mardi 23 septembre 2014

A book or books that made you financially comfortable

Hello readers :)

I am seeking to read some "how to" books rather than mindset/inspirational books. It can be anything from setting up a cleaning business to forming a law firm to eliminating debts to trading bikes to whatever. Does a book (or books) that actually made you financially comfortable after reading and implement to it?

Checking in from CT...Glad to Be Here

Hi Everyone,

I'm new to the forum and look forward to learing, sharing, and being a member here.

Best regards

Fed up with working for the man!

I'm new here and I'm sure the title fits most of you here so I wanted to get started by saying "hello" and I hope to gain a ton of knowledge about a small business by joining this forum.

I've been at my current place of employment for nearly two decades and can't stand a single minute of it. We have poor leadership, managers who throw you under the bus and a constant work load of setting us up for failure. Sound like typical corporate america? It is, and it only gets worse each year. I am an expendable grunt and treated as such, even though I have a ton of responsibility and know my job like the back of my hand. I'm a middle-aged man who has spent his entire career working for someone else, making their dreams come true instead of my own. The next chapter in my life I plan to start my own business and work for me, not them! Why should someone else enjoy a successful business? Why can't I? What's stopping me? Oh, nothing but the lack of small business knowledge, a true game plan and the guts to take that leap.

I wake up at 6:00am and get home about 6:00pm. That's 12 full hours I could be applying to something that makes me happy! :)

So, it's nice to be here and I look forward to asking questions as I browse the forums. I have a lot to learn but it's my time...I'm more than ready and more than fed up working for the man.

Thanks for listening! lol

Fed up with working for the man!

I'm new here and I'm sure the title fits most of you here so I wanted to get started by saying "hello" and I hope to gain a ton of knowledge about a small business by joining this forum.

I've been at my current place of employment for nearly two decades and can't stand a single minute of it. We have poor leadership, managers who throw you under the bus and a constant work load of setting us up for failure. Sound like typical corporate america? It is, and it only gets worse each year. I am an expendable grunt and treated as such, even though I have a ton of responsibility and know my job like the back of my hand. I'm a middle-aged man who has spent his entire career working for someone else, making their dreams come true instead of my own. The next chapter in my life I plan to start my own business and work for me, not them! Why should someone else enjoy a successful business? Why can't I? What's stopping me? Oh, nothing but the lack of small business knowledge, a true game plan and the guts to take that leap.

I wake up at 6:00am and get home about 6:00pm. That's 12 full hours I could be applying to something that makes me happy! :)

So, it's nice to be here and I look forward to asking questions as I browse the forums. I have a lot to learn but it's my time...I'm more than ready and more than fed up working for the man.

Thanks for listening! lol

lundi 22 septembre 2014

Hi from Brooklyn, NY

Hi Guy,

I joined the post a few months ago, CEO and Founder of a Managerial Strategic Consulting firm out of Brooklyn, NY. I specialize in helping business re-organize, optimize and then create a strategic plan for growth and long-term sustainability.

My firm is called Economic Methods ( is our website), I am also working on a few other collaborative projects. I have read a lot of post on here of individuals, small business owners with questions and concerns about starting, manegeging, and en some cases growing a business that I believe I can help with.

So by all means if you thinking about going into business or you are in business and there something(s) that is keeping you up at night, feel free to ask. I be more that welcome to help out.



Best Green Cab Services in New York!


Drivegreencab has over 100 years of combined experience in the NYC Taxi and Livery Industries. Drivegreencab offers the best service and the newest fleet of hybrid vehicles in NYC at the most competitive prices in the industry.

Visit: - www{dot}drivegreencab{dot}com for more information about my business....


shoes for men

Scope of seo in industry?

SSI situation and disabled

Hello I hope everybody is having a great day today. I have a few questions that are causing me not to sleep well at night. I am a person who draws an ssi check that is in a power wheelchair and lives with his girlfriend.

I have an it consulting and web hosting business that is technically owned by my girlfriend. This is to protect me from losing my SSII. We barely make it day by day and afraid everyday something is going to happen to my SSI.

Everybody thinks I am the owner as i run everything and call my self the president of my company and my girlfriend as the owner. Is this ok to do? Can there be a president that runs everything and does not have to be a legal member of my business.for tax reasons.

How should I be doing this? Is there anybody on here who might be in a similar situation that can help me?

dimanche 21 septembre 2014

Starting My Own Business Versus Buying an Existing One

Hey guys, I was wondering everyone's opinion on this. I've worked for a contractor for the past 6 years and am at a point now where the only advancement I can make is to buy the company or start over with a new one.

A bit of background on the company. We're a telecommunications installation contractor who pretty much caters to one telecom company. Our owner seems to be very much 'over' doing anything within the company and it is causing us to potentially lose our contract putting 10-12 people out of the job. As it stands, I'm the only person the client ever wants to deal with. Aside from all this, our hiring process at the moment consists of the owner asking if the potential employee can pass a drug and background check, and if so, they are hired. The owner also has an extreme diversion to firing anyone for any reason short of a felony. Through the grape vine, I've heard that we are on the verge of getting fired from our contract. The only thing saving us at the moment is that there is no one else to go to at the present moment.

So, knowing all that, my question is would it be better to go through the process of buying the existing company which I would estimate at about $500k or start a new contracting company from scratch?

From my standpoint the main bonus of buying would be that I could get through the process a little faster and I would be able to keep the owner employed until I could get my contractors liscence. On the other hand I would be a little worried that the company's drop in performance would have a stigma attached that I wouldn't be able to be rid of for quite some time. With starting a new one it would probably cost less to start from scratch as well as avoid any stigma.

retail/restaurant and major phone answering problems...

So I've searched for and anything close to this issue but I'm just coming up with nothing and hoping to get some guidance. Now to start, I currently run 7 stores of identical/very similar business model and products/services (fried foods and other foods). The stores have been healthy for the last 5-6 years and I am at a point where I see that business is slowing down. We have introduced new menus with success but unfortunately have high employee turn over because we can only manage to hire minimum wage employees except for a select few in each store who we use as "shift leaders" and company rules and tradition seems to be getting lost. I am well aware that the stores have their limitations but we have seen a huge problem these days with answering phone orders.

