비바카라 ♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧원조카지노바 카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆ ◆코리아카지노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바 카라♧아시안카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라 인바카라◆◆온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임 ♧아시아카지노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆ ◆비비바카라♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧ 원조카지노바카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧

마이크로게임("【 】") 온라인카지노

마이크로게임("【 】") 온라인카지노♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆◆코리아카지 노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바카라♧아시안 카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라인바카라◆◆ 온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임♧아시아카지 노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆◆비비바카라 ♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧원조카지노바 카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆ ◆코리아카지노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바 카라♧아시안카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라 인바카라◆◆온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임 ♧아시아카지노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆ ◆비비바카라♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧ 원조카지노바카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧

전자다이사이("【 】") 온라인바카라

전자다이사이("【 】") 온라인바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆◆코리아카지 노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바카라♧아시안 카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라인바카라◆◆ 온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임♧아시아카지 노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆◆비비바카라 ♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧원조카지노바 카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆ ◆코리아카지노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바 카라♧아시안카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라 인바카라◆◆온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임 ♧아시아카지노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆ ◆비비바카라♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧ 원조카지노바카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧

오푸스게이밍("【 】") 라이브바카라

오푸스게이밍("【 】") 라이브바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆◆코리아카지 노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바카라♧아시안 카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라인바카라◆◆ 온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임♧아시아카지 노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆◆비비바카라 ♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧원조카지노바 카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆ ◆코리아카지노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바 카라♧아시안카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라 인바카라◆◆온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임 ♧아시아카지노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆ ◆비비바카라♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧ 원조카지노바카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧

레드9카지노("【 】") 라이브카지노

레드9카지노("【 】") 라이브카지노♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆◆코리아카지 노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바카라♧아시안 카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라인바카라◆◆ 온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임♧아시아카지 노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆◆비비바카라 ♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧원조카지노바 카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆ ◆코리아카지노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바 카라♧아시안카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라 인바카라◆◆온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임 ♧아시아카지노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆ ◆비비바카라♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧ 원조카지노바카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧

명가카지노("【 】") 코리아바카라

명가카지노("【 】") 코리아바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆◆코리아카지 노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바카라♧아시안 카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라인바카라◆◆ 온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임♧아시아카지 노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆◆비비바카라 ♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧원조카지노바 카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆ ◆코리아카지노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바 카라♧아시안카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라 인바카라◆◆온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임 ♧아시아카지노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆ ◆비비바카라♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧ 원조카지노바카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧

카지노방법("【 】") 코리아카지노

카지노방법("【 】") 코리아카지노♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆◆코리아카지 노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바카라♧아시안 카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라인바카라◆◆ 온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임♧아시아카지 노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆◆비비바카라 ♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧원조카지노바 카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆ ◆코리아카지노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바 카라♧아시안카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라 인바카라◆◆온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임 ♧아시아카지노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆ ◆비비바카라♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧ 원조카지노바카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧

타이카지노("【 】") 바카라사이트

타이카지노("【 】") 바카라사이트♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆◆코리아카지 노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바카라♧아시안 카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라인바카라◆◆ 온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임♧아시아카지 노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆◆비비바카라 ♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧원조카지노바 카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆ ◆코리아카지노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바 카라♧아시안카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라 인바카라◆◆온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임 ♧아시아카지노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆ ◆비비바카라♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧ 원조카지노바카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧

소라카지노("【 】") 카지노사이트

소라카지노("【 】") 카지노사이트
♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆◆코리아카지노♧코리아바 카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바카라♧아시안카지노◆◆아 시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라인바카라◆◆온라인바카라 ♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임♧아시아카지노◆◆아시아 카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆◆비비바카라♧포커이기는 기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧원조카지노바카라◆◆원조 카지노바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆◆코리아카지 노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바카라♧아시안 카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라인바카라◆◆ 온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임♧아시아카지 노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆◆비비바카라 ♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧원조카지노바 카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧

카지노재벌("【 】") 아시안바카라

카지노재벌("【 】") 아시안바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆◆코리아카지 노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바카라♧아시안 카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라인바카라◆◆ 온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임♧아시아카지 노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆◆비비바카라 ♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧원조카지노바 카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆ ◆코리아카지노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바 카라♧아시안카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라 인바카라◆◆온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임 ♧아시아카지노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆ ◆비비바카라♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧ 원조카지노바카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧

크루즈배팅("【 】") 아시안카지노

크루즈배팅("【 】") 아시안카지노♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆◆코리아카지 노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바카라♧아시안 카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라인바카라◆◆ 온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임♧아시아카지 노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆◆비비바카라 ♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧원조카지노바 카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆ ◆코리아카지노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바 카라♧아시안카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라 인바카라◆◆온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임 ♧아시아카지노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆ ◆비비바카라♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧ 원조카지노바카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧

중고차량가격("【 】") 온라인카지노

중고차량가격("【 】") 온라인카지노♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆◆코리아카지 노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바카라♧아시안 카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라인바카라◆◆ 온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임♧아시아카지 노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆◆비비바카라 ♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧원조카지노바 카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆ ◆코리아카지노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바 카라♧아시안카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라 인바카라◆◆온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임 ♧아시아카지노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆ ◆비비바카라♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧ 원조카지노바카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧

설악카지노("【 】") 라이브바카라

설악카지노("【 】") 라이브바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆◆코리아카지 노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바카라♧아시안 카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라인바카라◆◆ 온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임♧아시아카지 노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆◆비비바카라 ♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧원조카지노바 카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆ ◆코리아카지노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바 카라♧아시안카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라 인바카라◆◆온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임 ♧아시아카지노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆ ◆비비바카라♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧ 원조카지노바카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧

바카라전략("【 】") 카지노사이트

바카라전략("【 】") 카지노사이트♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆◆코리아카지 노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바카라♧아시안 카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라인바카라◆◆ 온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임♧아시아카지 노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆◆비비바카라 ♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧원조카지노바 카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆ ◆코리아카지노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바 카라♧아시안카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라 인바카라◆◆온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임 ♧아시아카지노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆ ◆비비바카라♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧ 원조카지노바카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧

바카라타이("【 】") 아시안바카라

바카라타이("【 】") 아시안바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆◆코리아카지 노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바카라♧아시안 카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라인바카라◆◆ 온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임♧아시아카지 노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆◆비비바카라 ♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧원조카지노바 카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆ ◆코리아카지노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바 카라♧아시안카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라 인바카라◆◆온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임 ♧아시아카지노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆ ◆비비바카라♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧ 원조카지노바카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧

포커블랙잭("【 】") 아시안카지노

포커블랙잭("【 】") 아시안카지노♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆◆코리아카지 노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바카라♧아시안 카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라인바카라◆◆ 온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임♧아시아카지 노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆◆비비바카라 ♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧원조카지노바 카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆ ◆코리아카지노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바 카라♧아시안카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라 인바카라◆◆온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임 ♧아시아카지노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆ ◆비비바카라♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧ 원조카지노바카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧

프로겜블러("【 】") 온라인카지노

프로겜블러("【 】") 온라인카지노♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆◆코리아카지 노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바카라♧아시안 카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라인바카라◆◆ 온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임♧아시아카지 노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆◆비비바카라 ♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧원조카지노바 카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆ ◆코리아카지노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바 카라♧아시안카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라 인바카라◆◆온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임 ♧아시아카지노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆ ◆비비바카라♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧ 원조카지노바카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧

사설도박장("【 】") 라이브바카라

사설도박장("【 】") 라이브바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆◆코리아카지 노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바카라♧아시안 카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라인바카라◆◆ 온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임♧아시아카지 노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆◆비비바카라 ♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧원조카지노바 카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆ ◆코리아카지노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바 카라♧아시안카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라 인바카라◆◆온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임 ♧아시아카지노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆ ◆비비바카라♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧ 원조카지노바카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧

Customer Retention Tool | Feedback


My team and I are working on a customer retention tool called Reconnect and we would like to hear your feedback on it.

Reconnect is an online customer retention tool that automatically identifies your non-returning customers and creates a branded email template, personalised with intelligently generated product recommendations based on your customers’ last purchases.

The Reconnect tool targets those non-returning customers after 30 days, 90 days and 180 days thus making your past customers engaged with the store. Furthermore, Reconnect will send your customers the so-called “Thank You” email one day after they make a purchase.

It has a 14-day free trial, so you can sign up for free by following the link -

바카라총판("【 】") 라이브카지노

바카라총판("【 】") 라이브카지노♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆◆코리아카지 노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바카라♧아시안 카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라인바카라◆◆ 온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임♧아시아카지 노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆◆비비바카라 ♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧원조카지노바 카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆ ◆코리아카지노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바 카라♧아시안카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라 인바카라◆◆온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임 ♧아시아카지노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆ ◆비비바카라♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧ 원조카지노바카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧

라이브룰렛("【 】") 카지노사이트

라이브룰렛("【 】") 카지노사이트♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆◆코리아카지 노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바카라♧아시안 카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라인바카라◆◆ 온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임♧아시아카지 노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆◆비비바카라 ♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧원조카지노바 카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆ ◆코리아카지노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바 카라♧아시안카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라 인바카라◆◆온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임 ♧아시아카지노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆ ◆비비바카라♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧ 원조카지노바카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧

블랙잭카운팅("【 】") 아시안바카라

블랙잭카운팅("【 】") 아시안바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆◆코리아카지 노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바카라♧아시안 카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라인바카라◆◆ 온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임♧아시아카지 노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆◆비비바카라 ♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧원조카지노바 카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆ ◆코리아카지노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바 카라♧아시안카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라 인바카라◆◆온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임 ♧아시아카지노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆ ◆비비바카라♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧ 원조카지노바카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧

라이브식보("【 】") 아시안카지노

라이브식보("【 】") 아시안카지노♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆◆코리아카지 노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바카라♧아시안 카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라인바카라◆◆ 온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임♧아시아카지 노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆◆비비바카라 ♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧원조카지노바 카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆ ◆코리아카지노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바 카라♧아시안카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라 인바카라◆◆온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임 ♧아시아카지노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆ ◆비비바카라♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧ 원조카지노바카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧

식보사이트("【 】") 온라인카지노

식보사이트("【 】") 온라인카지노♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆◆코리아카지 노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바카라♧아시안 카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라인바카라◆◆ 온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임♧아시아카지 노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆◆비비바카라 ♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧원조카지노바 카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆ ◆코리아카지노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바 카라♧아시안카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라 인바카라◆◆온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임 ♧아시아카지노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆ ◆비비바카라♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧ 원조카지노바카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧

모바일포커("【 】") 코리아바카라

모바일포커("【 】") 코리아바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆◆코리아카지 노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바카라♧아시안 카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라인바카라◆◆ 온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임♧아시아카지 노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆◆비비바카라 ♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧원조카지노바 카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆ ◆코리아카지노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바 카라♧아시안카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라 인바카라◆◆온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임 ♧아시아카지노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆ ◆비비바카라♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧ 원조카지노바카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧

해외레이스("【 】") 코리아카지노

해외레이스("【 】") 코리아카지노♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆◆코리아카지 노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바카라♧아시안 카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라인바카라◆◆ 온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임♧아시아카지 노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆◆비비바카라 ♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧원조카지노바 카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆ ◆코리아카지노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바 카라♧아시안카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라 인바카라◆◆온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임 ♧아시아카지노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆ ◆비비바카라♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧ 원조카지노바카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧

경정모터스("【 】") 아시안카지노

경정모터스("【 】") 아시안카지노♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆◆코리아카지 노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바카라♧아시안 카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라인바카라◆◆ 온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임♧아시아카지 노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆◆비비바카라 ♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧원조카지노바 카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆ ◆코리아카지노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바 카라♧아시안카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라 인바카라◆◆온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임 ♧아시아카지노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆ ◆비비바카라♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧ 원조카지노바카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧

제주레이스("【 】") 온라인카지노

제주레이스("【 】") 온라인카지노♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆◆코리아카지 노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바카라♧아시안 카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라인바카라◆◆ 온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임♧아시아카지 노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆◆비비바카라 ♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧원조카지노바 카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆ ◆코리아카지노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바 카라♧아시안카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라 인바카라◆◆온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임 ♧아시아카지노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆ ◆비비바카라♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧ 원조카지노바카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧

강친마카오("【 】") 코리아바카라

강친마카오("【 】") 코리아바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆◆코리아카지 노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바카라♧아시안 카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라인바카라◆◆ 온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임♧아시아카지 노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆◆비비바카라 ♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧원조카지노바 카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆ ◆코리아카지노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바 카라♧아시안카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라 인바카라◆◆온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임 ♧아시아카지노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆ ◆비비바카라♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧ 원조카지노바카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧

룰렛배당룰("【 】") 코리아카지노

룰렛배당룰("【 】") 코리아카지노♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆◆코리아카지 노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바카라♧아시안 카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라인바카라◆◆ 온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임♧아시아카지 노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆◆비비바카라 ♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧원조카지노바 카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆ ◆코리아카지노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바 카라♧아시안카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라 인바카라◆◆온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임 ♧아시아카지노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆ ◆비비바카라♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧ 원조카지노바카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧

무료식보("【 】") 아시안카지노

무료식보("【 】") 아시안카지노♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆◆코리아카지 노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바카라♧아시안 카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라인바카라◆◆ 온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임♧아시아카지 노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆◆비비바카라 ♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧원조카지노바 카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆ ◆코리아카지노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바 카라♧아시안카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라 인바카라◆◆온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임 ♧아시아카지노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆ ◆비비바카라♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧ 원조카지노바카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧

경륜뱅크("【 】") 라이브카지노

경륜뱅크("【 】") 라이브카지노♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆◆코리아카지 노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바카라♧아시안 카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라인바카라◆◆ 온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임♧아시아카지 노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆◆비비바카라 ♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧원조카지노바 카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆ ◆코리아카지노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바 카라♧아시안카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라 인바카라◆◆온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임 ♧아시아카지노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆ ◆비비바카라♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧ 원조카지노바카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧

테크노카지노("【 】") 바카라사이트

테크노카지노("【 】") 바카라사이트♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆◆코리아카지 노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바카라♧아시안 카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라인바카라◆◆ 온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임♧아시아카지 노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆◆비비바카라 ♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧원조카지노바 카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆ ◆코리아카지노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바 카라♧아시안카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라 인바카라◆◆온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임 ♧아시아카지노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆ ◆비비바카라♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧ 원조카지노바카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧

태양성블래잭("【 】") 카지노사이트

태양성블래잭("【 】") 카지노사이트♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆◆코리아카지 노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바카라♧아시안 카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라인바카라◆◆ 온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임♧아시아카지 노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆◆비비바카라 ♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧원조카지노바 카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆ ◆코리아카지노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바 카라♧아시안카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라 인바카라◆◆온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임 ♧아시아카지노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆ ◆비비바카라♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧ 원조카지노바카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧

마닐라카지노("【 】") 아시안바카라

마닐라카지노("【 】") 아시안바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆◆코리아카지 노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바카라♧아시안 카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라인바카라◆◆ 온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임♧아시아카지 노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆◆비비바카라 ♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧원조카지노바 카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆ ◆코리아카지노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바 카라♧아시안카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라 인바카라◆◆온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임 ♧아시아카지노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆ ◆비비바카라♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧ 원조카지노바카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧

카지노여행("【 】") 아시안카지노

카지노여행("【 】") 아시안카지노♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆◆코리아카지 노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바카라♧아시안 카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라인바카라◆◆ 온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임♧아시아카지 노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆◆비비바카라 ♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧원조카지노바 카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆ ◆코리아카지노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바 카라♧아시안카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라 인바카라◆◆온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임 ♧아시아카지노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆ ◆비비바카라♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧ 원조카지노바카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧

보스카지노("【 】") 온라인카지노

보스카지노("【 】") 온라인카지노♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆◆코리아카지 노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바카라♧아시안 카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라인바카라◆◆ 온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임♧아시아카지 노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆◆비비바카라 ♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧원조카지노바 카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆ ◆코리아카지노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바 카라♧아시안카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라 인바카라◆◆온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임 ♧아시아카지노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆ ◆비비바카라♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧ 원조카지노바카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧

대만카지노("【 】") 온라인바카라

대만카지노("【 】") 온라인바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆◆코리아카지 노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바카라♧아시안 카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라인바카라◆◆ 온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임♧아시아카지 노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆◆비비바카라 ♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧원조카지노바 카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆ ◆코리아카지노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바 카라♧아시안카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라 인바카라◆◆온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임 ♧아시아카지노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆ ◆비비바카라♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧ 원조카지노바카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧

킹스카지노("【 】") 라이브바카라

킹스카지노("【 】") 라이브바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆◆코리아카지 노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바카라♧아시안 카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라인바카라◆◆ 온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임♧아시아카지 노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆◆비비바카라 ♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧원조카지노바 카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆ ◆코리아카지노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바 카라♧아시안카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라 인바카라◆◆온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임 ♧아시아카지노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆ ◆비비바카라♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧ 원조카지노바카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧

카지노사이트("【 】") 라이브카지노

카지노사이트("【 】") 라이브카지노♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆◆코리아카지 노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바카라♧아시안 카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라인바카라◆◆ 온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임♧아시아카지 노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆◆비비바카라 ♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧원조카지노바 카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆ ◆코리아카지노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바 카라♧아시안카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라 인바카라◆◆온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임 ♧아시아카지노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆ ◆비비바카라♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧ 원조카지노바카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧

정선카지노운영시간("【 】") 코리아바카라

정선카지노운영시간("【 】") 코리아바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆◆코리아카지 노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바카라♧아시안 카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라인바카라◆◆ 온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임♧아시아카지 노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆◆비비바카라 ♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧원조카지노바 카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆ ◆코리아카지노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바 카라♧아시안카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라 인바카라◆◆온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임 ♧아시아카지노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆ ◆비비바카라♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧ 원조카지노바카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧

인터넷카지노("【 】") 코리아카지노

인터넷카지노("【 】") 코리아카지노♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆◆코리아카지 노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바카라♧아시안 카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라인바카라◆◆ 온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임♧아시아카지 노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆◆비비바카라 ♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧원조카지노바 카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆ ◆코리아카지노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바 카라♧아시안카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라 인바카라◆◆온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임 ♧아시아카지노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆ ◆비비바카라♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧ 원조카지노바카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧

내국인출입카지노("【 】") 바카라사이트

내국인출입카지노("【 】") 바카라사이트♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆◆코리아카지 노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바카라♧아시안 카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라인바카라◆◆ 온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임♧아시아카지 노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆◆비비바카라 ♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧원조카지노바 카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆ ◆코리아카지노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바 카라♧아시안카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라 인바카라◆◆온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임 ♧아시아카지노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆ ◆비비바카라♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧ 원조카지노바카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧

해외온라인카지노("【 】") 카지노사이트

해외온라인카지노("【 】") 카지노사이트♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆◆코리아카지 노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바카라♧아시안 카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라인바카라◆◆ 온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임♧아시아카지 노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆◆비비바카라 ♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧원조카지노바 카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆ ◆코리아카지노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바 카라♧아시안카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라 인바카라◆◆온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임 ♧아시아카지노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆ ◆비비바카라♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧ 원조카지노바카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧

카지노머신동영상("【 】") 아시안바카라

카지노머신동영상("【 】") 아시안바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆◆코리아카지 노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바카라♧아시안 카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라인바카라◆◆ 온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임♧아시아카지 노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆◆비비바카라 ♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧원조카지노바 카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆ ◆코리아카지노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바 카라♧아시안카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라 인바카라◆◆온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임 ♧아시아카지노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆ ◆비비바카라♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧ 원조카지노바카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧

리조트월드카지노("【 】") 아시안카지노

리조트월드카지노("【 】") 아시안카지노♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆◆코리아카지 노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바카라♧아시안 카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라인바카라◆◆ 온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임♧아시아카지 노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆◆비비바카라 ♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧원조카지노바 카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆ ◆코리아카지노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바 카라♧아시안카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라 인바카라◆◆온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임 ♧아시아카지노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆ ◆비비바카라♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧ 원조카지노바카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧

바카라이기는방법("【 】") 온라인카지노

바카라이기는방법("【 】") 온라인카지노♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆◆코리아카지 노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바카라♧아시안 카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라인바카라◆◆ 온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임♧아시아카지 노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆◆비비바카라 ♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧원조카지노바 카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧바카라사이트◆◆바카라사이트♧카지노사이트◆◆카지노사이트♧코리아카지노◆ ◆코리아카지노♧코리아바카라◆◆코리아바카라♧라이브카지노◆◆라이브카지노♧라이브바카라◆◆라이브바 카라♧아시안카지노◆◆아시안카지노♧아시안바카라◆◆아시안바카라♧온라인카지노◆◆온라인카지노♧온라 인바카라◆◆온라인바카라♧카지노바카라사이트◆◆카지노바카라사이트♧온라인룰렛게임◆◆온라인룰렛게임 ♧아시아카지노◆◆아시아카지노♧아시아바카라◆◆아시아바카라♧비비카지노◆◆비비카지노♧비비바카라◆ ◆비비바카라♧포커이기는기술◆◆포커이기는기술♧월드카지노◆◆월드카지노♧월드바카라◆◆월드바카라♧ 원조카지노바카라◆◆원조카지노바카라♧

Looking for the Best Mens Apparel Manufacturers?

Hi all,

This year 2017 the fashion and trends are getting more professional and cool. Oasis Shirts comes with the new range of wholesale trendy mens apparel at very cheap and best prices.

mardi 25 juillet 2017

Need Help Finding Moblie App


I am a very small business owner of a single food truck. Currently all my sales and inventory are done manually(aside from using "the square") . Being a single truck it really isn't a whole lot of work.
In the near future I will be expanding to 9 trucks and have been trying to research options for mobile apps that would provide POS and Inventory solutions.
I would like an all in one product to scan in my inventory and distribute that inventory between the 9 trucks.
As sales occur I would like the inventory to be updated in real time and be able to identify which truck is selling what products and show sales for the day.

Most of what I have identified is either free and doesn't do enough or is way more than I need. Reasonable product cost is not a huge concern as long as it does what I'm looking for.
Any mobile app suggestions that any of you may be aware of for me to look into would be very much appreciated.

Thank you!

Global sources , Ali Baba and Alliexpress + ANY other good wholesalers.

I want to buy in bulk from a wholesaler and would like to know if anybody out there as heard of one called Global sources also how reliable and honest they are compared to Ali Baba and Alliexpress not to forget any other good ones out there (I am fairly sure Global sources is in China but I am not positive ) , ? Over the last while I have heard mostly bad things, about companies selling on Ali Baba and there prices are often very reasonable indeed and so it makes me wary about them.
I am a beginner at selling and I want to start off by buying very small amounts (20-30) and then getting a Lot more. Are there many company out there that will sell in very small amounts at first.
Thanks everyone.

I have started a new business in the field of magnetic wellness

Hello, good to be here I have created this first full press release to present you my work in the field of magnetic technology. My life story in...

Do you feel local radio or TV advertising is worth considering?

Full disclosure: I work for a radio and TV advertising company (although we are a small family business). I’m hoping for some insights from business owners about their perceptions of advertising on local radio or television. Does broadcast-media remain a consideration for you today versus search-marketing or social media? Have you advertised on radio or TV in the past, but have since ceased? What’s putting you off using them? If you were to consider advertising on radio or TV who would you logically think about contacting first?

Thanks for any insights you've got,

Payroll services

We will help you follow the best practices in compensation & compliance management. The payroll department is critical because employees are sensitive to payroll errors and irregularities: Good employee morale requires payroll to be paid timely and accurately.

A new way to get a website - Looking for constructive feedback

Leapthat gives you a new way to get a website in less then 5 minutes,
Just point us to your content, It can be an old website, a company facebook page (more ways coming soon!), and whithin minutes you'll get a modern, beautiful website, ready to be shared with your customers or friends.
Your new website is secured, easily found by search engines, up to the newest technological standarts and it always will be, since it's constantly being improved.

We recently launched our system, and we are looking for early adopters and general feedback

Go ahead, give us a try - Leapthat

Employees taking over a business / Owner

Hi just wondering if anybody can help/advise. We have had a potential chat about taking over the business as the owner is due for retirement in a...

lundi 24 juillet 2017

Contact for My Business Plan, Press pack and Agent commercial

I have several questions,
I am French and I have created my company, specialized in mobile games (Android and ios). I have made my business plan and am now looking for investor for about 300 000€. That is why I would like to send my business plan.
My business plan is fully in English because it is adressed to international banks (British, American or Indian bank), who would invest rather than French ones. (because I'm not sure that french banker will easily invest on IT and on a start-up in game application, but anglo-saxon bank can be more interested.)
Do you know who should I contact ? Should I only send an e-mail ? I'm afraid of having any response ? It's my first business so I don't really know how to get investments, but my business plan is solid.

Also, i have to write my 30 pages Business Plan in English. I would like to be ensured that my english is proper and without grammatical error, so I am searching someone to check my Business Plan and correct my grammatical mistakes.

Other question, my team is working on a game in order to promote the candidature of Paris for the JO of 2024.
The game is now ready to be available on the stores and I'd like to contact some medias in order to inform them about the game.
My team has build a solid press pack but I d'ont know how to share it ? Who to send it ? Is this by e-mail ? Because I'm afraid that no one will even read our press pack.
I'd be very grateful if someone could help me, because it's the first time I'm dealing with stuff like Press Pack and Media.

Also, i have started my company on the selling of mobile applications.
My start up produces applications for big companies. I am struggling to contact companies.
I've heard about commercial agents but I don't really know how it works.

Can someone could explain me how it works and what should I do ? I feel very lost with my first business, so if someone could advise me, I'd be very grateful :-)

I would be very thankful ! :-)

dimanche 23 juillet 2017

Contact for my Press Pack


I'm Fench and I have started a company on mobile game developpement.

My team is working on a game in order to promote the candidature of Paris for the JO of 2024.

The game is now ready to be available on the stores and I'd like to contact some medias in order to inform them about the game.

My team has build a solid press pack but I d'ont know how to share it ? Who to send it ? Is this by e-mail ? Because I'm afraid that no one will even read our press pack.

I'd be very grateful if someone could help me, because it's the first time I'm dealing with stuff like Press Pack and Media.

Thanks ! :-)

Contact for my Press Pack

Hi, I'm Fench and I have started a company on mobile game developpement. My team is working on a game in order to promote the candidature of...

samedi 22 juillet 2017

First American Bancorp Loan Offer

First American Bancorp offers different Car loan products:New Car LoanFirst American Bancorp offers new car loan at fair interest rates and...

First American Bancorp Loan Offer

We believe, given the right tools and aid every child has the potential to be successful. Our education loans aim to be the very tool that will...

First American Bancorp Loan Offer

We offer business loans with competitive interest rates and quick approvals. Business loan interest rates and the amount are dependent on factors...

First American Bancorp Loan Offer

To make your home loan journey a smooth sail, in this article we will help you to know eligibility criteria, rates of interest, process, necessary documents, comparison and transfer for lowest rates.We offer variable and semi-fixed rate housing loans with just a one-time processing fee. No hidden charges.You have a requirement, we have a product! Loans available for ready/under construction flat or house, home extension and renovation.We offers loans for salaried and self-employed individuals with a wide range of tenure, from 5 years to 25 yearsAchieve all your goals and aspirations; with the right kind of help, exactly when you need it.New HomeNew Home Loan at basic interest rates from First American Bancorp. You can apply online and check your eligibility and easy EMI. Fast Approval for your new home loan.Home ConversionA home conversion loan is a scheme for those who have already taken a housing loan. This loan follow some rules and regulations.It is a part of loan.Land PurchaseFirst American Bancorp Loan offers home loan for land purchase to make your dream home. You can compare home loan rates with our compare loan table. Apply online for Home Loan.Home RenovationGet instant approval for renovation your home. First American Bancorp introduce home improvement loan. It is with basic rate and flexible EMI repayment.For more detail you can check our loan products.Contact us for your funding needs We will match you with a loan program that meet your financial need.In short term liquidity, by striving to make funds available to them within 24 hours of application.
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Paypal - do you need money in your PayPal account to pay someone ?

Hi when you pay someone with PayPal is it necessary to have a balance equal to the amount want to pay in PayPal at that time that pay them or will PayPal email you and let you know that all of them so much money.

jeudi 20 juillet 2017

Hi my name is Theo !

Hello everyone my name is Theo . I'm thinking about starting up a gas station . I'm not much of an introductions person , so that's it for now . :)

mercredi 19 juillet 2017

Leaving corporate for new restaurant concept idea

Hi guys, great forum here. I have been working an office job for 8 years now in an accounting job. My dream has always been to own a restaurant. I...

Trump Brings Prestige to the Mail Order Bride Industry.

For years, International Marriage Services had to live with the stigma of being referred to as Mail Order Bride services. However, many consider the term "mail-order bride" derogatory and feel it demeans foreign women by comparing them to commodities for sale and falsely implying that (unlike local women), they exercise no judgment over the men they meet and would marry anyone from a relatively wealthy country. Even with the foreign women being labeled as mail order brides these companies have grown in popularity for the past two decades, largely due to the internet. The industry grew at such a fast pace it caught the attention of the US senator Maria Cantwell of Washington State, who in 2006 she pushed a bill through congress known as IMBRA or International Marriage Brokers Regulation Act. Although the intent of Senator Cantwell was clearly meant to put Foreign Bride Companies out of business by severely restricting how men communicate with foreign women. In the end, the companies flourished under the new regulations as these business quickly modified their business models.

Kenneth Agee, marketing Director for A Foreign Affair one of the largest so called Mail Order Bride Companies says, "We have always had to overcome this label. Since Trump announced his candidacy for president of the United States, the industry saw a significant increase in upscale business men looking for foreign brides. Once he became president, Trump made it the new status symbol of success to be married to an eastern European women. With First Lady Melanie Trump in the White House, opinions about foreign women have dramatically changed. Once men were scorned upon to be married to a women from Russian or the Ukraine, now is seen as prestigious. And we are seeing huge increase of men seeking foreign brides, our client base is up by more than 200% since Trump has taken office. This month alone we will be taking over 100 American men to the Ukraine, mostly very successful executives." Beside online matchmaking, the company arranges group tours for men that will travel to countries throughout the world. During these tours the men will meet hundreds of pre-screened women during what A Foreign Affair calls "Social Events" or what Kenneth calls speed dating on steroids.

Critics say these women are just used as arm trophies for business men in America. That men take advantage of the women's circumstances, both economical and geographical. Kenneth argues, "I would hardly say Melanie Trump has been taken advantage of or refer her to as a Mail Order Bride. Women choose just like the men choose, we are all adults and are responsible for our own choices. It is just that men in America have a good reputation for the way we treat women and how we take care of our families. This opens the door to the men to meet some of the most beautiful women in the world."

Trump is not the only high profile person to marry a foreign women, Jeb Bush met his wife in Mexico. Rupert Murdoch former CEO of Fox News married Wendi Deng from China, and the list goes on.

If Trump accomplishes nothing else during his presidency he has clearly helped one Industry.

mardi 18 juillet 2017

Alibaba companies to avoid

I am thinking about buying some products from Alibaba but before I do I would like to ask anyone out there who knows of any of the below company's...

Introducing myself

Good afternoon to everyone, first I would like to introduce myself. My name is Barbara, I’m 28 and my main obligation in this moment is to be a good...

Trump Brings Prestige to the Mail Order Bride Industry.

For years, International Marriage Services had to live with the stigma of being referred to as Mail Order Bride services. However, many consider the term "mail-order bride" derogatory and feel it demeans foreign women by comparing them to commodities for sale and falsely implying that (unlike local women), they exercise no judgment over the men they meet and would marry anyone from a relatively wealthy country. Even with the foreign women being labeled as mail order brides these companies have grown in popularity for the past two decades, largely due to the internet. The industry grew at such a fast pace it caught the attention of the US senator Maria Cantwell of Washington State, who in 2006 she pushed a bill through congress known as IMBRA or International Marriage Brokers Regulation Act. Although the intent of Senator Cantwell was clearly meant to put Foreign Bride Companies out of business by severely restricting how men communicate with foreign women. In the end, the companies flourished under the new regulations as these business quickly modified their business models.