This problem was typically irrelevant because the owners (my family) would almost always be at the stores to either direct someone to answer or answer it for the employees, but since we are spread thin with increasing amount of stores we have noticed a big part of a sales, the phone orders, is falling off the grid... hoping for any experiences that dealt with similar issues or any ideas you folks may have. Thanks!

Idea that requires manufacturing/assembly... any guidance?

Hi everyone.

A quick introduction, as this is my first time posting here: I just graduated college a few years ago with a business/finance degree and currently work an office job. I’ve been wanting to start my own business for awhile now and have had a few ideas, but nothing that was ultimately actionable. I’ve had a new idea recently that’s slightly different than my previous ones... all my previous ideas were web/internet based, whereas my current idea requires an actual physical product (with electrical components) to be made/manufactured.

As I’ve started thinking more and more about this, I’ve realized that I have no clue how I could actually make this happen.

The product I have in mind is relatively simple, consists of 3-4 basic electric components assembled together. More specifically – a Pressure-Sensitive Resistor connected to a circuit board connected to a small speaker. When there is no pressure applied to the resistor, the circuit board is programmed to have the speaker ‘beep’ at set intervals. From my limited (but ongoing) research, it seems like from a production standpoint I would need the components, a process to assemble them, and a process to program the circuit board. (Disclaimer: I was a finance major, and know relatively little about electrical engineering)

I guess my main question is... where would I go from here? I’ve poked around on sites like Alibaba and have found manufacturers who can supply the required components, but would I need a separate company to assemble them?

At the very least, I’m trying to figure out a “game plan” in terms of what I would need to do in order to make this idea a reality. Also, as I mentioned above, I’m by no means an expert in electrical engineering so if someone knowledgeable in the field would like to poke holes in my idea, please feel free. Even if this doesn’t ultimately work out, I’m interested in learning how the process of turning an idea into a physical product would work.

Any guidance/suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks!

Please help. we've completely redesigned our site, but it still is not converting.

Our website College Resume: MillennialResume is not converting, even after we've made design changes. What do you think the problem is? What would you suggest as a solution?

Do you need a Skip Bin ?

Hello Everyone !

Grinners gives you wide range of Skip Bins to suit all building and construction projects. We have a fleet of different sized trucks, so we can get our bins into construction sites with limited access. Waste bin Townsville can deliver a set of bins to help you with separation of recyclable materials instead of placing waste into the same bin.

Visit: - www{dot}grinnersskips{dot}com{dot}au for more information about my business...


samedi 20 septembre 2014

Business Plan Assistance

Hello over there!

Stumbled upon the forum accidentally and thought that my thread might be of your interest. I've been involved in BPs writing since 2012 while helping my buddies finish up the graduate program in BA. I am more keen on financial part of BPs (cash flow projections, break-even analysis, startup capital, etc.) but willing to perform a quality marketing plan as well as operational plan of the business. I think the crucial parts of every BP are both marketing and breakeven. First one gives you a glance on where your profits will be coming (target audience, market, competition, etc.) from whilst the second estimates your future returns (revenues, costs, income, etc.). Feel free to ask any questions related to BPs write-up. I'd be glad to answer them all. You may also follow my blog where I post articles of basics on how to write a successful business plan (link in the profile section).

Thank you!

vendredi 19 septembre 2014

The new guy looking to learn.

I'm a freelance copywriter who has had some clients but who is looking to really kickstart my business into a steady, successful enterprise. I've been looking for a good place to start networking with fellow copywriters and maybe even find a successful one to mentor me.

And so I found this group. The conversions sound like something I could learn from. I look forward to talking with you all.

<please set up a signature through Settings>

Hello from the UK.

Hi all. My name is Paul and along with my son Phil who is a qualified personal fitness trainer, we have set up a new business which if you are interested can be found at DailyFitness4u

The main aim of the site is to show the benefits of a daily fitness plan to business people and encourage them to get started on a regular fitness routine.

As a new start up we still have a lot to learn so we are looking forward to benefiting from the wisdom of more experienced forum members.

Starting a new venture - Looking forward to hearing your advice.

Hi all, my name is Paul and along with my son Phil, who is a qualified Personal Trainer, I have set up a new business called DailyFitness4u. We are based in the south of England and will obviously be dealing with clients locally but it is our website which we hope will create most of our business. It is a membership site designed to help people worldwide (especially business people) get into a regular routine of health and fitness.

This is our first proper business venture so we are always seeking good advice from those who are more experienced, hence our reason for joining this forum. And I feel it's important to get the perspective from people in the US and other parts of the world so that we can make our site user friendly to all potential customers.

Anyway our site can be found at DailyFitness4u if you would like to take a look, and I look forward to talking with some of you and hearing some good advice.

"Sales flow", what could you add?

I’m preparing to set up an online business with this simple reselling model:

- Customer orders service

- I order service with supplier

- Supplier delivers product

- I supply product to customer

Before I launch my website I want to have all bases covered with a limited number of services, and then build from there. I tried capturing everything between order and follow op in this flowchart:

ProcessFlow Sale Service.jpg

- BaB is the working title of the company

- Per step I identified Conditions and Means I think are necessary to make this step successful.

- This means that if all Conditions and Requirements are met the process should, theoretically, work flawlessly.

Now, I’m new to this, so I must be overlooking some things. Could you have a look and tell me what’s missing? Your input is greatly appreciated!!

Attached Images

Starting a new venture - Looking forward to hearing your advice.

Hi all, my name is Paul and along with my son Phil, who is a qualified Personal Trainer, I have set up a new business called DailyFitness4u. We are based in the south of England and will obviously be dealing with clients locally but it is our website which we hope will create most of our business. It is a membership site designed to help people worldwide (especially business people) get into a regular routine of health and fitness.

This is our first proper business venture so we are always seeking good advice from those who are more experienced, hence our reason for joining this forum. And I feel it's important to get the perspective from people in the US and other parts of the world so that we can make our site user friendly to all potential customers.

Anyway our site can be found at DailyFitness4u if you would like to take a look, and I look forward to talking with some of you and hearing some good advice.

New member from Holland!

Hello everyone!

I’m Vincento, 32 years old, living in Holland.

I’m starting an online business reselling graphic design and other marketing services. The model is simple; my company will simply “middle” between the designers and small companies or startups making it easier for both parties to find what they’re looking for.

I’m not here to promote my business (per se), but to learn from others making a business successful; hopefully I get to help others also!

Talk to you soon,


How to Devlope my Website Business?

Hello Everyone!

Do you own a business and are you struggling with debt? Have you considered filing bankruptcy? Let me help you explore your options during a free consultation. so if you have any suggestion for grow up my business. please share with me !

Visit: - www{dot}ericslocumsparkspc{dot}com for more information about my business....


pinnacle financial services

  • On MCX Silver was also going down side, and silver is trading at Rs 40886 with -48 points in downword direction.

  • Nymex crude oil continued to decline by 0.1 percent and it seems to be around 92 dollars a barrel. While the $ 97.7 a barrel and Brent crude is trading flat.

Entrepreneurship Development Program

Entrepreneurship development program will help you to develop your skills required for being an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship development program focus on developing the main characteristics of being a successful entrepreneur.

new member from Canada

Hi guys. Im a leatherworker in training living in Canada planning to start a small business in the near future. Just wanted to say hi and am excited about the information and knowledge I will learn from the community.

jeudi 18 septembre 2014

How Getting Customer Feedback on Your Website Can Help Your Business

Expand or Start a new venture domestically and Internationally

Hello Guys,

Hope everyone is doing well !!

I am really looking for some new business opportunities in USA or Internationally (especially in India). I work in the IT industry but have a good experience in other areas too.

So if someone is looking to expand the business Internationally or starting a new business, I would be happy to be a part of it.

Please feel free to contact me.

Thanks for reading my thread.

Good Luck guys

Blog Topics

I am looking for some help on some Blog Topics. To all small business owners out there, what are some topics you would be interested in reading about in regards to graphic design and how it can benefit your business?

Paying employee for mileage

Hi all,

I've got a quick question that I can't seem to find an answer to on Google. Our business requires employees to drive sometimes considerable distances. So... If we compensated our employees for mileage, say at .30 per mile, would that be a deductible expense for the business? Also, for tax purposes, would that be considered income for the employee, or reimbursement?

Thanks in advance!


mercredi 17 septembre 2014

Product Ideas (Typical Question)

I know this is a typical question with plenty of websites to say and help BUT Swap Meet products are always the same as well Kiosk its hard to do something different with the case of failure in something new and its hard to do something everyone else does cause its played out BUT it sells witch is why everyone seems to have the same product.


Turquoise Jewelry (Any Jewelry)

Cell Phone Accessories

You Know The Typical Stuff

Question What Do You Think Is A Good Outstanding Product Today In The World Of Swap Meets And Kiosk

Im not giving any large detail i know it all depends on location,culture,age groups things of that sort but just in general products to sell

Thanks Everyone And Sorry For The Typical Question BUT Its Aculy A Stressful One LOL

Image editing software

A little off topic, but can someone suggests some easy to use image editing software? Just something where I can upload an image and add some captions? Trying to enhance photos I post on instagram for my business:D

Feedback on an idea

I'm toying with the idea of starting a grocery delivery service on my downtown college campus. I've tried getting people's thoughts on it down here without much success so I was wondering if anyone has any thoughts or suggestions?

Do you know how to find the name/contact info of a landowner

We've leased land to hunt/fish/camp on for 7 years from an individual who lives out of state. The past 3 years we've had accessibility issues because access is via an easement and there is a big ditch that cuts right across the access road. That ditch is eroding and the sides are washing out and it's not safe or easy to get across. Last year we put a temporary bridge across it and that worked, but it won't work again this year so we asked the landowner for permission to cut the ditch, at our expense, - basically make it a gradual slope down in and back out again so that we could access the property. We also offered to put in a culvert and fix the road so that it was a straight across access - if we'd put in the culvert he would have needed to let us do that in exchange for our lease payment this year. It's supposedly registered as a "tree farm" (I haven't tried to figure out how to check that) that will be harvested in 7 years - at which point the road will have to be fixed. We contacted the landowner in May and had no response, again in August and had no response and then last Friday he finally replied to us and said that if we wanted to lease again we needed to contact him ASAP so we did on Saturday and explained the situation to him at which point he said send me pictures, etc... so we did that within 2 hours of our conversation, but we never heard back so we contacted him again yesterday - at which point he said. "I'm sorry I leased that to someone else before you got back to me." Long story short - we have no where to hunt this fall, my kids are upset, my husband is grumpy and he wants me to figure out who owns the land on the other side of this property.

We're pretty sure it's US Fish and Wildlife, but it's not posted. This is river bottom land - so no buildings/houses/etc... I've been trying to figure out who owns it, what the address/lot/parcel number is so that I know who to ask! If anyone has any ideas I'd appreciate it. I'm not really sure where to start digging...


Topics for How-To Newsletter


I am planning to publish a FREE how-to newsletter about business and computing.

What business or computing how-to topics would you include in the newsletter? Please be specific.

Thank you.

Dr. T

mardi 16 septembre 2014

Hello Everyone

Hey guys,

I am Gary new to forum. Dropped by to say hello ;)

I'm studying business school right now, I'm doing a class project and i'm looking for an entrepreneur to do an e-mail interview

Hope you guys can help me

Hi Guys :D!

Hi Everyone, My name is Lela and I am a Graphic Designer and Media Artist. I am starting a new online apparel store since I love creating art ( I think it's awesome to make wearable art :) ). My website is currently in post-fone development at the moment, but the site is coming along beautifully. Please checkout my website in the future and if you like something go wild and purchase it. I am looking forward to interacting with you guys and gaining more awesome business advice.

~"Go Wild "

Art Hall Apparel.

Offer free website ?

Hello guys we search about how get more customers in USA and India.

We thinks about offer free website for life to have local customer, and hope that this customer can talk about our service around them.

What do you think about this sort of marketing ?

What do you advice ?

Sponsoring sport team or local business ?