Kenneth Agee, marketing Director for A Foreign Affair one of the largest so called Mail Order Bride Companies says, "We have always had to overcome this label. Since Trump announced his candidacy for president of the United States, the industry saw a significant increase in upscale business men looking for foreign brides. Once he became president, Trump made it the new status symbol of success to be married to an eastern European women. With First Lady Melanie Trump in the White House, opinions about foreign women have dramatically changed. Once men were scorned upon to be married to a women from Russian or the Ukraine, now is seen as prestigious. And we are seeing huge increase of men seeking foreign brides, our client base is up by more than 200% since Trump has taken office. This month alone we will be taking over 100 American men to the Ukraine, mostly very successful executives." Beside online matchmaking, the company arranges group tours for men that will travel to countries throughout the world. During these tours the men will meet hundreds of pre-screened women during what A Foreign Affair calls "Social Events" or what Kenneth calls speed dating on steroids.

Critics say these women are just used as arm trophies for business men in America. That men take advantage of the women's circumstances, both economical and geographical. Kenneth argues, "I would hardly say Melanie Trump has been taken advantage of or refer her to as a Mail Order Bride. Women choose just like the men choose, we are all adults and are responsible for our own choices. It is just that men in America have a good reputation for the way we treat women and how we take care of our families. This opens the door to the men to meet some of the most beautiful women in the world."

Trump is not the only high profile person to marry a foreign women, Jeb Bush met his wife in Mexico. Rupert Murdoch former CEO of Fox News married Wendi Deng from China, and the list goes on.

If Trump accomplishes nothing else during his presidency he has clearly helped one Industry.

Inaugural event ideas?


Need ideas for the inaugural event for our new Restaurant (which will be starting by the month of September).

Any suggestions and ideas would be highly appreciated.

Thank you!

lundi 17 juillet 2017

Hey all!

Hey everyone!

I'm really glad to be a part of this community. Thanks for having me here. I'm new into the field of business and I'm looking forward to keep myself updated with businees news and thing around. Hoping to have some fine and informative conversations here.

dimanche 16 juillet 2017

start your business with ease,small and medium scale with this 11 tips

Home Contractor
If you have the experience working for a company that does home repairs or contracting work, then you can fairly easily start your own contracting business where you offer various services to homeowners.

Lawn Care Specialist
Starting a lawn care business mainly just requires some equipment, transportation and a steady base of clients. So you don’t need to have business experience to get started.

Freelance Writer
If you have some writing skills, you can get started with your own writing business fairly easily by offering your services to businesses on a freelance basis.

You can also fairly easily start your own blog where you post about topics that match up with your own experience and expertise.

Virtual Assistant
Virtual assistants can offer a variety of different online services to businesses and professionals, including email organization and communication, social media scheduling and bookkeeping. So you can start a virtual assistant business even if your experience in those areas comes from working for other companies.

Social Media Manager
If you’re knowledgeable about social media, you can potentially offer your services to various businesses managing their social media accounts.

Social Media Influencer
Or you could focus more on building up your own social media accounts and eventually build your business as a social media influencer who earns an income from posting about various brands and promotions.

Home Cleaning Service
For those who enjoy cleaning, or at least don’t mind it, starting a house cleaning business can provide a pretty straightforward path to business ownership.

Child Care Service
If you’re a kid person, you can start a child care business out of your home or even offer babysitting services where you go to the family’s home.

A courier simply provides a service that delivers messages from one person to another. So you don’t need much in the way of supplies or experience in order to get started.

Errand Service
You can also start a business that offers various errand services like picking up dry cleaning or groceries.
for further assistance contact

Editing Existing Website


I need urgent help. I started working for a company with an existing website created by the previous designer. I had no contact with this designer or whatsoever and haven't got a chance to meet him. I have a problem with our website. It's too complicated for me to edit the website. I'm editing it manually with it's codes. Is there like a faster way to edit this because I need to change infos from time to time. The only info I got from the previous designer are the login from the filezilla where I am able to download the files that were upload online from our website. Is there like a way where I can edit it like wordpress style. I'm pretty sure he used like a program or something to create this.I know it's not the most organized website ever I don't know how the previous designer managed to be as confusing as this. I Hope you can help me.

Thank You

Weekend Musings on my shop and career

My shop is doing a little better this year than last. By that I mean I'm averaging 2 orders a week as opposed to 1 order/month last year. And my average order size is about $28. My average monthly operating expenses are rock bottom, around $150, but I'm still not profitable yet. I have an appointment with a SCORE (small business) mentor next Tuesday where I'm going to show him my numbers and plans and ask how I can bring my sales up. But there's something else that I've been thinking about. Would love to just chew it out with you guys here, if anyone's interested.

Oh, just to level set, my shop is online retail, the link is in my siggy. So my business needs are a little bit different from consultancies or service businesses. Everyone is welcome to chime in, but keep in mind that my area of focus is retail.

I have a day job that I'm really hating lately. I'm an IT business analyst for a corporate company. I like the work, it's just that there's a LOT of dysfunction at this company. So a couple weeks ago I started job hunting. But, I'm 54 years old and agism may make a job hunt rough. I'm not of the mind to let that stop me, it's just something to consider. I have a little over $700,000 in retirement savings, and by my calculations if I continue saving at the current rate, I'll have a million in 1.7 years.

Back to my shop and my low sales volume, I'm wondering if I'm starving the business either financially or timewise. I've been extremely financially conservative because I don't want to lose my shirt (and my husband is especially risk averse). I have no loans in the business, only our own cash investment of $8,000. If I am starving the biz for cash, I can apply for a small business loan for anything more that we're not willing to invest ourselves.

If I'm starving the biz by treating it like a part time hobby (which I realize that I am), I can ask my day job if I can go part time and then spend more time on my shop. I would LOVE to do that, but it would of course cut my income down. Or if the company refuses or gets pissed off that I've started my own business, they may sideline me (I doubt they'd fire me), and if they piss ME off enough, I may just quit. So then no income.

I recently discovered that one of the local metro stations near me, one of the new ones where they're still building apartments and condos around, has set up several popup shops and community entertainment area. It's NICE and the metro station brings a crap ton of foot traffic especially morning and evening. The hours for the popup shops are 3 - 7pm Monday - Friday and when I checked it out yesterday, I noticed that some of the merchants in the popup shops also had Saturday hours. That got me excited. If I dropped back to part time in my crappy day job, I could easily work a popup shop there without having to hire staff. I would of course need to spend some money on the lease, some shelving and signage, insurance, etc. So I'm not saying it will be a free ride. But it's a VERY cool opportunity to try out a short term lease (they have 30-day, 60-day and 90-day leases on these little shops).

The way I envision a popup shop working for my biz is this: a close partnership of the B&M and online points of sale. The B&M would be a place for customers to play with the products, ask questions, get to know me... so marketing and sales. I already have a smart phone POS and card reader for my online shop, so it would continue to be my POS software and primary shop. In other words, when people buy in the B&M shop, I'd process their order through my online shop using my phone card-swiper (or cash). All my inventory and sales analytics would continue to live in my online shop platform. And I can also continue to accept online orders.

I think that's definitely the next level of growth for my shop. The main question is if I'm ready for it, or if it's too early. And the thing that's making it hard for me to answer that question is the other question of whether I'm starving the shop for time and/or cash.

Anyway, thoughts? I don't expect other people to solve the problem for me, but I think discussion might help me work it out for myself.

samedi 15 juillet 2017

What is difference between SEO and SMO?

Hi Friends,

Please Tell Me What is difference between SEO and SMO?

Need some advice on partnership and monetary split of proceeds

Recently, myself and two others went in together on a business venture. It was agreed upon that it would be a 33% interest for all partys involved. The business is centering around beautician type services, including mens hair cuts, fashion, etc. After talking with the other partners tonight one in particular indicated that since they will be doing the sole work of facials, etc. that they want a 60/40 split - which I guess is the going rate for a contracted beautician. So in essence they keep 60% of their service (and tips) and kick back 40% to the shop. However, they still expect a 33% disbursement as the other two partners. I tried to impress upon them that they are a partner and not a contracted entity. I don't think they quite understood.

This does not settle right with me. The math is not adding up. Does anyone have any ideas if this normal practice, or how would you approach this? I basically suggested that all revenue go into the joint account, and everyone gets an equal share once all expenses, etc. have been paid. Apparently they are opposed to this. Any help or suggestions appreciated. Thanks.

vendredi 14 juillet 2017

Hey all

Hey all,

I am Mizbaah. Currently residing in India and will be moving to Dubai the next month :). We are gonna start our business there in Sep (on my b'day as my husband's wish :) ).
Hoping for some tips and ideas for our business :)
Thank you guys. Happy to be a part here :)

jeudi 13 juillet 2017

New Independent Contractor & Lost As Far As Calculating Estimately Quarterly Payments

Hello. I am 38 yrs old and have been on my own and working full time since the age of 14. I have always done my own taxes end of Jan as soon as my W2s came in and have always used the 1040EZ form. I've found it to always be very easy. This year is different.... I GREATLY appreciate anyone who can help me and I am open to hearing more than one answer so if someone already put their 2 cents in, please add yours if you think you can help.

From Jan until April I worked full time for a company as I always have. I was laid off in April, collected unemployment from April until now and started a job as an independent contractor.

I've been reading up on how my taxes will be different now which includes paying all my SS and Medicare tax ( I never knew employers often pay 1/2 of these for employees)

I also read that I will need to make estimated quarterly payments to the IRS and this is where the confusion comes in and I'm hoping for some help. Ive contacted some tax places who gave me completely different answers which added to the confusion.

My main goal is to keep the IRS happy and not get an audit. It I over pay and get some back later its fine. If I under pay and have to pay more later its fine.

One of the things I read was to use what I paid in taxes last year as a guide for making my quarterly payments and if I use the amount of 100% of what I paid in taxes last year and divide 4 for my quarterly payments the IRS will be happy.

Here is where I am stumped:

1. Am I calculating the amount I paid in federal taxes last year minus what I got back? (I paid about 2,750 in federal and got back about 1,125 meaning my total due responsibility to IRS was 1625. Am I go by the 1625 for figuring my estimated quarterly payments?

2. REALLY stupid question but for the Federal, Social Security and Medicare tax I owe, does it all get paid in one check to IRS for each payment? I've never separately paid SS or Medicare (its always just been taken out of my pay check) or gotten a refund on them in the past so that is one spot where I'm a little confused. I didn't know if my payments go to separate departments or it all goes to IRS.

3. If I'm figuring the Social Security & Medicare that as paid last year so I know how much IRS expects for the estimated quarterly payments am I going by the amount I see on my w2s showing the total that was taken out of my paychecks OR am I taking that amount from what was taken out of my paychecks and multiplying it by TWO since my bosses essentially paid the other half. I understand I need to pay double what I used to not that the boss isn't paying half but am I expected to pay that double amount to satisfy the IRS estimated quarterly payments or just go by what was sucked out of my pay checks?

I hope that all made sense. Thanks!

Inventory Valuation - POS system

Each month I have in additon to sales reports I run a report to let me know the value (based on cost) of the inventory in my store. Can anyone enlighten me?

mercredi 12 juillet 2017

Alibaba wholesaler are they good & reliable ?

I have spent 100’s of hours now searching for good , honest and reliable wholesalers but I am practically at a dead end . There is one I found called...

mardi 11 juillet 2017

How Much of Business to Give Up???

I need some advice on starting a business and what percentage of the business to give to a partner.

TO set the scene.... I have an app concept that I want to be developed - a friend of mine is going to do all of the front end design work (logo/branding/UX flow charts)... basically all of the graphic design work. He is happy to do this work for free in exchange for a percentage of the business. He is an old friend who i trust and would be very comfortable entering a contract with.

He has many contacts in app development so we will be hiring a developer/programmer to do all of the back end app development and hosting (who we may end up offering a stake in the company to get them onside).

SO in essence I am really keen to work with him on my idea and his skills, experience and contacts will prove invaluable however with the app being my concept and me being the driving force behind the business including sourcing funding for development I don't want to sell myself short.

Not sure where to start to be honest......Any advice on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading.

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lundi 10 juillet 2017

Need some changes to the Quick Reply feature

I can't tell you how many times I've typed a reply to a thread in the large quick reply box, then clicked on the large blue button just above it labelled "Reply to Thread" and subsequently lost my entire post. (Because that button isn't the one to post a quick reply.)

Can that be fixed? Any of these are acceptable solutions:

disable quick reply
make the quick reply text box smaller so that it's post button is visible on the screen at the same time
Move the quick reply post button to the top next to the reply-to-thread button
add some whitespace between the reply-to-thread button and the quick reply textbox so they don't look like they go together

I'm open to other ideas also.

When starting a business what is the best wholesaler to use ???

The best wholesaler

I would like to know which wholesaler is the best , most reliable , honest & the one will get your products to you on time between Alibaba & Aliexpress OR do you know of another one who is just as good or better ?

Hello Everyone!

Hey everyone! My name is Riley and I'm new to the field of business. Hence, I'm trying my best to keep myself updated with as many informative business posts as possible. I'm really glad to be a member of this community. Looking forward to have some really productive and informative conversations here.

dimanche 9 juillet 2017

Candy Business: What are your thoughts?