Thank for your advices :)

Beyond the Limits of Traditional Cash Advances

Ocean Financing offers loan type products with very reasonable rates and terms. We offer fast and Stress-free Financing Options for All Types of Businesses. Cash Flow Based Advance. Advances from $5,000 to $500,000 affordable payments flexible repayment schedules No Hassle application no credit or collateral requirements funding in as little as 24 hours,

First Class Customer Service.

If your payments are killing your business call us today!

Call 800-753-0197

business partner offer, need help

Hi there! I have questions about a business partnership we were offered and I am so confused.. My father in law wants us (husband and I) to become 40% partners in his business. It is a very small freight (trucking) company. My husband is an employee right now. He is paid an hourly wage. We're not exactly sure why his father wants us to become partners. Is there tax benefits? Who does it effect? How does loss and gain for the company effect us if we were 40% owners? What things should we be aware of? I'd also like to add that we are not investing any money or anything to become partial owner. So basically how would this benefit us and/or him? How could this hurt us? How would this change our taxes? We normally get a refund, would that be gone?

Thanks for any help with this! We just don't know what to do..

5 Creative Tips for Brochure Design

Here are 5 little tips I keep in mind when I'm designing brochures for my customers. A lot of times we get carried away with content for our brochures and we forget the important elements that should be recognized when putting a brochure design together.

5 Creative Tips For Brochure Design, NJ, NYC, Miami | Unique Designz

Hope you find it helpful!

What do you think about this idea of customer engagement on mobile?

Rich customer experience on Mobile is one of the most important things today needed by brands, retailers and businesses. Our idea is to help them get this without having to hire developers or spending time on building them. Here's the basic summary of the platform we are planning to build and whole workflow of how this will work:

Platform capabilities: Choose from a group of engagements like mini-games(tic-tac-toe/scratch card/rotating wheels), contests(lucky draw, etc), quizzes(trivia about your business or your line of business) and customize them for your own brands.

Running the campaign: Share the engagement link using short-url/qrcode. Offer a freebie or a discount copon if they win the game/contest(you can customize the winning conditions, like at least 3 correct answers in quizzes, 4 straight wins in a simple game, etc).

Benefits: Rich customer experience, social sharing about the engagement by happy customers, lead generation.

Would like to know your take on this. Does this idea and the whole workflow sounds like it will help marketors and brands?

lundi 15 septembre 2014

Hi There From Unique Designz!

Hi everyone. Henry here and I own Unique Designz by the HMK Group. We are a boutique graphic design, printing and marketing firm based right outside New York City in NJ. We work with small businesses by creating their marketing materials such as business cards, sell sheets, brochures, direct mail etc... I joined the forum to help network myself and my business. I'm here for anyone and/or small business who needs help with graphic design / marketing / branding for their business. I also joined the group in hopes to learn a few tricks or 2 from you guys as well! ;)

Have a successful week!

<please set up a signature through Settings>

As a business owner, what are some pains you experience when it comes to marketing?

I am looking to write some valuable blog articles that address some pains business owners experience when it comes to marketing their business.

As a business owner, what are some frustrations you have when it comes to marketing your business?

Please review my site. It is not converting.

My website is It is a resume writing service geared torwards college students. The site is the first few months of opening, and it is getting views, but no one is really making purchases. I'm thankful for any feedback or help. Please don't hold back. Be as honest as you can.

Foreign Agent

I have been in communication for the last month with an individual representing a Chinese company - he is looking to establish himself as our middleman in China. Yesterday he informs me that he has been presenting himself as an agent of my company.

My immediate reaction is to tell him to stop this, but I think that a more formal arrangement would be better. Thoughts?

Custom Logo Design ServiceCustom Logo Design Services - Creating Branding Solutions

You could've pay a boy employed as a worker and charging 0 to gain your logo. Who knows? Maybe he's fortunate, but there is more to trademark design than fastidious pictures. Logotype designers penury to recollect the remembering that should live between the logotype and the somebody the lot wants to broadcast to iCustom Logo Design Service

ts customers. Logo designers have to person Custom Logo Design Servicewhatsoever business faculty and playing know-how in status to program logos that process income.Don't downfall for flashy prices, they say Dimension never comes chinchy" and yes it is so rattling lawful, at one assistance you run to determine a chinchy logotype figure mean but on the different assistance you killing several of the things which in development those logo designers will get benefited with. Some of those like things are:

samedi 13 septembre 2014

invoices and statements across two companies in quickbooks

For background, I am an architect using QuickBooks Pro 2012 so I sell services and I start each client off with an estimate for the total lump sum fee to be charged per our contract and then bill monthly based on actual percentage of completion for each of my five phases of work.

I ran as an LLC for the last 8 years, i have just switched to a sole proprietorship. With the new bank accounts, tax licenses, etc... I have created a new QB company. Clients from the former company that I am still working with are to be 'migrated' over to the new company.

As I was partially through my service contracts with those clients, how do I write a new invoice showing (based on the estimate created in the old company QB file, with the old bank accounts, etc...) the previous percentages charged, new percentage charged? And then how will the statements of all transactions for their accounts work when some of the transactions took place in the old QB file?

vendredi 12 septembre 2014

Clear business cards

I am looking to order clear business cards because they are very cool. Does anyone know of a clear card printer? I have been on the lookout. Thanks!

Please give me a new WP theme...

I would like to change the wordpress theme for my website, but there's so many to choose from. Would appreciate it if someone took a minute to check out my site and recommend a simple theme I can look in to..:D Trying to find a theme that has the same features as my current homepage, but a lot better looking or "eye catching". Any input would be great. – Shop


Unusual Business - Opinions Wanted Please

I am looking for opinions and ideas from people here, thanks

I have had a great deal of success over the last 10 years working as an alternative psychological therapist.

I have managed to cure a range of health and performance issues such as phobias and addictions and

even issues that you wouldn't expect to have a psychological basis.

I have done this for free with friends rather than for money.

I typically get great results in far less time than one would reasonably expect.

I work with a range of tactics and techniques but there is one technique that I focus on.

I don't have what most people would consider "Proper Qualifications"

I'm not a recognised Psychologist or Doctor.