For a few years now I've been playing with the idea of starting a candy business in my little hometown. I want to have a store like Candy Heaven. The store will be in a mall, so the rent will be expensive. This mall is about 10 minutes away from the city centre, and it is frequented by the more wealthier crowds.

I live in a small country, there is no store like it at the moment. So starting something new could turn out to be something really good for the community - or it could be a complete flop. Either way, all new businesses requires a bit of risk.

Is there anyone here who is involved in a candy business, or someone who have also started something similar? Would like to hear anyone's thoughts on the idea. Perhaps something I should consider before pursuing this.

I don't have a business plan yet. I am about 2-3 years away from attempting to implement this idea. So I have some time to do my research. But I don't really know how and where to start. Any ideas? Thanks!

Hello Everyone! :)

I joined the forum a few years ago but this is my first post! So I'd like to say hello to everyone! :)

Just a little bit about myself: I am a mature student in my 30s and after my studies I plan on getting a job and starting a small business.

When I was still in my 20s, I started freelancing one year after university and it was profitable for 2 years...until I decided to do something else. Selling your services can be quite time-consuming, sometimes you get to a point where you no longer want to put a price on your service! So I always thought that if I ever start a new business it will have to be more retail-heavy. But I have no educational background in business, so what do I know?

It's good to be here!

vendredi 7 juillet 2017

$10k to Invest. What should I do?

I'm new to business and investing in general, but I want to learn. I have $10,000 that I can borrow at an interest rate of 0.6% per month. I figure if I can use that money to generate more than 0.6% profit per month, then I'm making money on my money.

I don't care if the profit is 1% per month, as long as it is consistent and I'm not losing money. I will read and study whatever material is suggested for as long as it takes until I'm confident that I'm knowledgeable enough on the subject that I'm not going to make myself bankrupt. If I end up losing 15% in the end, I'll pull out and survive. I'm just really interested to hear what people have to suggest.

Thank you for your time

New to the Business World

Hello Everyone, I would love some help/criticism on my business idea/plan. First off let me introduce myself; my name is Bryce, I'm 28 and...

jeudi 6 juillet 2017

loyalty programs

I'm curious if anyone has experience with loyalty programs. I'm trying to get my business to the next level and this seems like it would be a good idea. But it's only good if it really gets me more business, otherwise it's just going to cut into margins. The types of programs I am looking at are like Sweet Tooth or S Loyalty.

mercredi 5 juillet 2017

Greetings and thanks for having us

Greetings everyone from Alex & Karl
Due to our own harsh experiences with finding various services, we decided that we might have an interesting idea and business niche to try our skills in. We developed ads/classifieds based platform (Szinga) with sole idea to make the process more efficient, safe and private for both services searchers and services providers. We just launched, finished speed optimization of the platform and currently have a SEO expert working on it. I guess you can call it alpha testing period we are on now.
Taken into account that we come from financial analysis/logistics fields with no experience in e-commerce, that`s basically how we landed here. Thanks for having us and hopefully we will find this forum extremely useful, just as we will gladly share our own experiences with you.

You can locate the platform here -


mardi 4 juillet 2017

Good honest & reliable wholesale/bulk sellers

I would like recommendations from everyone that has used any good honest and reliable wholesale/bulk sellers for MICRO SD CARDS , SD CARDS & ...

dimanche 2 juillet 2017

Hello! Womens Boutique Owner here

Good Morning! I am the owner of a womens boutique in South Carolina. We are 5 years old and expanding this Fall. My background is NOT in fashion or business, but we have managed to do well so far. I am looking forward to learning as much as I can to help us improve.

I seek for a partner to start a business of raising chinchillas and growing mushrooms

Hello! I have got a big farm in Ukraine. I seek for a partner to start a business of raising chinchillas and growing mushrooms together. Chinchillas' fur is very valuable. A partner only invests money. All the rest I do myself. Constant participation is not necessary.

Necessary amount of Money: 5000 USD
Profit at least 2000 USD per month
This kind of business has got a great potential
The first income will be in 4-5 months after the start. Income 50 to 50. Any convenient
execution of documents for you.
Write, call!

tel/viber/telegram/whatsapp: +380506253141

skype: pptaborovets

Здравствуйте! У меня есть большая ферма в Украине. Я ищу партнёра для создания совместного бизнеса по выращиванию шиншилл в Украине. Мех шиншилл является очень ценным. От партнёра необходимы только финансы. Всё остальное я сделаю сам. Постоянное участие в бизнесе не нужно.

Нужная сумма: 5000 USD
Прибыль не менее 2000 USD в месяц. Верхний предел ограничивается только желанием. У бизнеса огромный потенциал.
Первую прибыль получим уже через 4-5 месяцев с момента старта. Пишите, звоните!

tel/viber/telegram/whatsapp: +380506253141
skype: pptaborovets

Доброго дня! Я маю велику ферму в Україні. Я шукаю партнера для створення спільного бізнесу в Україні. Вирощування шиншил. Хутро шиншил є дуже цінним. Від партнера потрібне фінансування. Від мене праця, приміщення, збут хутра і все інше.

Необхідна сума: 5000 USD
Прибуток від 2000 USD в місяць до 500000 USD У бізнесу дуже великий потенціал.
Перший прибуток почнемо отримувати вже через 4-5 місяців з моменту початку співпраці. Чекаю на Ваші пропозиції!

tel/viber/telegram/whatsapp: +380506253141
skype: pptaborovets

Witamy! Mam dużą farmę w Ukrainie. Szukam partnera do stworzenia wspólnego biznesu na Ukrainie. Uprawa szynszyli. Chinchilla futro jest bardzo cenne. Finansowania przez partnera wymagane. Z mojej pracy, lokali, sprzedaży futer i wszystkiego innego.

Wymagana ilość: 5000 USD
Zysk co najmniej 3000 USD miesięcznie. W dużym potencjałem biznesowym.
Najpierw zacząć uzyskiwać dochody w ciągu 4-5 miesięcy od początku współpracy. Czekam na wasze sugestie!

tel/viber/telegram/whatsapp: +380506253141
skype: pptaborovets

samedi 1 juillet 2017

New Mobile DJ Business


I have started a mobile dj business. I have signed up for a profile on wedding/event wire.

I really focus on EDM music - I make mixes for download and produce breakbeat tracks.

I have done a couple of weddings/parties, but I am having a hard time drumming up new clients.

Does anyone here have any practical advice on how to get more gigs as a mobile DJ?

Thanks in advance.

How do we protect ourselves from credit card fraud?

I'm really needing some advice here on what to do. Around mid June I recieved a letter from merchant services saying someone is disputing a...