I have given up on the idea of making a living from this [which is ironic as what I give people is obviously worth money] but i'm really keen to promote this therapy to

other people & organisations as there are thousands of people that could learn this technique and greatly improve their lives.

I have never found anything that does so much good with so little time invested.

I have written to many organisations ,I have my own website ,put ads in the local newspaper.done Youtube videos, constantly talk to people about it but never get anywhere very much.

I believe that I can greatly improve peoples lives and even save lives by getting what I do more widely known so it's

very frustrating.

My question is.

How do you break through the conservatism?

I want to promote myself to charities and community organisations so as to help more people.

What's the best way to do this?

Any Body Tell Me How I Post A Classified ? v2 (Learn how 2 spell :))

Hi guys, just joined!..:) Arrived from Google query 4 "forbes called out comment":


.. Just found it strange, that (regular) users are allowed to post in teh Forum News & Announcements forum; example @ "Any Body Tell Me How I Post A Classified ?". :-0

"Forum News & Announcements, When we have information for you this is where it will be"

jeudi 11 septembre 2014

what is white hat SEO?

what is white hat SEO?

how can we get traffic on our website?

how can we get traffic on our website?


Hi, I've appreciated all the news ShonenGamez's have given me along with everyone else. I have been a follower of the site for a few months and I'm really glad I found the place. I already explored around the forum for a bit and the people here seems nice, so let's get along

Deciding on which courier to use for shipping

Howdy y'all,

My name is George and I'm new to this forum. A friend and I have recently opened up a business together in which we sell items on our website (currently being built). My main focus right now is to find the best type of courier service for our shipping once the online store is set up. Whether that being based off of pricing, reliability and insurance policies on the item. I was wondering if any of you could provide some insight on the matter and point me in the right direction. Thanks, George.

Hi I am new here

Help me out guys. Thank you



Hello are company sell you banknotes for movies making or burning bills that you can spend at stores and WILL beat those banknotes inspection pens.






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Hello are company sell you banknotes for movies making or burning bills that you can spend at stores and WILL beat those banknotes inspection pens.






All Inquiries;

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General support:=========== (



Hello are company sell you banknotes for movies making or burning bills that you can spend at stores and WILL beat those banknotes inspection pens.






All Inquiries;

Contact e-mails:=========== (

General support:=========== (



Hello are company sell you banknotes for movies making or burning bills that you can spend at stores and WILL beat those banknotes inspection pens.






All Inquiries;

Contact e-mails:=========== (

General support:=========== (



Hello are company sell you banknotes for movies making or burning bills that you can spend at stores and WILL beat those banknotes inspection pens.






All Inquiries;

Contact e-mails:=========== (

General support:=========== (

Please give me a new WP theme...

I would like to change the wordpress theme for my website, but there's so many to choose from. Would appreciate it if someone took a minute to check out my site and recommend a simple theme I can look in to..:D Trying to find a theme that has the same features as my current homepage, but a lot better looking or "eye catching". Any input would be great. – Shop


Fashion Copywriters Needed

Looking for experienced fashion writers for copywriting at greatcontent is now recruiting talented and experienced writers for a big project. We have 7000 short product descriptions for a high street brand that need to be written by capable, skilled fashion writers. With a little practice, you can expect to earn between $15-$20 for an hour’s work.

Our work is flexible, work whenever you want from home and pick any text you like the sound of. There are no obligations and no monthly charges. Payments can be requested at any time you want.

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mercredi 10 septembre 2014

Is there any tool out there....

Hi All,

I'm looking for software/tool/app which can analyze my QuickBooks Online data, integrate that with data pertinent to my industry (auto repair), and location..... and from all that , ultimately provide me with **scores on various business [not Accounting] metrics **- scores which will help me identify areas for possible improvement in my efforts to increase/retain sales (and will provide,*in laymans terms,* [as I'm not an accountant] possible ways can rectify my problems), and finally, will also provide me with "red flags" during those times when I might need the attention of a professional consultant/accountant for certain problems.

So, is there any tool out there that can interface with my QB Online data and generate scores on business metrics as described above?

Please Help,

K- Arya



Examples of Business Metrics :

1. “Insufficient marketing reach”: (The business need to reach to new customers who they have not reached before.)

2. “Revenue Imbalance on customers”: (A small numbers of customers are contributing to too significant a portion of the revenues. [80-20 rule])

Examples of Accounting Metrics :

1. Poor Accounts Receivable Turnover: (The rate at which the business collects on outstanding accounts is insufficient).

2. Poor cash flow margin: (Company is not efficiently converting its sales dollars to cash).


Hello i managed a startup which count 800 customers.

We created and maintain website with 50 external service for 9.9€ / month without engagement.

We subscribe to this forum to learn how increase our strategy to get more customer in usa and india.

Multiple Monitor Set up. How to.

We had a discussion on anther thread about tablets vs laptops and started getting into productivity set ups. I got a PM asking about configuration and function of 3 monitors on the same computer so here it is.

A basic configuration is actually ridiculously simple, but you can get more complex.

In my experience 2 monitors work best on at least 8G RAM minimum. And 3 on at least 16G but that's just my preference based on what I use for work. I did run 2 on a 4G RAM XP computer years ago. It was functional but there was some lag at at times, especially when playing video.

For a basic set up you just need as many free USB ports as you want monitors, and get a couple of these:

You want to use open USB ports. Not a USB hub.

Kensington isn't the only maker of these, yes it comes in USB 3.0 versions, and both Windows 8 and OS X support multiple monitors without needing any additional software.

After that you just need the monitors and a mutil monitor stand which vary in price from $79 to a couple hundred: multi monitor stand: Electronics

Which stand is an important consideration. The free standing ones cost more and are probably best for most desks. I have an older one that is adjustable and braces on the back of the desk. Those are very heavy and if you don't have a very strong place to attach them, or additional support on them they will break off or warp your desk.

My stand holds 3 22" monitors, but it's a better configuration for me with 3 20" monitors since I like the outside 2 pulled in a little.

If your work area is big enough, you don't even need the stand you can just place your monitors normally.

You don't have to have identical monitors if all you want is the function, but if you're doing any kind of graphic, design or video work having the same monitor with the same settings will make your life much easier.

Yes it all works as one desktop environment.

Yes you can drag and drop from one screen to another.

Yes ( if you computer is strong enough) you can run multiple programs at a time and put them on different screens. So yes you can have a video playing on the right, while running a Go To Meeting session in the middle, while updating your website on the left.

You can buy computers already configured with a graphics/video card that already have 2 VGA ports, or you can install a video card that supports 2 monitors. Not sure if there are cards with 3 VGA ports, but there are definitely setups available already configured with 4 and 6 monitors that run a few grand.

You can also go HDMI. A lot of gaming computers have at least one HDMI port, and most laptops have one. You can buy them with more as well as aftermarket cards.

The cool thing about using the HDMI port (besides the picture) is that you can use HDTV's as your monitors and add your TV cable to one. If your service requires a special box for HD signal you may want to consider that. But adding a Roku stick or any other kind of entertainment device like a game console to it is kind of cool.

And that's pretty much it. Pretty simple to do. Just make sure you have a decent amount of RAM and processor.

mardi 9 septembre 2014

Want to start a Seminar Production Business,I'm also a full time Business Student

Hello all,

I am currently working full time at a Title company and going to school full time for Business Administration. I want to start a Seminar Production Business in the near future and just wanted some strangers to shed some light. :) Any advice?

Any steps that I can take while I am currently still in school? I am only working at the title company temporarily until I can start something of my own.

Thanks in advance!

Ready to move-in flats Bangalore

Hmindigo,leading property developers in bangalore , offers luxurious 2 and 3 BHK durable luxurious apartments/flats are conveniently located off Kanakapura Road,bannerghatta ..


My name is purvi and I just wanted to drop in and introduce myself and say hello.

lundi 8 septembre 2014

Websites that ask you to log in with your Social accounts. Yea or Nay?

I used to think that websites that required a log in and gave you the option of signing in with you social media accounts were convenient.

However over the last couple of years I find that I avoid doing it, and here's why:

For simple things like leaving a comment I don't mind because they are generally non intrusive...just name, email and other personal account information.

But some marketers go too far. They want access to your contacts, and permission to post on your behalf. To me that's too much and completely out of line.

I understand why Marketers try to get as much information as possible, but I still think it's too much.

How do you guys feel about it? Do you sign into everything with your social accounts or do you avoid it?

Public Notary issues and/or Visiting country to sign documents.


When forming a company, some countries require you to visit them to sign some paperwork, how can you get around this issue?

One way I have heard about is Notary Public, but the problem with this is you must then often get all documents translated, apostilled, posted, etc.

Is there any other methods you can use to form the company but get around all these Notary procedures?

Kind Regards

Should we show pricing on our site? Quote details or just bottom line?

We offer an event service for which contracts are individually negotiated. The bottom line is generally similar (at least from our point of view), but there are a lot of different ways to put together these packages (and to pay for them), depending on the needs and wants of the clients.

In the past we've shown bottom-line pricing for certain specific packages on our website, although none of our resulting contracts really followed those outlines. Thus we've taken the pricing off our site, but of course now we get a lot of inquiries wanting to know how much...

So now we have the problem of how to respond to these inquiries -- do we just quote a "ballpark" bottom line price (that might scare the inquirer away!), or do we give a detailed breakdown of the pricing for an example package so that they can see what is involved and how they could spread the costs?

Maybe one of our problems is that we are thinking about this from our point of view -- how much we need to make -- rather than from the client's perspective: they don't necessarily need to pay our total themselves, they just have to guarantee that we make our minimum...

Contemplating putting some pricing information back up on our site, in order to get better qualified inquiries, perhaps the way to go would be to present examples based on our recent contracts, thus showing the range of options and possible ways of structuring the deal?

Have I answered my own question? We would still welcome any further thoughts, suggestions, or questions you all might have.

dimanche 7 septembre 2014

Can a Mac help boost productivity?

Hello there, I've been a PC user all my life. Never actually used a Mac other than in demos. I just want to throw this question out there for those who were PC users before, but now uses Macs as their daily driver. Is the difference great enough that you've actually noticed an increase in your productivity?

samedi 6 septembre 2014

Anyone knows about promoslam?

Anyone known about promoslam?

How do I stay afloat? Need advice asap

Hi guys,

So, my business was previously ran with bad management and it has been over two months since I took over and reopened (had been closed for a year). I do face challenges such as how to bring back the old customers and attract new, just so I get enough business to stay open year round. The business I have is a produce market/fruit stand and I know what I have to do to "survive" all year long.

Now, the problem I currently have is that due to business being slow, and always having something to pay, I have a hard time saving money to use towards buying new inventory (inventory that I don't currently carry, but I know will sell) and I always end up working towards paying someone/something that I owe. I can improve traffic once I fill up all the shelves and space, and bring in items that customers want and will buy, but I don't have extra money to do that so I'm limited to limited inventory (very limited) that I sell and then use some of that money towards paying a bill and some of that money buying that same inventory (which sells, but isn't enough to attract more customers). As a result of all this, I'm "avoiding" to do any real advertising (except a couple signs outside the business) because I don't have a lot of inventory. Basically I'm stuck in this cycle where all the money I make goes to paying bills, which money is not enough to buy more inventory because there's bills that need to be pay. I'm always "chasing" instead of being ahead, if that makes sense.

The inventory that I do have, I always pay upfront (instead of getting it in credit and paying later) because I want to know that what I have in the store is paid off and is my money to use as I wish once it's sold.

The questions that I have is: Should I just hang in there until business improves and in the meantime save as much as I can and bring in as much new inventory as I can? Should I start buying on credit for the items that I can/from suppliers that trust me, just so I fill up the store and build the business that way? Another thing I could do, is get new inventory on commission where the supplier will get a percentage of sales-but I will actually have to go out and find people willing to do that.

I work by myself every day of the week. Obviously I can't afford to hire someone-so another question that I have is is it a good idea to simply take a day off and close once a week or can I not afford to do this?

I'm very confident the business will pick up and be successful, it is at a great location and the customers that I do have are happy with product and prices (and always returning, 80% of customers are returning). I need some advice on how to break from this cycle I'm in just so I can be more in control and expand. I will appreciate any feedback

Dev Hi-Tech| Software Company In Lucknow| Web Development Lucknow

Dev Hi-Tech is Lucknow based company offering services such as Web Development, Software Development, Desktop Application, Security Surveillance.

Attached Images

vendredi 5 septembre 2014

Best way to implement E-Gift cards/Promotion codes to your online store?

Basically, my online store is set to launch the first of the year. Website is officially running and I'm beginning to purchase inventory. My plan is to use Paypal Pro as my merchant service to start out with.

I would like to be able to set up promotion codes(Ex. 10off100 for $10 off orders over $100) and would also like to do e-gift cards. From my experience, promotions will draw customers to your store and giving them an e-gift card(which would be exclusive for my site) would bring them back to it.

Unfortunately, I can't find much on the process for setting this up and so I ended up here to ask for advice.

Selling our business - HELP!

Almost four years ago, my wife and I bought a franchise that had almost nothing going for it. Now, it's doing well with lots more room for growth, but it's now getting in the way of her being a mommy and so we've made the family decision to sell the franchise.

The problem is that this is not a well-known business and it can be very difficult to find people outside of the company interested in buying. We have one franchise owner in the company willing to buy, but it's for way less than what we want to sell it for. She's basing her offer on the fact that our territory is still somewhat small and isn't accounting for how much it's grown or the fact that it's located in the #2 fastest growing city in the US, meaning that there will be a lot more growth in the near future.

As much as we would like to find other buyers who might be willing to pay more the amount we think is fair, we have no idea how to go about that right now as nothing else has worked over the past couple of months and this is the only offer that we've gotten. Time is of the essence for us and we want it sold by year's end.

Any advice out there?

Hello from DFW (Texas)!

I decided to join this simply because my wife and I are in the process of selling our business and are running into some brick walls - hoping to get good advice here!

Starting Errand Services Business----ANY TIPS?????

Hey guys,

I am thinking about starting an errand service business. Anyone have an tips who have done this or planning to do it or know someone who does this lol. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Will start my business plan this weekend! :D

jeudi 4 septembre 2014

WordPress 4.0 "Benny" is out and it looks good!

I've been waiting for this one for a long time. The editor just keeps getting better and better and much easier to create and present your content extremely well. No more screwing around with video dimensions to see how it looks, embeds are WYSIWYG. That's huge for me. Makes blogging so much more efficient.

Check out the cliff notes:

Need help in expanding my Online Business


I have been into online selling partially since 3 years on eBay. Now I want to get into it full-time and expand my product line. I have sourced my products in a limit from a few known suppliers but that is not sufficient for growing. Being in the business for this long, I don't want to take risk by deciding on unknown suppliers. Is there a place where I can find reliable suppliers? Someone referred me, how is it? Advises appreciated.


mercredi 3 septembre 2014

Marketing Accounting Services

Hello All,

So I've been trying to brainstorm up new ways to market Accounting, Bookkeeping, and Consulting services.

Right now, I doing...

1. Business Forum Contribution

2. Community Service

3. Cold Calling

4. Online Ad Posting

5. Networking

6. Referral Reward Program

Does anybody else have any other suggestions?

New business owner looking for unbiased opinions

Hi All,

This forum is great. Glad to have a place to possibly get some unbiased opinions on my situation. Thank you in advance.

My husband and I had an idea for a business and began implementing it a few years ago. During this time, a friend of a friend got wind of what we were planning and wanted to be part of it. He had and still has no expertise in the field, my husband is the mastermind and runs the business. I knew the laws and regulations from lots of research and handled permitting and licensing. Its a highly regulated industry. We met with him multiple times and ultimately decided after much deliberation that we could start on a larger scale than originally planned with this additional person as an investor. We agreed to give him 50% of the business in return for his purchasing our larger start up equipment with the understanding that we would split the costs of installation of said equipment and build out of the space. In a short time, we realized we were in over our heads and our new partner offered to loan the business enough money to get us through to opening as long as we agreed to pay him back before anyone starts collecting from profits. After over a year, we finally get open during which time my husband quit his job to spend the hours focusing on getting open. We've been open almost a year and while the business is carrying itself, we cant produce enough product to make enough to pay back the loan and eventually pay ourselves and husband is going on 2 years with no income. We have decided to bring on another investor to expand production so we can pay back the loan and start paying husband.

Here is where I need opinions on what is normal business. Like I said, my husband runs basically every aspect of this business and is doing a terrific job. We have a great reputation and great product thanks to his hard work. I work in a different field but handle most of the paperwork and ordering supplies for the business in my 'spare time' and our partner is retired and does virtually nothing to contribute. I think that once we start making enough money to pay back loan, my husband should get paid a salary since he is the only one of the owners actually working in the business. Whatever is left gets split between the partners. Partner thinks taking a draw against our 50% of the profits (soon to be 45% due to bringing on new investor) to pay husband is the fair thing to do. I understand the concept of sweat equity, we've put 2 years in already, but is it fair to expect my husband to work there 60+ hours a week and not get paid a dime more than our partner while our partner is no longer contributing?

This is our first business and I just want to be fair for both parties involved. Thanks again for reading and your opinions.


Going into Flea Market / Trade show cutlery vendor

Hello, I'm an owner of an small E Commerce business that sales knives and i wanting to go into selling at different flea markets, Trade shows, and other places to get more sales and also gain word of mouth marketing to keep my business more out there. Do I need a sign to say that we are not liable for any injuries due upon self conflicted, defected, or misused of any products? If show, How would i go by putting writing / typing it out?

Approaching e-shops


We have an adult enhancement product and we have started quite recently.

My question is, we are trying to approach the online adult shops,

we have fairly professional email & subject headline, ive been calling to everybody to get any competent email(whereas at the end I will obtain one you can find on the website :D)

and our offer is not even profitable for us, we just want to place it to as many places as possible.

I know those sites are getting a lot of attention but I dont see why none would not reply to us especially when the offer is really good.

Am i doing something wrong or missing something?


hi there new here

Hi there im mike murray im a young business man i handle small business only and with a co-partner this is a great forum for me to learn i hope i can learn here and get good advice and also i will share my knowledge here, thanks for having me here!cheers!

Marketing for cheap ---15 YEAR OLD

Hey guys I'm 15 years old and ran a successful landscaping business this summer that was HIGHLY profitable. Very little overhead. I marketed that for free by handing out flyers. I'm starting a "leather goods" business starting by selling handmade wallets. I know the process and they aren't bad quality. My question is I need help marketing them. I'd be directing the marketing campaign towards the product on amazon or my future ecommerce site. Please give me suggestions and how much TOTAL it would cost me. Thanks

Is hard work enough?

Hey there,

I'm your typical guy who just quit his job because of an awesome promise of a friend who has a successful online business.

Currently, I'm betting on a small online business that has something to do with scuba diving. I know how important it is to have a mentor and all - and I'm really glad that my friend has given me a lot of advice. Joining the small-business-forum community is another tip of his. I've been doing a lot of reading here, and mostly what I get is that you need to work really hard in order to succeed. I totally agree with that, until I come across a business whose owner evangelizes readers of his 20-hours workweek.

I'm still following every word my friend says. I'm just wondering how much of a requirement really is working your ass off.

Stay fly,


mardi 2 septembre 2014

Marketing for cheap ---15 YEAR OLD

Hey guys I'm 15 years old and ran a successful landscaping business this summer that was HIGHLY profitable. Very little overhead. I marketed that for free by handing out flyers. I'm starting a "leather goods" business starting by selling handmade wallets. I know the process and they aren't bad quality. My question is I need help marketing them. I'd be directing the marketing campaign towards the product on amazon or my future ecommerce site. Please give me suggestions and how much TOTAL it would cost me. Thanks

Marketing For CHEAP

Duplicate thread.

Fancy Car

I am receiving push from my business partners to procure a new vehicle - the claim is that people are more comfortable working with successful business people and that a fancy car will help to solidify this in their mind. What are the thoughts of the community on this? Have you ever not done business with someone because of their car? Moreover, have you ever been impressed with someone because of their car?

My current car is 10 years old and shows some age.

Feedback on a new blog post...

Hi guys

I am fairly new to the forum and have just written my first blog post, which I would really appreciate some feedback on:

What really is confidence?
Self-confidence is one of the driving factors to starting a business. However, research shows that all too often this initial spurt of confidence fades away, so that when it’s most needed to help grow the business, it’s almost non-existent. Whilst it is natural for some things to ebb and flow over time, what is it that really eats away at our self-confidence? To get to the bottom of this, I wanted to first find out what confidence actually is.

Recently I spoke with a friend of mine about how he started up his business. The initial energy, enthusiasm and confidence he had, really helped to make things happen at the beginning. Now that the business has been up and running for a while, he wants to grow things but seems to be facing a real loss of self-confidence. Despite having built quite a successful company, somehow he is now convinced he is not a ‘real’ businessman as he now lacks the self-confidence he believes he should have. It turns out that there were a number of things associated with growing his business that he really knows nothing about and so he feels very out of place. It appears the lack of knowledge has killed the self-confidence he initially had, though this has also helped me with my search for what confidence really is.

He had imposter syndrome!

Two of the main reasons my friend was able to start his business were:

• He had an expert level of skill in his field

• He had researched and practiced what was needed

Now that he wants to grow his business, he is confronted by a number of things associated with this (e.g. marketing, web-design etc.) that are completely unknown to him, which gives rise to his feelings of ‘imposter syndrome’ and therefore affects his levels of self-confidence. I now see that his previous confidence came from not only having the skill to do something, but also the knowledge of how to apply that skill. I deduce from this that confidence is not really/actually/genuinely a skill in itself, but it comes from having repeatedly applied the knowledge of how to use a skill.

Realising your limits makes you limitless!

Once you understand that confidence is just knowing you can perform a task easily because you have performed it many times before, it lessens the ‘imposter syndrome’ feeling which allows you to focus on what is needed to either become knowledgeable yourself or find someone else who is knowledgeable.

Realising where your own strengths and weaknesses lie within your business and outsourcing the areas that you are less comfortable with, will empower you and help regain your self-confidence so you can grow your business in the best way possible.

What things have lowered your self-confidence to move forward with business growth?

Many thanks


Did you know that Life Insurance premiums can be a deduction by your company? -----

The cost of a premium can be a deduction for your company. Any size company is allowed.

lundi 1 septembre 2014

Is my business enough?

Hello all, i am 15 years old. I know i have posted lots of threads on this forum, but thats what young people do, ask questions. Currently i own a small lawnmowing business. This year, i have made about 850 dollars, which i know isnt too good, but i plan to expand a lot. I am a car nut as well (young person and car nut dont go well). This is how I want my life to pan out. My first car will be likely something very cheap, cheap insurance also. For my second car, I figured i could MAYBE afford something around 20-40k. That is if i find a good job and continue on with the lawnmowing business. Finally, around age 35-40, I would like to purchase the car of my dreams, whatever it may be at that moment (I could purchase some of this with trade in from my previous car). Right now it is a Nissan GTR, but im 15 and that will most likely stop production. I know cars like its my job, all i do on my laptop is look up cars, whether its videos, or performance data. I know the performance data for every sportscar in the world. Im not dreaming here, and im also not the kind of person who just says "im going to get a nice car when Im older because im going to be rich". I want to take my cars to shows. and meet other people with the same passion as me. My question is, will I be able to achieve this if I go on with lawnmowing? Please only real answers, not simply "you can get from A-B in a 2000 dollar car." I have sleepless nights worrying if later in my life i will get these kinds of cars, and need some help from someone who knows money a little bit more than i do. Is my lawnmowing business enough to buy a first car and possibly a down payment on the second car?

Thanks for taking your time to read, and every reply will be appreciated.


Market Basket - End of a Saga

This is what happens when a company treats everyone involved (customers, employees, vendors, etc.) with respect.

The Labor Day lessons of Market Basket | Making Sen$e | PBS NewsHour

All of us, especially if we have employees, can learn a lesson from this story.